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Summary of Contents for Fixturlaser Shaft 100

  • Page 2 2nd revised edition, January 1998 Copyright 1997 Fixturlaser AB, Mölndal, Sweden All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written permission of Fixturlaser AB. IXTURLASER HAFT...
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    ONTENTS ..................5 NTRODUCTION ..................6 ETHOD ..............8 OUCH CREEN NTERFACE ................10 YSTEM ONTENTS ................. 12 AFETY AND & C ..........16 IXTURE TTACHMENT ABLE ONNECTION ..................18 ROGRAMS ................20 YSTEM ................21 PPLICATION ..............23 LIGNMENT UNCTIONS ..................
  • Page 5: Introduction

    The Fixturlaser Shaft 100 user interface is entirely built upon signs and icons, no text. In most cases the icons are clear and do not cause any misunderstanding, but to your convenience you will find an icon index in the end of this manual.
  • Page 6: The Method

    HAFT HOW IT WORKS The Fixturlaser Shaft 100 is based upon the principle of a reverse indicator alignment system. Instead of steel bars with dials it uses two laser beams. Unlike steel bars the laser beams do not have the disadvantage of sagging and this contributes to the system’s high degree of accuracy.
  • Page 8: The Touch Screen Interface

    OUCH CREEN NTERFACE A touch screen is, as it says, touch sensible. A light touch of your fingertip on the displayed icon activates the icon’s function. We have found that a clean display with just the necessary information, and with symbols in stead of text, makes it much easier to understand, and reduces the input errors from the user to a minimum.
  • Page 10: System Ontents

    YSTEM ONTENTS 1-0203 Case 1-0200 Display Unit, DU10 1-0201 TD-M 100 1-0202 TD-S 100 KA-300569-66 Cable 3 meters 2-0299 V-bracket 2-0136 Chain, 500 mm with screw 2-0135 Chain, 900 mm OM-PLASTBOX Plastic box 3-0777 3-0772 Tool 3-0773 Dolly 3-0769 Rod, length 60 mm 3-0770 Rod, length 150 mm 3-0343...
  • Page 11 1-0203 1-0205 P-0040 OE-LR 20 5-000* 1-0083 1-0215 OM-PLASTBOX OM-PLASTBOX 2-0135 2-0136 3-0777 2-0314 3-0772 3-0773 1-0200 SK-MLC6S8X20 5-0017 2-0299 1-0201 1-0202 3-0770 3-0769 3-0343 3-0343 IXTURLASER HAFT...
  • Page 12: Safety And Care

    110 - 240 Volts. AFETY The Fixturlaser Shaft 100 use two laser diodes with a power output of < 0,5 mW. The laser classification is Class 2 which is considered safe for its intended use with only minor precautions required.
  • Page 13 IXTURLASER HAFT...
  • Page 14 REATMENT AND CARE The Fixturlaser Shaft 100 has been developed for industrial use and is sealed against water and dust in accordance with IP65. The system should be cleaned with a cotton cloth moistened with a mild soap solution with exception for the detector surface, which should be cleaned with alcohol.
  • Page 15 IXTURLASER HAFT...
  • Page 16: Fixture Attachment & Cable Connection

    & C IXTURE TTACHMENT ABLE ONNECTION Attach the V-block fixtures on the shafts of the measurement object, one on each side of the coupling. Tighten the tension screws firmly, always using the supplied tool. Do not overtighten. Mount the rods to the fixture and tighten firmly. Attach the TD-units on the fixtures. The TD-M should be mounted on the moveable machine and the TD-S on the station- ary machine.
  • Page 17 The optional extension fixtures are used together with either the V-block fixtures or the magnet bases. If the space between the machine casing and the coupling/shaft end is too short for a standard set-up this fixture solves the problem. IXTURLASER HAFT...
  • Page 18: The Programs

    ROGRAMS Fixturlaser Shaft 100 is provided with different programs for specific purposes. When you have pressed the red button the main screen appears. You have to return to this screen to turn the system off. Program 1: Horizontal Shaft Alignment...
  • Page 19 IXTURLASER HAFT...
  • Page 20: The

    YSTEM The system Set-up menu includes settings that are common for all applications. Displayed measurement units Select between metric and imperial units. Auto off time Select between 1 and 98 minutes, When choosing 99 minutes the auto-off function is disabled. Auto- off function is also disabled when using external power.
  • Page 21: Application Set - Up

    PPLICATION In each program there is different settings available valid for the specific program only. The settings differ depending on the program. Below you will find a summary of the different settings and what they do. Displayed resolution Sets the displayed resolution of the measurement values. Available settings are 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001 mm/10, 1 and 0.1 mils.
  • Page 22 IXTURLASER HAFT...
  • Page 23: Pre -Alignment Functions

    The Thermal offset program provides the possibility to pre-set known compensa- tion values for thermal growth. Values required are normally to find in the machine specifications. The Fixturlaser Shaft 100 accepts foot values, dial values or angular-/parallel error values. IXTURLASER...
  • Page 24: Thermal Offset

    In the Fixturlaser Shaft 100 you can pre-set these values from the shaft alignment program before starting your alignment work. Accepted values are feet values, clock values and parallel offset/angular error.
  • Page 25 Feet values 3A Touch the feet icon where you want to compensate. 4A Touch the foot value icons . Enter the distances required and the foot values in mm or mils according to the pre-set unit. You can change the entered values by touching the foot value icons.
  • Page 26: Softcheck

    It is more or less impossible to establish if there is a soft foot condition without using some kind of measurement tool. The Fixturlaser Shaft 100 built-in Softcheck program checks each foot and displays the result in mm or mils.
  • Page 27 Loosen the bolt fully and then tighten it firmly. Preferable with a dynamo- metric wrench. The measurement value is registered by touching OK. Continue with the rest of the bolts. Re-measurements can be done at any time. Do the necessary corrections and then check each foot again. Exit by touching the Exit icon .
  • Page 28: Shaft Alignment

    HAFT LIGNMENT NTRODUCTION Shaft alignment - correction of the relative position of two machines that are con- nected, such as a motor and a pump, so that the centre lines of the shafts form a straight line when the machines are working at normal operating temperature. Shaft alignment means moving the front and the rear pair of feet of one machine, verti- cally and horizontally, until the shafts are aligned to within given tolerances.
  • Page 29: Alignment

    HAFT LIGNMENT ORIZONTAL ACHINES PPLICATION Here you can do the following settings valid for this specific program: Displayed measurement value resolution: 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001 mm / 10, 1, 0.1 mils. Filtered values: Sample time from 1-99 seconds Thermal offset: Input mode for correction values Static feet selection: Recalculates the measurement values...
  • Page 30 LOCK ETHOD ROCEDURE From the main menu touch the Horizontal Shaft Alignment icon (program 1). The screen shows the movable machine. The grey areas are data entry fields. Measure the distance A. Touch the A field and enter the value. Confirm with OK.
  • Page 31 Rotate the shafts to the 12 o’clock position, using the inclinometer display with the graphic spirit level. The led on the TD-M unit turns from flashing green to alternate red and green when within ±3° of correct position. The targets should be slid over the detectors. Adjust the lasers to the centre of both targets using the blue adjustment screws.
  • Page 32 Rotate the TD-units to the 9 o’clock position. Slide open the targets, wait until the TD-values appear, and press the 9 o’clock icon . Using the inclinometer display, rotate the shafts to the 3 o’clock position and press the 3 o’clock icon . The screen now displays the current horizontal position of the machine.
  • Page 33 Rotate the shafts to the 12 o’clock position and press the 12 o’clock icon . The screen now displays the current vertical position. Adjust the machine vertically until the values for both parallel and angular alignment are within tolerances required. Rotate the shafts to the 3 o’clock position and adjust the machine horizon- tally until the required alignment is achieved.
  • Page 34 Rotate the shafts back to the 12 o’clock position, press the 12 o’clock icon and check that the machine lies within the required tolerances. Measurement and adjustment are now completed. To confirm the result, redo the measurement. The result can be printed out by touching the Print icon, or saved for later print-out or transfer to PC’s by touching the File Drawer icon .
  • Page 35 IXTURLASER HAFT...
  • Page 36 RIPOINT METHOD When shafts have a limited rotation or can only be rotated in one direction. From the Main menu, touch the Horizontal Shaft Alignment icon (program 1 Touch the Application Set-up icon to enter the set-up. Touch the Tripoint icon to select the measurement method to use.
  • Page 37 The screen displays the movable machine. Set dimension as for the Clock method. Set the TD units so that they are approximately parallel. Adjust the lasers to the centre of the targets using the blue adjustment screws. Touch the Register icon . This registers the first reading. IXTURLASER HAFT...
  • Page 38 Rotate the shafts to the next desired position. The shafts have to be rotated over a minimum of 30° and are indicated when the Register icon is dis- played. Touch the Register icon to register the reading. Rotate the shafts to the third position and touch the Register icon to register the reading.
  • Page 39 To display the current machine position values touch the horizontal or vertical icon . If the shafts are rotated to a position where the TD-units is NOT positioned in the 12/6 o’clock or 9/3 o’clock position, the values are displayed with a black mark in the top right corner of the value box and are not real time values.
  • Page 40 The result can be printed out by touching the Print icon, or saved for later print-out or transfer to PC’s by touching the File Drawer icon . The measure- ment will be stored in the permanent memory labelled with the current date and time.
  • Page 41 IXTURLASER HAFT...
  • Page 42: Static Feet Selection

    TATIC FEET SELECTION In some cases the machine that is displayed as the moveable machine is not move- able, or just some of the feet of the moveable machine are not adjustable. In order to perform a proper alignment in these cases the Static feet selection program will be helpful.
  • Page 43 Locking symbols for each foot are now displayed. Touch the two feet you choose to lock. The feet values are displayed at the unlocked feet as live values. View the horizontal values by touching the Switch view icon . Different feet to lock can be selected by first unlocking the locked feet. Go back to the horizontal shaft alignment program by touching the Exit icon.
  • Page 44: Vertical Shaft Alignment

    ERTICAL HAFT LIGNMENT PPLICATION Here you can do the following settings valid for this specific program: Displayed measurement value resolution: 0,1 - 0,01 - 0,001mm / 10, 1, 0.1 mils Filtered values: Sample time from 1-99 seconds ROCEDURE The vertical shaft program calculates the shims required under each bolt to correct angular error and the live display shows the corrections required for concentricity.
  • Page 45 Position yourself where it is easiest to turn the shafts through 180°. This position ideally should correspond to a 6 o’clock position. The first bolt is at the position 9 o’clock. Turn the shafts to where the TD units are positioned at 9 o’clock and touch the corresponding icon.
  • Page 46 Turn the shafts 180° to the 3 o’clock position. Touch the corresponding icon to register the reading. The displayed values show the current position of the machine in the 9 to 3 o’clock axis. IXTURLASER HAFT...
  • Page 47 Rotate the shaft to the 12 o’clock position and touch the 12 o’clock icon . The values displayed are the alignment in the 12 to 6 o’clock axis. The list of values displayed is the position values for each bolt. These correspond to the shim thickness that should be placed under each bolt to eliminate the angular error.
  • Page 48 Start with correction of the angular error by adding shims where required. To adjust the machine in the 6 to 12 o’clock direction, rotate the shafts to the 12 o’clock position and touch the corresponding icon. Use the parallel- ism display to correct the error. To adjust the machine in the 3 to 9 o’clock direction, rotate the shaft to the 3 o’clock position and touch the corresponding icon.
  • Page 49 IXTURLASER HAFT...
  • Page 50: Td- Values

    VALUES The TD-value program is quite a simple one, but also very useful. The screen displays the TD values straight off. PPLICATION Here you can do the following settings valid for this specific program: Displayed measurement resolution: 0,1 - 0,01 - 0,001mm/10 - 1 - 0,1 mils Filtered values: Sample time from 1 - 99 seconds ROCEDURE...
  • Page 51 IXTURLASER HAFT...
  • Page 52: Memory Manager

    RINTING A MEASUREMENT First of all you will need to connect the Fixturlaser system printer to the printer port on the display unit. Select the measurement to be printed and then touch the Print icon . It is also possible to print out a screen dump of a reviewed measurement. Just touch the Print icon and the displayed screen will be printed out.
  • Page 53 IXTURLASER HAFT...
  • Page 54 ELETING A SELECTED MEASUREMENT Select the measurement by touching it in the list. Touch the Dustbin icon . Confirm the deletion by touching OK . ELETING ALL STORED MEASUREMENTS Touch the File drawer to dustbin icon . Confirm the operation by touching OK . IXTURLASER HAFT...
  • Page 55 IXTURLASER HAFT...
  • Page 56: Technical Drawings

  • Page 57 IXTURLASER HAFT...
  • Page 58: Icon Index

    NDEX ORIZONTAL HAFT LIGNMENT PROGRAM Starts the Application set-up Starts the Horizontal shaft program. alignment program. Registers measurement value Starts the Vertical shaft alignment when using Tripoint method. program. Registers measurement value at Starts the TD display program. the 9 o’clock position when using the Clock method Starts the Memory manager Registers measurement value at...
  • Page 59 ERTICAL SHAFT ALIGNMENT VALUE DISPLAY PROGRAM PROGRAM Starts the application set-up program. Starts the Application set-up program. Prints out the readings and additional information. Opens the entry field for number of bolts. Restarts the measurements with entered values. Registers measurement value at the 9 o’clock position when Zeroes the TD-M value/resets to using the Clock method...
  • Page 60 EMORY ANAGER ROGRAM OOLS PROGRAM Changes/adds a tag on selected Selects between metric or measurement. imperial display. Displays the selected measure- Sets the auto-off time in minutes. ment results. 99 minutes = deactivated. Deletes selected measurement Sets the system date. Display from memory.
  • Page 61 PPLICATION TATIC FEET ROGRAMMES Sets the displayed resolution. In Locks the selected foot. inch-mode the values are 10, 1 and 0.1 mils. Unlocks all locked feet. Sets the filter value. Indicates locked foot Selects measurement method Tripoint or Clock method. Alters the displayed result Starts the thermal growth between horizontal and vertical.
  • Page 62 HERMAL GROWTH ISCELLANEOUS Value entry field. Starts entering mode for pre- setting of angular and parallel errors. Softfoot value box. Entry fields for pre-setting of angular and parallel errors. Confirms previous selection or finishes sequence in program. Starts entering mode for pre- setting of feet values.
  • Page 63 IXTURLASER HAFT...
  • Page 64: Technical Specification

    ECHNICAL PECIFICATION RANSMITTER DETECTOR NITS Housing material Die-cast aluminium Laser class Class 2 Laser wavelength 675 nm, visible red light Detector area 20x20 mm (3/4”x3/4”) Displayed resolution Selectable 0,1 - 0,01 - 0,001 mm (10 - 1 - 0,1 mils) Measuring distance 20 meters (66 feet) Inclinometer accuracy...
  • Page 65 PPLICATION PROGRAMS Shaft alignment horizontal machines Shaft alignment vertical machines Measurement with compensation for offset/angularity ROGRAM FUNCTIONS Measurement of thermal growth Softfoot measurement - SoftcheckTM Base-bound or bolt-bound feet selection Filter function for measurement values Selection of measurement method - Tripoint or Clock method Memory management for up to 100 measurements Printer function IXTURLASER...
  • Page 66 IXTURLASER HAFT...

Table of Contents