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Riding Method - IHoverboard H4 Manual


The range of a self-balancing scooter is related to many factors, such as:
· Terrain: Riding on smooth ground will increase the range, otherwise the range decreases.
· Weight: The weight of the rider affects the range.
· Ambient temperature: Storage at the recommended temperature will increase the range, on the
contrary, it will reduce the range at extreme temperatures.
· Maintenance: Proper charging and maintenance of the battery can increase the range, otherwise it will
shorten the range.
· Speed and riding way: Maintaining a medium speed can increase the range. And frequent starting,
stopping, acceleration, and deceleration will shorten the range.
Speed limit
· The top speed is 10 kilometers per hour.
· When the hoverboard is faster than the top speed, the buzzer will give an alarm.
· Riding below the speed limit helps to maintain balance; when the speed is greater than the speed
limit, the hoverboard will raise its head upwards. Please keep the speed to a safe speed.
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Riding method

When using a self-balancing scooter, you must pay attention to relevant safety matters, so you must
fully understand all the precautions in the instruction manual before riding. It is very important for you
to understand these safety issues before use.
Riding steps
· Step 1. Press the power switch to turn on the power, the working indicator will light and the self-bal-
ancing scooter will enter automatic balance state.
· Step 2. Step on the deck with a trigger switch with one foot. After keeping your body stable, step the
other foot on the other deck of the self-balancing scooter.
· Step 3. After successfully balancing the center of gravity, you can control the self-balancing scooter.
At this time, the self-balancing scooter will remain static, and you can slightly tilt forward or backward
your body to control the forward or backward movement of the self-balancing scooter. Avoid excessive
your body movement.
If the body of the self-balancing scooter is not in a level state when off the
ground, there will be flashing green indicator lights. At this time, the
system will prohibit entering into the automatic balance state.
· Step 4: Control the self-balancing scooter left and right.
· Step 5: Get off the self-balancing scooter (One foot on the ground first and the other foot on the deck
for balancing).
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