Load Victerm I - Commodore Computers VICMODEM VIC-20 Manual

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2. VIC-to-VIC/VIC-to-ASCII — Most computers create characters
according to a standard set of codes called ASCII. Com­
modore's computers use a slightly different set of codes.
VICTERM I translates this different " language" from other
computers as well as giving you the full range of graphics and
sound when communicating VIC to VIC. When on the second
menu press V to transmit or receive from a Commodore
computer. Any other computer requires VIC to ASC!I, select A.
3. 2 Color Option — To improve readability, we have made it
possible to display characters you send in one color and the
characters you receive in another color. Select the 2 color
option by hitting the 2 key, while the second menu is displayed.
To cancel this feature press the 2 key again.
4. Format End of Line — Words that run past the end of the line on
the screen normally appear fragmented, partially on one line
and partially on the next. By selecting format end of line, any
words that would have been broken up are moved entirely to
the next line, this makes text more readable.
Select the format end of line by hitting f, and to cancel the
choice press F again.
1. VICTERM I tape should only be used on VIC's without extra
memory. This means there can be no expander cartridges or
game cartridges plugged into the back of the VIC. When the
screen comes up it should read 3583 bytes free.
2. Install the modem as given in the modem instruction manual.
3. Turn on the VIC, and rewind the VICTERM I tape.
4. Type " Load" command on the VIC, press play on the cassette
when prompted on the TV screen.


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