Cobra CP-9135 Operating Instructions Manual

900 mhz two line cordless telephone


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CP9135 manual layout.6
10/20/98 12:41 PM
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Cobra Electronics Corporation
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Chicago, IL60707
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Technical assistance is also available on-line in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
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If you think you need service call 1.773.889.3087
"If your product should require fac t ory service please call Cobra first before sending your unit in.
This will ensure the fastest turn-around time on your repair
You may be asked to send your unit to the Cobra factory. It will be necessary to furnish the follo w-
ing in order to have the product serviced and returned.
1. For Warranty Repair include some form of proof-of-purchase, such as a mechanical reproduction
or carbon or a sales receipt . If you send the original receipt it cannot be returned.
2. Send the entire product.
3. Enclose a description of what is happening with the unit. Include a typed or clearly print name
and address of where the unit is to be returned.
4. Pack unit securely to prevent damage in transit. If possible, use the original packing material.
5. Ship prepaid and insured by way of a traceable carrier such as United Parcel Service (UPS) or First
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W. Cortland St., Chicago, IL 60707.
6. If the unit is in war ranty, upon receipt of your unit it will either be repaired or exchanged
depending on the model. Please allow approximately 3 to 4 weeks before contacting us for
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repair charge or replacement charge. If you have any questions, please call 1.773.889.3087 for
Cobra Electronics Corp.© 1998
Printed in China
Part No. 480-283-P-001
O pe rating Instru ctions
for your Co b ra CP-9135
Private Call
900 MHz
Two Line
"Ingenious Prod u cts for Easier Co m m u n i cat i o n ."
FCC Information
FCC Information
Included Accessories
Included Accessories
Re g i s te red with The FCC
Please note : This co rdless phone ope rates under part 15 and part 68 of FCC ru l e s.
O pe ration is subject to two co n d i t i o n s :
1 .It may not inte rfe re with radio co m m u n i cat i o n s, and 2.It must accept any inte rfe re n ce
re ce i ve d, including that which may cause undesirable ope rat i o n . See the Operational
Features section of this manual for ways to reduce interference.
Changes or mod i f i cations not ex p ressly approved by the party re s ponsible for co m p l i a n ce
could void the user's authori ty to ope rate this equipment.
N OT E :This equipment has been te s ted and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital dev i ce, p u r s u a nt to Pa rt 15 of the FCC Ru l e s.The limits are designed to provide re a-
sonable pro te ction against harmful inte rfe re n ce in a re s i d e ntial installat i o n .This equip-
m e nt generate s, uses and can ra d i ate radio fre q u e n cy energy and,if not installed and used
in acco rd a n ce with the instru ct i o n s, m ay cause harmful inte rfe re n ce to radio co m m u n i ca-
t i o n s. Howeve r, t h e re is no guara ntee that inte rfe re n ce will not occur in a particular installa-
t i o n . If this equipment does cause harmful inte rfe re n ce to radio or te l evision re ce p t i o n ,
which can be dete rmined by turning the equipment off and on,the user is enco u raged to
t ry to co rre ct the inte rfe re n ce by one of the fo l l owing measure s :
- Re o ri e nt or re l ocate the re ceiving ante n n a .
- Increase the separation be tween the equipment and re ce i ve r.
- Co n n e ct the equipment into an outlet on a circuit diffe re nt
f rom that to which the re ce i ver is co n n e cte d.
- Consult the dealer or an ex pe ri e n ced ra d i o / TV technician for help.
Your telephone co m p a ny is re q u i red by the Fe d e ral Co m m u n i cations Commission to allow
you to co n n e ct FCC re g i s te red telephones to their lines.
The FCC re q u i res you to provide info rm at i o n , if re q u e s ted by the local telephone co m p a ny,
a bout the co n n e ction of an FCC re g i s te red telephone to their lines. Th ey may ask you fo r
the FCC re g i s t ration number and ringer equiva l e n ce number (REN), both of which are on
the bo t tom of the base. Th ey may also ask for the Un i versal Se rv i ce Order Code (USOC)
n u m ber which is RJ-11C. It is illegal to use this phone on a party line or to
co n n e ct it to a co i n - o pe rated te l e p h o n e.
The REN is used to dete rmine the quant i ty of dev i ces you may co n n e ct to the te l e p h o n e
l i n e.Exce s s i ve RENs on the telephone line may result in the dev i ces not ringing in re s po n s e
to an incoming ca l l .In most areas the sum of RENs should not exceed 5.0.To be sure, co n-
t a ct the local telephone co m p a ny.
If your equipment causes harm to the telephone netwo rk ,the telephone co m p a ny will
notify you in adva n ce (if possible) of a te m po ra ry disco nt i n u a n ce of serv i ce.Al s o, you will
be advised of your ri g ht to file a co m p l a i nt with the FCC .
The telephone co m p a ny may make changes in it's facilities, e q u i p m e nt or proce d u res that
could affe ct the ope ration of your equipment.The telephone co m p a ny will prov i d e
a dva n ce notice to help you maintain uninte rru p ted serv i ce.
What's Included with Your CP-9135
AC/DC Power Adapter
Memory Label
Line Cords (6"and 6' , four conductor)
Belt Clip
Belt Clip Slot Cover
Wall Mount Bracket
Handset Battery


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Cobra CP-9135

  • Page 1 4. Pack unit securely to prevent damage in transit. If possible, use the original packing material. 5. Ship prepaid and insured by way of a traceable carrier such as United Parcel Service (UPS) or First Class Mail to avoid loss in transit to: Cobra Factory Service, Cobra Electronics Corporation,6500 W. Cortland St., Chicago, IL 60707.
  • Page 2: Controls & Indicators

    CP9135 manual layout.6 10/20/98 12:41 PM Page 4 Controls and Indicators Thank you for purchasing the Cobra CP-9135 cordless phone. Properly used, this Cobra prod- Base: uct will give you many years of reliable service. Line 2 Jack Line 1 and 2 Jack...
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    CP9135 manual layout.6 10/20/98 12:41 PM Page 7 How to Use Your Cobra CP-9135 900 MHz Cordless Telephone Contents Features of This Product Features...1 FCC Information/Included Accesories...A1 • Private Call ® Voice Scrambling - Controls & Indicators ...A2 Base and Handset Our Thanks to You ...A3...
  • Page 4: Important Safety Instructions

    CP9135 manual layout.6 10/20/98 12:41 PM Page 8 Important Safety Instructions When using your telephone equipment, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and injury to per- 1 5 . sons, including the following: 1 6 .
  • Page 5: Installation

    CP9135 manual layout.6 10/20/98 12:41 PM Page 10 Installation Quick Set-Up Quick Set-Up Guide Guide Connect round connector into power jack on base. Note Install Ni-Cad battery in the handset. The battery must be charged at To remove the battery door, press and slide least 12 hours before use.
  • Page 6 CP9135 manual layout.6 10/20/98 12:41 PM Page 12 Installation Quick Set - Up Quick Set-Up Guide continued Guide Turn on RINGERswitches for Lines 1 and Line 2. Plug 6 ’ phone co rd into two line wall jack. Note Charge batteries for 12 hours before first use.
  • Page 7: Wall Mounting Instructions

    CP9135 manual layout.6 10/20/98 12:41 PM Page 14 Installation Wall Mounting Wall Mounting Instructions Instructions Plug 6”phone cord into Line 1-2 jack on rear Th re a d co rd through slot in wall mount bra c ke t. of base. Note If you do not have a wall mount, contact your local...
  • Page 8: Real Time Line Status/Base & Handset

    Operation Real Time Real Time Line Status/Base & Handset Line Status/ Your Cobra CP-9135 has Real Time Line Status Base & Handset between the base and the handset . More simply put, this means that at either location - handset and base - you can easily see the status of your 2 Line phone system.
  • Page 9: Answering Calls From The Handset

    To answer a call while handset is in base: F r o m T he H a n d s e t Each line on the CP-9135 has a distinctive “ring” Pick up handset. and the Line 1 or Line 2 LED will illuminate.
  • Page 10: Answering Calls From The Base

    CP9135 manual layout.6 10/20/98 12:41 PM Page 20 Operation Answering Calls Answering Calls From The Base To answer a call on either line from the base use From The Base the Speakerphone feature: Note When answering a call,the Line 1 or Line 2 LED will illuminat e.
  • Page 11: Placing Calls From The Handset

    CP9135 manual layout.6 10/20/98 12:41 PM Page 22 Operation Placing Calls Placing Calls From The Ha n d s e t Placing Calls From The Base From The Pick up handset: Handset Note If you have pulse phone service, use the button to change from pulse to tone dailing.
  • Page 12: Channel Selection

    Push and release FLASH button to interrupt the phone line to access features such as: The CP-9135 will scan for and advance to a • Call Waiting clearer channel when you push and release the • Three Way Calling Channel button.
  • Page 13: Level Volume Control

    4 Level Volume 4 Level Volume Control Mute Control Your CP-9135 fe at u res a MUTE button on the base. While in a conversation: Your CP-9135 has a four level volume control on Push and release the off the base microphone.The the side of the handset.
  • Page 14: Last Number Instant Redial

    CP9135 manual layout.6 10/20/98 12:41 PM Page 28 Operation Last Number Last Number Instant Redial Last Number Delayed Redial Instant Redial Each time you dial a number, that number is If steps 1,2 and 3 from the “Last Number Instant stored in the REDIAL memor y.
  • Page 15: Memory Number Storage

    CP9135 manual layout.6 10/20/98 12:41 PM Page 30 Operation Memory Number Memory Number Storage Storage The CP-9135 will store up to 10 frequently called numbers. Push and release There will be 2 double beeps. Memory Push and release button once.
  • Page 16: Memory Number Dialing

    CP9135 manual layout.6 10/20/98 12:41 PM Page 32 Operation Memory Number Memory Number Dialing To Find The Handset Dialing The handset can be located when it’s away from Access a line. the base. To locate the handset: Note Memory dialing from base uses same procedure as handset.
  • Page 17: Intercom Mode From The Handset

    Operation Intercom Mode Intercom Mode From The Handset Intercom Mode From The Base From The Your CP-9135 can serve as an intercom between Handset the base and the handset. To utilize this feature: Note Intercom may be initiated from either the handset or the base.
  • Page 18: Hold Button

    CP9135 manual layout.6 10/20/98 12:41 PM Page 36 Operation Intercom Mode From The Base continued Hold Button On The Handset and Base handset The person using the handset should push Push and release HOLD button to put a par ty and release the button.
  • Page 19 10/20/98 12:41 PM Page 38 Operation handset Conference Conference Calling Using Both Lines Calling From Your CP-9135 makes conference calls easy and Handset And convenient. Base Access a line. When the party is reached: handset base Dial other party. When party answers push Note and release CONF button.
  • Page 20: Ringer Switch

    When set to OFF, no ring will sound from the base or handset. Tone/Pulse Tone/Pulse The CP-9135 can be used either as tone or pulse, depending upon your phone service. Low Batt heard every 30 seconds for 2 minutes. Return to base for recharging.
  • Page 21: Battery Saver

    CP9135 manual layout.6 10/20/98 12:41 PM Page 42 Operation Private Call ® Private Call ® Voice Scrambling Battery Saver Voice Scrambling ® Handset may, in OFF position, remain away from Private Call prevents other cordless phones or scanners from understanding your conversations. base for up to 14 days.
  • Page 22 Cobra for Note recycling. Wrap batteries carefully and mail Replacement batteries are postage prepaid to: Cobra Electronics Corpor- available direct from Cobra. ation,6500 W. Cortland Street, Chicago, Illinois See Accessories section on 60707, Attn: Battery Recycling.
  • Page 23: Headset Operation/Belt Clip/Slot Cover

    Clean handset contacts. 3. Put the slot cover in Plug the headset Use the belt clip for the slot and press into the CP-9135 convenience. down. handset. Spread Right Page Operation Cleaning The C h a r g i n gC o n t a c t s...
  • Page 24: Troubleshooting

    CP9135 manual layout.6 10/20/98 12:41 PM Page 48 Troubleshooting Phone is dead 1. How long should the handset battery b e Are power adapter and phone cord connec ted? charged? Typically leaving the handset on the base Handset beeps during call or a w ay from base overnight will charge the battery sufficiently.
  • Page 25 CP9135 manual layout.6 10/20/98 12:41 PM Page 50 Frequently Asked Questions 4. Why do I sometimes ha ve difficulty making a 5. Why do I have static on my cordless phone? connection e ven though I ’ m close to the base? Your cordless phone works as a miniature radio There are several possible causes for this condi - transmitter and receiver.
  • Page 26: Limited One-Year Warranty

    Page 52 Frequently Asked Questions 6. Will more than one cordless phone work in Cobra warrants that its cordless telephone pr oducts, and the component parts thereof, will be free from defects in the house? workmanship and materials for a period of one (1) year Whether or not you are able to use t wo or more from the date of first consumer purchase.
  • Page 27 CP9135 manual layout.6 10/20/98 12:41 PM Page 54 Accessory Order Form Accessories Part # Description Cost Ea. Qty. Amount N i c ke l - Cadmium Bat te ry Pack w/Co n n e cto r $15.00 2 1 3 - 0 2 1 - N - 0 0 1 AC Power Ad a p te r $15.00 76 8 - 032 - N - 0 0 1...

This manual is also suitable for:

Private call 900 cp-9135

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