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Laser AO-USBPHWM Frequently Asked Questions

Laser ao-usbphwm voip: frequently asked questions


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Q: I have purchased an AO-USBPHWM wireless VoIP phone, and can't seem to get it work
on Linux. Can you provide me with support for my product? I notice that your other phones
do have Linux support. Specifically, I am using Ubuntu 7.10.
A: The Laser AO-USBPHWM is not able to be used in Linux at this stage. The factory have
not released a driver for this operating system and as such we are only able to provide
support for the operating system displayed on the box.
Q: I am after a vista driver for the above VOIP USB phone.
A: There is no Vista driver for the Laser USB VOIP phone as this operating system has native
drivers for this device and they should load as soon as the device is plugged in to a spare
USB port. You will need software or "middleware" to use the phone with VOIP software such
as Skype. This software can be located and downloaded at the following location.

