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Temperature Control - Backer TH-50B User Manual

Thermoelectric cooler



It is recommended you install the Chiller in a place where the ambient temperature
is between 23°C-26 °C/72 -78°F. lf the ambient temperature is above or below
recommended temperatures, the performance of the unit maybe affected. For
example, placing your unit in extreme cold or hot condi ons may ca use interior
temperatures to fluctuate. The range of 12-18°C may not be reached.The
recommended ambient temperature is 14°C.
You can select temperature display se ng from Fahrenheit to Celsius
degree by pushing this bu on for two seconds. Fahrenheit or Celsius degrees
indicator will appear in white color in the LCDtemperature display window with
blue background.
Temperature control
You can turn the interior light ON or OFF by pushing the
The light will be turned off automa cally if it remains ON for 10 minutes.
You have to push the
You can select temperature display se ng from Celsius to Fahrenheit degree
by pushing the
Your Cooler has been equipped with an "automa c'control panel lock, that
will ac vate 20 seconds a er the last me a bu on has been touched.
Push the
a "BEEP" sound to alert you that the control is now ac ve.
You can set the temperature as you desire by pushing the
bu on on the control panel. The temperature that you desire to set will
increase 1°C if you push the
will decrease 1°C if you push the
Temperature Ranges ForYour Cooler
Temperature Range
bu on again and the light will turn back on.
bu on for 2 seconds.
bu on for 2 seconds to unlock the control panel. You will hear
bu on once, on the contrary the temperature
bu on once.
bu on once.

