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- 04/2008 - V1.02
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Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Conti TWIN STAR 2 R-EV 2G

  • Page 1 VERSION 2G & 3G TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION - 04/2008 - V1.02 SACOME, CONFIDENTIAL Document, it is forbidden to duplicate or communicate this document without previous authorization.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    INTRODUCTION : INSTRUCTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......2 Installation instructions ..................2 Warranty ......................2 Safety instructions ....................2 Power supply instructions ..................2 TECHNICAL FEATURES..................3 ACCESSORIES ......................4 INSTALLATION: .......................4 First installation:....................4 Next filling ......................6 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATING DEVICES .............7 Steam tap ......................7 Hot water tap .......................7 Filters........................7 Dummy filter ......................7 Filter- holders.......................7...
  • Page 4: Introduction : Instructions And Recommendations

    1 INTRODUCTION : INSTRUCTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1.1 Installation instructions The installation must be carried out by a technician specifically trained by CONTI. The manufacturer is not responsible for any damages caused due to incorrect installation or use. The coffee machine must be installed on a solid furniture, supporting its weight under any circumstances.
  • Page 5: Technical Features

    2 TECHNICAL FEATURES MAIN WATER SUPPLY DRAIN ELECTRICAL SUPPLY *Minimum inlet pressure 2,5 Bar *Without pressure 400Vac - 50Hz *Drain hose provided with the *Water connection pin 3/8". 3 phases machine *The water supply pipes must resist *The drain pipe must be lower to a constant pressure of 10 Bars than the machine 230Vac - 50/60Hz...
  • Page 6: Accessories

    3 ACCESSORIES 1 filter holder 1-cup 1 filter holder 2-cups for each group 1 filter 1-cup 1 filter 2-cups for each group 1 cleaning filter (dummy filter) 1 cleaning brush 1 water hardness tester (be careful ! hardness indication in ° dh (or ° Gh)) 1 cup support for each group (or espresso tray) 4 INSTALLATION: 4.1 First installation:...
  • Page 7 C. First machine filling: You can start the automatic machine filling: _ Make sure the steam tap "V" is opened (lever up). _ Engage the differential breaker and check the machine is in Off position (see on the display). If not put the machine Off immediately by pressing the On/Off button located under the machine.
  • Page 8: Next Filling

    Get out from the programming mode, turning the key to the right and turn the machine On (On/Off button under the machine). When the machine is ON, the displays show "CONTI", the time, and each coffee group name : CONTI...
  • Page 9: Description Of Operating Devices

    5 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATING DEVICES 5.1 Steam tap Two steams taps operating with levers “V” heat liquids or froth milk for cappuccino by injecting steam. The liquid container should be high enough. The steam wand nozzle should soak into the liquid but not touch the bottom.
  • Page 10: Steam Jet (Option)

    5.6 Steam jet (option) This kit allows to heat a liquid automatically in programming the steam temperature. The temperature sensor in the steam wand detects the temperature required and the steam stops automatically. 5.7 Espresso tray Supplied with all Mug versions, this device allows to place espresso cups in a higher position. 5.8 Water hardness tester Supplied with the machine to check the water hardness of the main water supply.
  • Page 11: Functioning & Programming

    The display indicates “OFF” and the time is shown on the display of the left group. HH:mm 6.1.3 The machine is switched on: The displays are lit and indicate: “CONTI”, the current time and the name of each group. CONTI HH:mm...
  • Page 12: Programming

    6.2 Programming 6.2.1 Programming of coffee measures: To get into the programming mode: Insert and turn the programming key. The displays indicate Water volume Parameters Programming Programming Press the right push-button (Continuous) of the group to program. - Programming the left group will also program the other groups. Programming the other groups will program each group individually.
  • Page 13: Beverage Preparation

    Each group could be programmed individually: press the continuous flow button on the right of each group. Maximum flow time of the coffee measures: 3 minutes. Wait for 5 seconds to go out of the programming mode before making coffees. During the programming of one group, the other groups do not work (including the hot water).
  • Page 14 The coffee will not flow, if Time Out of the heating element (coffee boiler - alarm on the display), Overheating of the coffee boiler heating element (alarm on the display), Time Out for steam boiler filling up, The security sensor is not reached (lack of water in steam boiler). When the coffee is flowing, the display of the operating group shows (according to the selection): 2 Espresso 1 Long dose...
  • Page 15 6.3.5 Jet Steam SC (steam control) and steam on / off functions: (in option) « Steam SC » « Steam (On / Off) » buttons are enabled when the machine is on and the steam boiler security level is reached (SS probe in contact with water). The machine only requires a complete water level when turned on (SN probe in contact with water) to allow steam distribution through the solenoid valves.
  • Page 16: Others Functions

    6.4 Others functions 6.4.1 Safety level of steam boiler: The water level is controlled by the sensor SS. The sensor (SS) is not activated when the machine is OFF. When the machine is ON and if the sensor does not detect the presence of water within 1 sec: an alarm is activated, the machine will turn off automatically and the left display will show: Steam boiler...
  • Page 17 6.4.4 Cleaning function : A cleaning cycle can be carried out independently on each group and at any time, otherwise and after 500 coffee are produced on a group, the corresponding display will show: Please Rinse Insert a blind filter with a cleaning tablet into one of the filter holders and install it on the group where the message is shown.
  • Page 18 6.4.5 "Coffee credit": This function enables coffee roasters to program the machine for a limited coffee delivery. It can be activated and deactivated. The coffee roaster has access to the programming mode with an allocated password. The coffee roaster can program the number of coffee shots to deliver according to the quantity of coffee beans sold.
  • Page 19: Alarms

    6.5 Alarms 6.5.1 Time-out filling of steam boiler filling: If the filling of the steam boiler (sensor SN covered) exceeds the set time ( see programming mode), the filling is stopped. The machine will turn off automatically and all the leds will blink. The left display will show: Alarm Filling up To suppress this alarm switch on the machine (ON/OFF).
  • Page 20 6.5.5 Time out coffee boiler heating: If a coffee temperature sensor is disconnected, the same procedure as for the overheating has to be applied. The display of the defective group will show: Group Boiler Heating The alarm will be activated even if the group is deactivated. To delete the alarm switch the machine off and on (ON/OFF);...
  • Page 21: Heating Of The Boilers

    The message informs the user to change the cartridge (Brita) or to insert salt into the water softener but does not stop the delivery of products. When the regeneration has been carried out, suppress the message as follows: 1/ Turn off the machine (button On/Off). 2/ Keep pressing the 3 push-button of the left group and switch the machine on again.
  • Page 22 (without password). "TECHNICAL MENU”: only for the technician. “FACTORY MENU”: only used by the CONTI technicians. “ROASTER MENU”: only used by the roasters. To access the menus insert the key (on the lock located under the machine) and turn it. The programming is carried out with the 4 left push-buttons of the le left group and shown on the left display.
  • Page 23 Roaster password: The roaster selects his password. Only the roaster can access this menu. The Technical menu also gives access to the Bar menu. To exit the programming mode, turn the key to the left. To exit out of the programming, turn the lock on the other side. To enter in the menu Bar, press the MODE key.
  • Page 24 BAR MENU: _ Water volume programming: This step allows to adjust the coffee and tea doses for each keys. Read the details of the programming explanation on paragraph 6-2. _ Groups Settings: Allows to suppress temporarily one or several groups to reduce the power consumption The LED of the left push-button indicates the state of the group.
  • Page 25 6.6.6 Description of Technical menu: Language + or - : to set the language (French, English, Italian, German) ENGLISH MODE + or - : to choose the temperature unit (° C,° F) Temperatures ° C ENTER MODE Group boiler 1 Group boiler n Coffee boilers ENTER...
  • Page 26 Machine ENTER 1° Filling 1° Filling in position (Press ENTER) (Press ENTER) MODE ENTER Name Gr 2 Name Gr 1 or - MODE ENTER ENTER Display Display Display Name group 1 Time / Bargraph Name / Bargraph MODE Steam Boil temp : to set the temperature of steam boiler Mode to come to the next programming step 119°...
  • Page 27 TECHNICAL MENU: Language: 4 choices; French, English, Italian, German. Setting of the Temperature measure: ° C or ° F Coffee boiler temperature: The temperature can be adjusted for each coffee boiler between 85° C and 105° C (185° F and 221° F) Setting of PID parameters for coffee boilers heating regulation: The 3 parameters P (proportional term), I (integrated term) et D (derived term) can be adjusted to modify the regulation heating management of the coffee boilers.
  • Page 28 This menu concern the water softener parameters : Select the water unity quantity set on the machine : liters or Gallons. Setting of the water quantity used before the alarm is activated. When the programmed water quantity is reached, the display will show a message to change the cartridge or to regenerate the softener.
  • Page 29 Press + or – to change the letter Press MODE to end the operation. Indication on displays: 3 possibilities 1st possibility: same setting than Tw2 Display 1 Display 2 Conti HH:mm Conti Machine not used Name group 1 Name group 2 Display 1...
  • Page 30 Remark : the counting of extraction time doesn’t consider the time of pre-infusion 3rd possibility: Indication of "name group X" with only "Bargraph" Display 1 Display 2 Conti Conti HH:mm Machine not used Name group 2 Name group 1 Display 1...
  • Page 31 6.6.7 Description of Roaster menu: ENTER Coffee Credit Stock Coffee Credit Coffee Credit 65381 Disabled enabled MODE MODE ENTER Coffee Counter Coffee Counter Coffee Counter Zero Set ! 45631 Reset ? + or - : MODE adjustment of residual credit Cumulative Total 999999 MODE...
  • Page 32 ROASTER MENU: Activation/deactivation function Coffee Credit: This step allows to activate or deactivate the coffee credit (Roaster) to load the number of coffee credits The display will show Coffee Credit enabled Pressing ENTER the number of coffee credits left are shown. The number can be changed with + or -.
  • Page 33 Setting of the value of each push-button: Setting of the value = number of products for each coffee push-button. When a coffee is delivered, its value will be deducted from the coffee credit. Settings available: - OFF: push-button blocked - 0: delivery free of charge on this push-button - 1 to 3: The value 1, 2 or 3 will be deducted from the coffee credit.
  • Page 34: How To Make A Pefect Espresso

    7 HOW TO MAKE A PEFECT ESPRESSO Perfect the art of fine espresso and cappuccino and respect the 4 M GOLDEN RULES: MIX, MILL, MACHINE, MAN The Mix: the choice of the coffee is very important. You will obtain a pleasant tasting and round aroma body with a good coffee quality and skilfully blend, selected among de 50 beans varieties available –...
  • Page 35: Setting Of Mixer Tap

    8 SETTING OF MIXER TAP • The temperature of tea water can be adjusted thanks to the adjusting screw located under the mixer tap. • If the user want a very hot tea water (max 98° C), t ighten the adjusting screw in order to limit the admission of cold water.
  • Page 36: Maintenance / Settings

    9 MAINTENANCE / SETTINGS 9.1 Daily Maintenance The routine daily cleaning is extremely important and quick and assures continued optimum coffee quality and extends the machine’s life span: take the filter holders off, clean the spouts, the filters and the filter holder gaskets with a brush.
  • Page 37: Procedure To Change The Ptfe Gaskets

    9.6 Procedure to change the PTFE gaskets Please follow the instructions: 1) First, fix the group stand (ref 410967) on the coffee group. 2) Gather the following elements: • 1 complete coffee group. • 1 boiler (ref 4106201). • 1 rear flask (ref 4109471) •...
  • Page 38 3) Place the 2 PTFE gaskets: • on the coffee group. • on the rear flask. 4) Gather the group, boiler and rear flask (be careful to the location of the bleeding screw on the top). 5) Place the 3 EPDM o’rings in the 3 cap nuts: 6) Screw the 3 cap nuts.
  • Page 39 7) Gather the following elements: • the bleeding screw and its copper gasket (ref 406708 + 406709). 8) Take a torque wrench and set at 1.5 Nm. 9) Maintain the coffee group with a vice and tighten the 3 cap nuts (1.5 Nm).
  • Page 40 10) Install the coffee group in the machine. 11) Before switching on the machine don’t forget to bleed the coffee boilers. 12) Warm the coffee group for 15 minutes, then shut off the machine and wait 30 minutes. 13) After 30 minutes, tighten again the 3 cap nuts with the torque wrench (1.5 Nm). The procedure is completed, the Twin Star 2 is ready to use.
  • Page 41: Maintenance Parts List On Twin Star 2

    O’ring also. O’ring of adjusting screw 400039 Don’t put grease around O’Ring Hot water outlet for cold water injection Seal / gasket Every 12 months 061200 Put Conti grease (408235) around O’Ring O’Ring 239600 Put Conti grease (411017) around O’Ring...
  • Page 42 Supporting washer 401320 O’Ring of spray 055400 nozzle (411922) Steam outlet Seal / gasket Every 12 months Put Conti grease (408235) around O’rings O’rings of retaining 061200 nut (410137) 055300 Every 10 month, we suggest to screw tighter the Supplying 409892...
  • Page 43: Dimensions

    10 DIMENSIONS...
  • Page 44: Electric Designations

    11 ELECTRIC DESIGNATIONS N° REFERENCES DESIGNATIONS Programming key CP i Coffee buttons GROUPE n° i CV i Flow meter GROUPE n° i Circuit breaker 25 A Tea solenoid valve. Inlet valve. EV i Coffee solenoid valve n° i Fuse 3.15A Fuse 1A K TE Tea key 1...
  • Page 45: Electric Drawing

  • Page 46 When a new main board has been installed, the number of groups (2 or 3 groups) to be managed has to be determined. Enter the programming mode. The left display shows: CONTI HH:mm Turn the programming key: When the key is inserted and turned, the first four push buttons of the left group will...
  • Page 47 Temperature sensors connections Be careful when changing the motherboard: Do not reverse the temperature sensors connectors, otherwise it will damage the coffee boilers.
  • Page 48: Electrical Power Diagram For "400 V 3Nac" & "230 V 1Nac

  • Page 49: Electrical Power Diagram For "230 V 1Nac

  • Page 50: Connecting Diagram: 8 Fuses Box

    12.4 Connecting diagram: 8 fuses box IN = INLET OUT= OUTLET FA = FUSE 2 Ampères FAST FA11 07 OUT (Vap) (Vap) FA22 07 IN FA12 1 OUT (MP) FA21 1 IN 91 OUT (EV1) FA20 91 IN FA19 FA18 8 OUT (EE) 8 IN...
  • Page 51: Solid State Relay Interface For "230 V 3Ac

    Solid State Relais It is obligatory to put the good polarity on the solid state relay inlet The Solid state relay inlet is DC 3-32V To the general Red wire on the + breacker Black wire on the - To the CN15 connector Polarity on the electronic box on connector...
  • Page 52: Solid State Relay Interface For "400 V 3Nac

    Solid State Relais It is obligatory to put the good polarity on the solid state relay inlet The Solid state relay inlet is DC 3-32V To the general Red wire on the + breacker Black wire on the - To the CN15 connector Polarity on the electronic box on connector...
  • Page 53: Hydraulic Drawing

  • Page 54: Declaration Of Compliance With International Community Directives

    97/23 CEE: under pressure equipment amendment DECLARATION DE CONFORMITE AUX DIRECTIVES EUROPEENNES Nous société SACOME - CONTI, dont le siège est situé 1 avenue ALBERT II à MONACO, déclarons sous notre responsabilité que les machines à café modèles: XEOS - CLASSICA - CONTICLUB - TWIN STAR2 - TOUTAUTO 388 auxquels se réfèrent cette déclaration sont...
  • Page 56 L a R u c h e - 1 , A v e n u e A l b e r t I I - B . P . 1 1 9 - M C 9 8 0 0 7 M O N A C O C e d e x T é...

This manual is also suitable for:

Twin star 2 r-ev 3g

Table of Contents