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War Wing Ultimate Combat Delta Assembly Instructions Manual page 7


When all components have been installed and the Delta is ready to fly the following guidelines are
1. Dual rates are recommended. Use low rates for taking off. Performing a takeoff with high rates
has at times caused excitement to some spectators. You are advised to use low rates during
launch. Use high rates for maximum performance and for landing. High rates are recommended
for landing to allow for the slowest and most controlled landing. It is not necessary to make a
speedy approach and flare such as with a typical R/C plane. Instead, approach the landing area
at low level with minimum speed, cut the throttle and input full up elevator just before touching
down which should produce a high angle flare and allow the Delta to set down tail first and flop
on the nose. This method has saved many propellers.
2. Set low rates so that the edges of the control surfaces are even with the opposite fuselage
surface. Example: set the bottom of elevon even with top of wing. This setting should produce
very controllable and docile flight characteristics.
3. Set high rates as desired. The prototypes were set for maximum throw with very desirable
results. For highly experienced pilots – more is better. You can always program in expo if
4. The War Wing Delta can easily be hand launched by holding the top of the vertical fuse or the
lower skid. It does not need to be thrown. Simply let it fly out of your hand. (assuming that the
recommended power system or equivalent was installed) If performing a vertical takeoff, a small
bit of down elevator will usually be necessary as it has a slight tendency to loop upon leaving the
ground due to the weight of the battery making it top heavy. You should input a small amount
of down elevator before lifting off. Try this first in a safe environment free of onlookers. If it
becomes uncontrollable, simply cut the throttle and regain control. It will recover very easily
and resume flight with minimum power. Again, use low rates for vertical takeoff maneuvers as
well as hand launches.
5. The prototypes have been subjected to incredible maneuvers. The Delta will perform loops
almost within its own length. It rolls very fast on high rates. The more it is flown, the more you
will discover the crazy maneuvers it will do. The Delta will achieve a noticeable top speed and
climb out of sight vertically very quickly. It will also hover with almost no wind and is very docile
and stable when flown at low speeds. The flight characteristics are only limited by your
imagination. Feel free to experiment as the Delta will, if built as indicated, take almost any
abuse that you can give it. None have been lost due to structural failure except prototype
number one which was built very differently and served to discover weaknesses that were
redesigned resulting in the current model. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions,
please feel free to contact us. Fly safe and HAVE FUN!!

