General Trobleshooting - Nokia Mobile Phones NHX-4N Troubleshooting Instructions

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Disassembly & Troubleshooting Instructions

General Trobleshooting

The object of troubleshooting is to define the faulty module block, and then to
locate the faulty component. The troubleshooting diagram has been planned so
that the fault, whatever it is, can be found as simply as possible.
The flow charts give you the overview of the blocks. The purpose is that you
proceed through the flow diagram so that, if your answer is YES for the asked
question, go straight to the next level, but if your answer is NO, go the sub-
Required servicing equipment:
– PC for Service Software
– Power supply (2.0A)
– Digital multimeter
– Oscilloscope
– Signal generator
– Spectrum analyzer
– RF cables
– Service cable SCN–3
– RF–adapter AAT–4X
– Test jig JBS–3N
– RS232/MBUS adapter
Page 6
Technical Documentation
Original, 01/98


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