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KNX Energy Saver
Programme version: 1.0
Manual edition: a


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Zennio KES Series

  • Page 1 KNX Energy Saver ZN1IO-KES Programme version: 1.0 Manual edition: a...
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    3.3.1. Active Energy ..........................15 3.3.2. Active Power ..........................18 3.3.3. Power Limit Monitoring ....................... 20 3.4. Logical functions ........................... 23 Annex I. Time management ..........................24 Annex II. Further Examples ..........................27 Annex III. Communication Objects ........................40 ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 3: Introduction

    1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. KES ENERGY SAVER Zennio’s 3-channel energy saver, KES, combines in the same device the following features: 3 independent input channels. Each of them can be used to connect a measuring probe (model ZN1AC-CST60) and to perform these actions: ...
  • Page 4: Installation

    B, C), one probe will have to be connected to points 1 and 2 (the ones related to channel A), another probe to points 3 and 4 (related to channel B) and a third probe to points 5 and 6 (related to channel C). ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 5: Measuring Probe

    1 and the white cable into point 2, or either in the inverse order. 1.2.1. MEASURING PROBE The set-up process of the ZN1AC-CST60 measuring probe (Figure 1.4) is described next. Figure 1.4. Zennio ZN1AC-CST60 measuring probe These are the required steps:  Open the top clamp of the probe.
  • Page 6: Configuration

    In order to obtain more detailed information about KES technical features, as well as on security and installation procedures, please read the KES Datasheet, included with the original packaging of the device and also available at: 2. CONFIGURATION 2.1. ACTIVE POWER KES Energy Saver calculates the value of the active power consumed by the device whose phase line passes through the ZN1AC-CST60 probe, connected to one of the KES channels.
  • Page 7: Active Energy

    KES will send (if configured) a low-consumption indicator as soon as the power is lower than the lower limit. This indicator will remain active until the power is back again higher than the lower limit plus the margin band. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 8 Overconsumpt. Overconsumpt. Low-consumpt. Low-consumpt. Alarm OFF Alarm ON Indicator ON Indicator OFF Upper limit Deadband Deadband Lower limit Figure 2.1. Power limit monitoring These concepts are explained in detail in Section 3.3. Power limit monitoring. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 9: Ets Parameterization

    In addition, communication objects related to tariffs and the upper and lower limits will return to their original ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 10: General Window

    ETS and, consequently, supposed to be sent by KES at certain times. The behaviour of the communication objects “Tariff x” and “Switch to tariff x”, shown by default, will be detailed later. 3.2. GENERAL WINDOW Figure 3.2. Default configuration screen ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 11 Date and time request on bus voltage recovery: defines how much time (1 to 255 seconds) KES should wait, on voltage recovery, before sending the time and date requests through the KNX bus. See Annex I. Time management. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 12 (choosing “0” disables this sending). This way, all the monthly values that had been enabled under “Active energy” (see section 3.4. Active Energy) will not only be sent at the end of the month, but also during the following month, every time the selected period expires. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 13 (see section 3.3. Channels). Logical functions: when enabling this parameter, the menu on the left will include a tab for the configuration screen of the logical functions. See section 3.6. Logical functions for further information. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 14: Channels

    “0” is sent) power measures for channel x. When measuring has been disabled, cyclic sendings (those parameterizable from the General screen) as well as the sending of instant values (instant power and peak power) and estimated values (energy and cost) do no longer take place. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 15: Active Energy

    This estimation of the active energy consumed is made assuming that the instant power consumption at the moment of the estimation remains constant during the 24 hours of the current day. Figure 3.4. Active energy. Estimations. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 16 (object “[Cx] Last hour energy consumption”) or as the associated cost (object “[Cx] Last hour cost”). These objects will show up once their own parameters have been enabled. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 17 These are “[Cx] Weekly Energy Consumption”, “[Cx] Weekly Cost”, “[Cx] Weekly CO Emissions”, “[Cx] Average Weekly Energy Consumption”, “[Cx] Average Weekly Cost” and “[Cx] Average Weekly CO2 Emissions”. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 18: Active Power

    From this screen it is possible to configure several parameters related to the consumption of active power (section 2.2). These show up grouped into different sections, as explained below: Instant power. This section is to configure those parameters that affect the sending of the communication object “[Cx] Instantaneous Power”. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 19 “Instant power”, making it possible to inform the bus about how the hourly peak value changes throughout the hour. Regarding daily, weekly and monthly peak values, they can be sent not only at the end of the day / week / month, but also periodically (with their ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 20: Power Limit Monitoring

    Energy Saver will assume as the upper limit while measuring power. If the value “0” is set, KES will not consider monitoring power in relation to a particular upper limit. The value of the upper limit, however, can be modified in runtime through the communication object “[Cx] ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 21 KES will not consider monitoring power in relation to a particular lower limit. The value of the lower limit, however, can be modified in runtime through the communication object “[Cx] Lower limit”. In the case of parameterizing a value other than 0 for this field, it will be as well ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 22 By configuring a certain margin with a value other than 0 (in tens of a watt), every time the low-consumption indicator is triggered, it will be necessary that the measured power reaches upper limit plus margin before further low consumptions trigger the indicator again. See figure 2.1 (Section 2.3). ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 23: Logical Functions

    ETS window, which appears when selecting “Yes” in the Logical Functions box of the KES General window. Figure 3.5. Logical functions To obtain detailed information about the use and ETS parameterization of logical functions, please consult the specific documentation "Logical Functions X5”, available at ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 24: Annex I. Time Management

    Monday at 10:25h am, the first sending will be received on Wednesday at 0:00h am (that is, two day changes after the parameter download), not at 10:25h am on Wednesday. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 25 (otherwise, it would assume that it is still 5:15h pm). Since the voltage failure has caused a timing reset of the periodical sendings, the next security sending will happen at 11:00h pm, even if the previous one had taken place at 3:00h pm. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 26 6:00h am if no backtracking had happened). Finally, after the next midnight, the timers will be reset again, so during the next days there won’t be sendings at 5:00h am, but at 6:00h ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 27: Annex Ii. Further Examples

    0 for “Hourly Peak Power”. All other parameters, disabled. In such circumstances, the only functions KES will develop are: 1) Sending, every midnight, the objects “Daily energy consumption” and “Daily cost”, expressed in kWh and monetary units, respectively. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 28 That’s why the 0.2 kWh mentioned in cost or CO the above example may show up as 0 kWh, although the 0.2 kWh are actually considered for further calculation. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 29 Similar situation, but one of the days the channel is left disabled during the whole day. That day: 3 kW 3 kW [Cx] Daily Energy Consumption = 0 kWh [Cx] Average Daily Energy Consumption = 0 / 0 = 0 kWh per hour ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 30 [Cx] Weekly Energy Consumption = 432 kWh [Cx] Average Weekly Energy Consumption = 432 / 6 = 72 kWh (Fort the other six days of the week, assume the cannel is permanently enabled and a daily consumption of 72 kWh). ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 31 8 (not 24). Regarding weekly and monthly values, only those days in which not only there was a null total consumption but also the channel was detected disabled at the end of the day (midnight) will not be considered. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 32 If a power factor of 90% is parameterized, the values sent by KES to the bus in relation to power and energy will correspond to those actually consumed by the system, although the amount of effective energy that is really transmitted by the line is a bit higher. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 33 4) If the value now goes to 0.95 kW, one “0” will be first sent through “[Cx] Over-consumption alarm” and, afterwards, one “1” through “[Cx] Low consumption indicator”. 5) A new value of 1.05 kW will not have an effect, as well as a later decrease to 0.95 kW. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 34 0 for section Hourly peak power. All the other parameters, enabled. After downloading the parameters, the internal clock should be set to 9:00h am of the first Monday of the current month. 1) Connect, for example, a 2000 W load to the corresponding channel: ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 35 According to the device, last Monday only lasted for two hours (each of which lasted itself for only a few minutes, although not the same amount in both cases), the first one with a consumption of 1 kWh and the second one with a consumption ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 36 KES estimates that the total consumption for the week was 3 kWh from Monday and 2 kWh from Tuesday.  Weekly cost ≈ 250 monetary units. 5 kWh * 50 m.u. = 250 m.u.  Weekly CO2 emissions ≈ 2.5 kg. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 37  Average weekly energy consumption = 2 kWh per day. 2 kWh in total / 1 day = 2 kWh per day.  Average weekly CO2 emissions ≈ 1 kg per day. (50 kg * 0.01) * 2 kWh / 1 day = 1. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 38  Monthly Peak Power ≈ 2 kW.  Average monthly energy consumption = 2 kWh per day. The previous month consisted of only one hour, with a consumption of 2 kWh. This total consumption is divided by only one day. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 39 Average monthly energy consumption = 9 KWh / 4 days = 2.25 KWh per day Month 2 WEEK 1 2 kW  |-------| Day consumption = 2 kWh Monthly energy consumption = 2 KWh. Average monthly energy consumption = 2 KWh / 1 day = 2 KWh per day ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 40: Annex Iii. Communication Objects

    Estimated energy consumption CHANNELS: ACTIVE 24-26 2 bytes 0 - 670760 Previous [Cx] Estimated cost Estimated cost ENERGY OBJECTS 27-29 2 bytes 0 - 2 Previous [Cx] Last hour energy consumption Last hour energy consumption ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 41 0 - 670760 Previous Average weekly CO2 emissions emissions 69-71 4 bytes 0 - 2 Previous [Cx] Monthly energy consumption Monthly energy consumption 72-74 2 bytes 0 - 670760 Previous [Cx] Monthly cost Monthly cost ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 42 Depends on [Cx] Lower limit Lower limit value 117-119 2 bytes 0 - 670760 Previous initial paramet. Disabled Ind. -> Sending of “0” or “1” 120-122 1 bit Previous [Cx] Low consumption indicator (“0” o “1”) ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA
  • Page 43 [FL] Result of Function 5 (2 bytes) Result of FUNCTION 5 165-169 2 bytes [FL] Result of Function 1 (2bytes) Result of FUNCTION 1 … … 0ºC-120ºC 25ºC Previous [FL] Result of Function 5 (2bytes) Result of FUNCTION 5 ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA

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