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About this Guide The content in this document is for information purpose and is subject to change without prior notice. We have made every effort to ensure that this User Guide is accurate and complete. However, no liability is assumed for any errors or omissions that may have occurred.
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, it will affect video quality if install it on the dark windows or dark heat-resistant film windows. Introduction Thank you for purchasing this advanced Full HD rear camera. This product is specifically designed for supporting HP car camcorder real time video recording when driving. 1.1 Features •...
1.2 Package Contents The package contains the following items. In case there is any missing or damaged item, contact your dealer immediately. Rear Camera User Manual USB Cable 1.3 Product Overview Item –– Item Wide Angle Lens Camera Rotation Shaft Base Rear/ front image switch Micro USB Connector Port...
Getting Started 2.1 Mount Rear Camera to the Windshield Adjust rear camera position as the picture shown. Please check the preview image is in right position (not upside down) before installation. If the preview image is upside down, please rotate the base 180∘to make it correct, or make sure switch is REAR or FRONT position.
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Note: 1. Do not install the device on a tinted window. Doing so may damage the tint film. 2. This product is suitable for light windshield or light color heat-resistant film windows, it will affect video quality if install it on the dark windows or dark heat-resistant film windows.
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2.2.2 Record Inside the Vehicle Once the rear camera is mounted to the rear windshield, the lens should be rotated to accommodate internal cabin view as shown by the illustrations below. Slide the switch to “Front”.
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Use the preview screen from front camera to fine tune the desired lens angle. Note: We recommend users to disconnect micro USB from rear camera before adjusting. 2.3 Connect and Set Up Rear Camera Use the USB cable in the rear camera package to connect with front camera and rear camera.
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2. Plug the other end of USB cable (micro USB connector) to rear camera’s USB port. 3. Turn on front camera’s power, the rear camera image will be shown on the right down corner of front camera screen. According to different models, press Power button on front camera to switch front or rear image.
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Using the Rear Camera Automatic Record When installation is completed, dual camera recording will automatically start or stop once the engine is switched on or off. (Front camera is not included in the package. Please contact distributor for further information.) Note: 1.
Recording image The recording image differs from models. Different model will have different icon allocation. Below image is for reference only. Icon Item Description Indicates rear camera (Video in recording screen. Video) Switch Press Power button to Camera switch front/rear camera Preview preview screen.
Playback Videos and Photos 1. If recording is in progress, press the button to stop recording and enter Menu setting. 2. Press the button to select Playback and press button to confirm. 3. Press the button to select the folder Video / Emergency / Picture that you want to browse and press the button to display thumbnail images of the recorded video or photo files.
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3. Press the button to select the folder Video / Emergency / Picture that you want to browse and press button to confirm. 4. Press the button to select Delete One or Delete All and press button to confirm. Item Description Delete One Delete the current selected file.
Specifications Item Description Image Sensor 1/2.8” Sony’s Starvis sensor Effective Pixels 1920 (H) x 1080 (V) Lens Wide Angle Fixed Focus lens F2.2, f=3.26mm Focus Range 1.5m~Infinity Resolution: 1080P 25fps Movie Clip Format: TS Operating 0° ~ 50° C Temperature Storage -20°...
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有關本手冊 本文件之內容只供參考,並得以隨時變更不需要事先通知。本公 司已盡全力確保本使用者手冊正確與完整。但有任何錯誤或遺漏 概不負責。製造廠保留不需事先通知,逕自變更技術規格或配件 之權利。 Regulatory notices This document provides country- and region-specific non-wireless and wireless regulatory notices and compliance information for your product. Some of these notices may not apply to your product. WEEE 通知 歐盟有關使用者處分私人家庭廢電子與電機產品和 / 或電池之指 令 產品上或包裝上有此一符號,表示此產品不能做為...
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4. 規格 項目 說明 影像感應器 1/2.8” Sony’s Starvis 感應器 有效像素 1920 (H) x 1080 (V) 鏡頭 廣角固定焦距鏡頭 F2.2, f=3.26 mm 對焦範圍 1.5m ~ 無限 解析度:1080P 25fps 影像檔 格式:TS 操作溫度 0° ~ 50° C 儲存溫度 -20° ~ 70° C 尺寸 60 x 45.5 x 29.2 公釐 重量...
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限用物質含有情況標示聲明書 Declaration of the Presence Condition of the Restricted Substances Marking 設備名稱:高清後置鏡頭 型號(型式):RC5 Equipment name: Rear Camera Type designation (Type) 限用物質及其化學符號 Restricted substances and its chemical symbols 單元 六價鉻 多溴聯苯 多溴二苯醚 鉛 汞 鎘 Unit Hexavalent Polybrominated Polybrominated Lead Mercury...
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有关本手册 本文件中的内容信息仅供参考,并得以随时变更不需要事先通知。 本公司已尽量确保本使用手册的正确与完整。但有任何错误或遗 漏概不负责。厂家保留不需事先通知,径自更改技术规格之权利。 Regulatory notices This document provides country- and region-specific non-wireless and wireless regulatory notices and compliance information for your product. Some of these notices may not apply to your product. WEEE 通知 在欧盟有关用户处理私人生活废弃电子和电机产品和 / 或电池的 指令 产品上或包装上有此一符号,表示此产品不能做为生 活垃圾处理。您必需按摄像有关的电子和电机产品和/ 或电池回收办法的规定,处理您的废电子和电机产品...
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