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Cleaning And Maintenance - UMS KSAT Quick Manual


Cleaning and maintenance

If you do not use the device for a longer period of time please discharge it
completely. Dry all parts, to avoid algae growth or mold formation.
Clean all surfaces with a wet cloth. Make sure water does not dry out in the
device. If there are soil particles in the device clean it with a soft gush of water.
If needed use a soft brush for cleaning. Then rinse the device thoroughly. Do
not forget to clean the threads of the dome and the screw cap with water
and a brush.
Note: Cleaning
Do not clean the device with soap, detergents or other fluids containing surfactants
as surfactants change the surface tension of the water. This has a significant impact
on the measuring results.
The pressure sensor can be damaged by water jets or when being touched with
hard and sharp objects like screwdrivers etc.
Sample ring and
Transport box
Hammering adaptor
Measuring system
for determining the
pF curve the and
the unsaturated
10 | Cleaning and maintenance | Accessories
Standardized sample ring to gain intact soil
samples with consistent volumes. In a transport
box for optimum protection.
Soil samples can be taken carefully by using the
hammering adaptor SZA250. The soil surface is
always visible. Further the soil sample can pass
the sample ring and the hammering adaptor.
The evaporation method according to Wind/
Schindler is a simple and fast technique to
determine retention curves of soil samples in
standard 250 ml soil sampling rings. The unsaturated
conductivity is determined by measuring the soil
water tension with miniature Tensiometers in two
levels inside the sample, and then correlated to
the soil water tension or the moisture content.

