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Unilamp ATOM 7480-0-2-899-91 Installation Manual page 3


Warning :
The manufacturer will not be liable or held responsible for any incorrect installation, misuse or improper use and
unauthorised modification to the fittings. Failure to comply with mentioned warning may cause serious damage or
serious injury to persons, animals or objects. If any modification is required please consult your dealer for the details.
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Where damage has occured to the fittings, please make the replacement with standard parts before use.
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Cable Size/¢¹Ò´ÊÒÂä¿ : 2x1.00 mm.
Last Revised On : 23/06/2021 REV.08
4.8-6 mm.
The luminaire should be positioned so that prolonged staring into the luminaire at
a distance closer than 0.5m in not expected.
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Any damaged safety glass cover must be replaced only with the original
spare part.
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Not using chemical compounds and aggressive agents such as , weed repellents
fertilizers , acid solvent and contaminated irrigation water near the Luminaires.
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Our products are installed with electronic components with the protection against
overvoltage according to IEC 61547. The customers have to install the additional
overvoltage protection devices (against surge, transients, etc) in their electrical
system to avoid the risk of damage. Failing to do so can cause the end
of products warranty.
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Clean the products regularly to maintain good light output and prolong surface
quality .
Only use solvent-free cleaning solutions on the products.
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FR-DM-17 REV.03 EFF 15/09/17



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