Running The User Program; Technical Specifications - Conrad Electronic C- CONTROL 1 UNIT M 2.0 Hardware Manual

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EEPROMs used as standard data memory must not have a value $55 loaded to the first byte in
memory, if the EEPROM boot option is active. The boot option supports EEPROMs
manufactured by MICROCHIP only.

Running the user program

After download of the user program to the C-Control Unit, the program is permanently (until a new
program download) stored at the unit's Flash memory. You may now attach the START jumper if a
permanent Auto-Start operation of yout unit is desired.
If the jumper is attached the user program stored in the memory will be started when the operating
voltage is applied. If this jumper is not attached the pin START has to be tied to GND for a short
moment to run the user program. If you use the computer together with the Application-Board, this
jumper must not be attached because the Application-Board provides a START button, which is
connected to this pin.

Technical specifications:

Operating voltage
Extended voltage reange ´
Current consumption
User variables
User program memory
Operating system
Bus clock
Reference voltage Uref
Digital ports
Digita output port ( 0.2mA load)
Digital input port level
Maximum port output load
Serial interface
Temperature range
The total Current Output (Source Current) of all Ports has to be kept lower than 20mA if the
Unit M 2.0 is powered with 12V.
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© Copyright 2006 by Spiketronics GmbH. Printed in Germany.
Hirschau/ Germany
No reproduction (including translation) is permitted in whole or part e. g. photocopy, microfilming or storage in
electronic data processing equipment, without the express written consent of the publisher. The operating instructions
reflect the current technical specifications at time of print. We reserve the right to change the technical or physical
© Copyright 2006 by Spiketronics GmbH. Printed in Germany.
100 %recycling paper. Bleached without chlorine.
5V DC, +-5%
9-15V DC (only Unit M 2.0, with internal regulator)
M 2.0 app. 50 mA / M 1.2 ca. 8 mA
M 2.0 app. 50mm x 25mm / M1.2 app. 42mm x 42mm
64 Byte RAM (M 2.0 with BASIC++ offers 140Byte)
10 kByte FLASH
M 2.0 8 MHz / M 1.2 2MHz
8 x 8 Bit A/D Converter, 0.....5V
5V intern or extern
16 standard I/Oports, pull up switchable
O,l v < Uout,low < 0,3V/(ub - 0,3V) < Uout,high < (Ub - 0,1V)
OV < Uin,low C (0,2*ub) / (0,7*Ub)< Uin,high < Ub
+- 10mA
2 x 8 Bit 1930 Hz PWM
8N1, 9600 Baud, no Handshake
0.....60 C
Diese Bedienungsanleitung wurde erstellt für Conrad Electronic GmbH.
100 % Recycling-Papier.Chlorfrei gebleicht.
These operating instructions are created for Conrad Electronic GmbH, Klaus-Conrad- Str. 1, 92240
01- 06/ US


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This manual is also suitable for:

C-control 1 unit m 1.219 88 2218 88 09

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