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Operation Manual TPS48-F32 ABB Turbo Systems Ltd CH 5401 Baden Type TPS48-F32 HT580525 1029 Mmax Mmax °C Bmax Bmax SOLD08 00180 Application according to Year 2018 the Operation Manual made in Switzerland ABB Turbocharging...
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In case the operation conditions differs signifi cantly from what is considered to be normal for the cur- rent application, it is recommended to contact ABB for a re-calculation of replacement intervals. Frequent load alterations, high temperatures and high speed lower the life of components.
Operation Manual This Operation Manual enables you to familiarize yourself with the turbo- charger supplied by ABB Turbo Systems and to use it as intended. It provides important information in order that the turbocharger can be op- erated safely, correctly and efficiently.
Any other use will be regarded as a special application which must first be discussed with ABB Turbo Systems. The manufacturer accepts no liability for other applications. If it is used otherwise, ABB Turbo Sys- tems reserves the right to reject all warranty claims.
Storage of new turbochargers and spare parts up to 6 months New turbochargers and spare parts from ABB Turbo Systems can be stored in sealed packaging without additional mothballing measures for up to 6 months from the date of delivery (marked by the VCI label on the package).
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Page 8 spare parts Long-term storage of replacement turbochargers or spare parts Per order, turbochargers or cartridge groups will be prepared by ABB Tur- bo Systems for prolonged storage. The package is equipped with a hyg- rometer (see illustration). The following measures are required every 6 months: Check the hygrometer (02) in the sight-glass.
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Only use original parts from ABB Turbo Systems. τ ABB Turbo Systems accepts no liability for any damage resulting from the use of non-original parts and corresponding accessories. Competence of personnel The turbocharger must only be operated and serviced by trained and au- thorised personnel.
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This document is valid for different design variants of turbochargers. There may be sections and descriptions of components that are not rele- vant for a specific turbocharger variant. ABB Turbocharging Service Stations will be happy to provide information on questions regarding a design variant (see Contact information at
Definition of caution / warning The caution and warning signs are described in the chapter Safety. ABB Turbo Systems In this document, ABB Turbo Systems Ltd is abbreviated to ABB Turbo Systems. Official ABB Turbo Systems Service Stations In this document, official service stations are referred to as ABB Turbo- charging Service Stations.
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Operation above the indicated values n can considerably shorten the Bmax Bmax recommended replacement intervals. In such cases, we recommend that you contact the nearest official ABB Turbocharging service station. and t normally apply only when running at overload (110%) during tri- Mmax Mmax als on the engine test bed.
Operation Manual / TPS44-F.. - TPS61-F.. Preliminary remarks Contact information Page 15 Contact information Contact information Contact information for the official service stations of ABB Turbo Systems is available online. Scan the QR code to access our website. τ ABB Turbo Systems Ltd Bruggerstrasse 71a...
Page 17 Safety Introduction Turbochargers manufactured by ABB Turbo Systems are state of the art and comply with the pertinent safety and health-protection requirements that applied when the turbocharger was manufactured. Consequently, the turbocharger is safe to operate. Nevertheless, during turbocharger opera- tion and when working on the turbocharger, residual risks can exist which: €...
Warning plates are attached to the turbocharger at the following places: If warning plates are not present at the intended places or are not legible, then proceed as follows: Order new warning plates from ABB Turbocharging Service Stations. τ Remove unreadable warning plates.
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Never operate turbochargers without burst protection. If the insula- τ tion from ABB Turbo Systems is not in place, the separate burst pro- tection (57200) must be fitted before operation. (See View of tur- bocharger showing part numbers [➙ 126].) Before starting work, carry out visual inspection of working area.
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Non-insulated turbochargers can cause serious injuries to personnel (burns). WARNING The turbocharger is supplied by ABB Turbo Systems without insulation depending on the order from the enginebuilder. If supply is without insu- lation, the enginebuilder is responsible for providing the turbocharger with proper insulation and for providing protection against contact with hot surfaces.
Page 32 vessel Periodic checking of the pressure vessel The pressure vessels used by ABB Turbo Systems, such as those for wet or dry cleaning, are so-called "simple pressure vessels". € The local, statutory regulations covering periodic checks of pressure vessels must be observed.
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If oily liquid continues to escape after this period, an oil leak must be suspected. The first step is to check for leakage of the oil NOTICE supply to the turbocharger. If this is leaky, contact an official ABB Tur- bocharging service station. 3.2.4 Inspection after 100 service hours Clean or replace lubricating oil filters after the first 100 service hours.
Despite observance of the service intervals, unusual loads, such as several start-stops a day, harsh environmental factors, poor fuel quality CAUTION or heavy installation vibration can lead to premature machine damage. A shortened service interval must be arranged with ABB Turbo Sys- τ tems. Service inspection after 5 years...
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Service work in accordance with instructions on rating plate (In general, after 8000 - 12000 hours of operation) Rotor and bearing parts must be inspected and assessed by an ABB Turbo- charging Service Station. The following work can be carried in preparation.
Cleaning method To allow you to observe the standard service intervals and to maintain a high turbocharger efficiency, ABB Turbo Systems recommends that the NOTICE cleaning procedure be carried out during operation. This allows the thermal load of the engine to be kept low while ensuring maximum fuel efficiency.
If the coating of dirt is very thick and hard, the compressor can only be cleaned manually when disassembled. This cleaning must be carried out by an ABB Turbocharging Service Station. NOTICE The interval between periodic cleaning is very dependent on the operating Cleaning interval conditions.
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Cleaning method Cleaning the compressor while in operation is carried out as wet cleaning. This cleaning method has been tested and approved by ABB Turbo Sys- tems. To clean the compressor stage during operation, water is injected in front...
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Operating state prerequisites for cleaning compressor with XC1 To be able to carry out a satisfactory cleaning process that has been tested and is recommended by ABB Turbo Systems, the following pre- requisites must be fulfilled: Run engine at load from 50 … 85 %.
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NOTICE If the cleaning result is still not satisfactory after three attempts and the engine values are also unsatisfactory, we recommend that you have the turbocharger inspected and cleaned by an official ABB Turbocharging Service Station. Cleaning parameters per Product...
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Turbine cleaning during operation Page 62 Choice of cleaning method If you need information about the choice of cleaning method (short / long), you can contact the engine builder or an official ABB Turbo- NOTICE charger service station. 5.3.2 Prerequisites...
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Operation Manual / TPS44-F.. - TPS61-F.. Maintenance Turbine cleaning during operation Page 63 Recommended operating state for turbine wet cleaning The following operating state has been tested and is approved by ABB Turbo Systems: Characteristic / component Conditions short long...
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Have absorption segments which are heavily contaminated replaced τ by an official ABB Turbocharging Service Station. Fitting the filter silencer Insert the absorption segments (81136) into the sheet-metal coverings τ...
Certain tolerances must be observed to avoid a significant loss of efficiency. € If there is any doubt about the extent of rubbing, then an ABB Turbocharging Service Station must be contacted. € Have a dimension check carried out by an ABB Turbocharg- ing Service Station.
Possible damage to components, such as the compressor wheel, tur- bine blades, bearings and filter silencer CAUTION Have the cause clarified immediately by an ABB Turbocharging ser- τ vice station and rectified. Have components inspected for damage and, if necessary, replaced τ...
Defective oil pump in lubricat- Check / replace it ing system Manometer display wrong Replace the manometer Turbocharger Rotor axial clearance too large Contact an ABB Turbocharging Service Station Reduction in speed Possible causes Elimination Engine Defects of connected cylin-...
As a result, the voltage amplitude of the speed signal decreases, which can cause problems for the evaluation electronics. This problem is eliminated by removing the gasket. Defective sensor Contact an ABB Turbocharging Service Sta- tion Measured Contaminated The sensor tip is magnetic and can thus at-...
Visually inspect O-ring gaskets of oil supply and drain pipe (O-ring τ gaskets for engine are not delivered by ABB Turbo Systems). **) When the turbocharger is mounted on the engine support, the bolt threads and screw heads must be lightly oiled (assumed friction coeffi- cient µ...
Incorrectly performed disassembly and assembly of the cartridge group CAUTION can lead to serious machine damage. ABB Turbo Systems recommends having further work carried out on- τ ly by trained personnel from an ABB Turbocharging Service Station. Marking casing positions for assembly ABB Turbo Systems recommends that the casing positions are marked before disassembling the turbocharger.
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The specified tightening torques of screw connections for turbocharger components must be observed. (See section Table of tightening torques.) Tightening torques for assembly devices of ABB Turbo Systems If nothing else is described, the screws and nuts of the assembly devices must be tightened down firmly.
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Equipment for lifting and transporting loads (ropes, chain hoists, cranes). Lifting gear is not supplied by ABB Turbo Systems. Swivel lifting eye to be used A swivel lifting eye is required to lift loads safely (not supplied by ABB). Swivel lifting eye Product...
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Nozzle ring press fit for τ single inlet turbine casing If the calculated value (PD) is less than 0.1 mm, an official ABB Turbo- charging Service Station must be contacted. NOTICE Measure the axial and radial clearances (see the section Axial and ra- τ...
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Nozzle ring press fit for τ multiple inlet turbine cas- If the calculated value (PD) is outside ±0.2 mm, an official ABB Turbo- charging Service Station must be contacted. NOTICE Measure the axial and radial clearances (see the section Axial and ra- τ...
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If provided, fit the C-ring (52408). τ Fit the gas outlet flange (52400). τ In the case of gas outlet bends (51100) from ABB Turbo Systems: τ always replace the gasket (52406) (see the chapter entitled Spare parts). Apply high-temperature grease to contacting surfaces and threads.
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Shutting down the turbocharger Page 117 Cover plate drawing The cover is not supplied by ABB Turbo Systems and must be manufac- tured by the operator according to the following drawing. Material: Common structural steel, according to DIN EN 10025-2 Product ±0.5...
If the total acid number (TAN) is greater than 2 mg KOH/g, the following mothballing measures are necessary after taking an engine out of operation: Dismantle the turbocharger. τ The rotor and the bearing parts must be removed by an official ABB τ Turbocharging service station and refitted afterwards. Clean all parts.
€ The turbocharger remains mounted on the engine. € The turbocharger casing remains mounted on the engine, but the rotor and the bearing parts are removed and stored separately by an ABB Turbocharging Service Station. € The turbocharger is removed completely, either as a whole or in indi- vidual parts.
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