E-Pill Droplet Quick Start Manual page 15

Smart cup hydration system
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Personalized Message Sugges�ons:
Each personalized message can be up to 15 seconds in length. To help
you, here are some sugges�ons. They have been created to allow you to
insert the users name in a mo�va�ng and encouraging message.
"<INSERT NAME> It's been a while since your last drink. Let's have some
fluids now."
"<INSERT NAME> You might not feel thirsty but it's important to drink
regularly to keep you healthy. Let's take a drink from your cup now."
"<INSERT NAME> Let's aim for 6-8 glasses of fluid today. That means
taking regular drinks from your cup."
"Every sip counts <INSERT NAME>! Try drinking li�le and o�en to make
yourself feel good"
"Every li�le sip does you good, have a drink now"
<INSERT NAME>. The more you drink, the be�er you'll feel."
To delete all recorded messages, see page 29.


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