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Pioneer PD-F19 Service Manual page 63

File-type cd player


Error check mode (display of the error history for the last 16 times)
is entered when the "TIME/CHARA" button is pressed in test
mode. By looking at this display, it can be seen in which status the
microcomputer has stopped.
(1) Explanation of the display
Disc No. = Error code
Track No. = Error history
Min : sec = Error occurrence mode
Error Code
Press the "TIME/CHARA" button again to check past error codes.
This switches the display. The contents of each display are as
1 Track No.: Error History
Display is possible from 1 to 16. The smaller numbers have
occurred more recently. Accordingly, the error No. 1 is the error
which has occurred most recently.
2 Min : sec: Error Occurrence Mode
The internal mode at the time of occurrence of the displayed error
is displayed. With Min : sec, the meaning is provided by the first
Minutes digits
During spindle stop operation
During disc return
During disc selection (during clamping operation
at the time of 26)
During setup
During CDR setup operation
During TOC reading
During search operation on the disc
During play operation
During pause operation
During manual search
Error History
Error Occurrence Mode
Seconds digits
During hood closing operation and closed condition
During hood opening operation and open condition
3 Disc No.: Error Code Details
Note: A used display is displayed only when return to normal
operation after error occurrence is not possible even when
failsafe operation is performed.
<<< Rack Section >>>
• Disc playing was tried after loading, but
the disc could not be detected because
there was no disc,
the disc was upside down,
the disc was dirty, disc loading had not
been completed, etc.
• Focus was lost during disc playing
because of disc scratches, dirt, etc.
• At the time of track selection during play,
or when trying to play, the servo
mechanism could not move to the position
of the intended track within a fixed time.
• Disc loading was tried, but loading was
not possible within a fixed time. (The disc
was not brought from the rack.)
• It was tried to return the disc to the rack,
but the disc could not be returned within
a fixed time.
• At the time of disc selection during play,
or at the start of play from stopped
condition, the selection mechanism could
not move to the position of the intended
disc within a fixed time.
• After initialization of the selection
mechanism, after selection mechanism
NG, etc., forced rack section position
detection is performed for the selection
mechanism, but detection was not
possible within a fixed time.
• Playing was tried after disc loading, but
normal disc rotation was not possible
the disc was upside down,
the disc was dirty,
disc loading had not been completed, etc.
• During play normal rotation was not
possible because of disc scratches, dirt,

