Table of Contents


en Buttons
8 Buttons
The selection of programme settings depends on the programme that is set.
Start / Reload
vario Speed
Ready In
Temp. °C
⁠ 3 sec.
Less Ironing
¡ Start
¡ Cancel
¡ Pause
¡ Activate
¡ Deactivate
Up to 24 hours
⁠ – 90 °C
– –– - 1400
¡ Activate
¡ Deactivate
¡ Activate
¡ Deactivate
¡ Activate
¡ Deactivate
More information
Start, cancel or pause the pro-
Activate or deactivate a shorter pro-
gramme duration.
Note: Energy consumption increases.
The washing result is not affected by
Set the programme end.
The programme duration is already in-
cluded in the set number of hours.
Once the programme has started, the
programme duration is displayed.
Adjust the temperature in °C.
Adjust the spin speed or activate – ––
(Rinse Hold).
If – –– is selected, the water is not
drained at the end of the washing
cycle and the spin cycle is deactiv-
ated. The laundry remains in the rins-
ing water.
→ "Childproof lock", Page 31
Activate or deactivate prewash, e.g.
for washing heavily soiled laundry.
Activate or deactivate the reduced
creasing programme.
In order to reduce creasing in the
laundry, the spin cycle and the spin
speed are adapted.
The laundry is damp enough after
washing that it needs to be hung out
on a washing line.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents