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F'real Freal Cleaning And Sanitizing Instructions page 2


f'REAL! Blender Cleaning and Sanitizing Instructions
1. Gather required items
2. Thoroughly wash hands
for Cleaning and
with soap and warm water.
Sanitizing. Ensure
f'REAL! Brush is in good
condition. If it is not,
replace it with new one.
Notice: Only use f'REAL!
Brush on f'REAL! Blender
5a. First, the top and
5b. Then the top and
underside of metal cup lid;
bottom of blending disc
and slider;
This is the most important
(Lift cup lid to access
step in the entire process, so
blending disc. Beware of
be sure to do it thoroughly
sharp edges.)
every time.
5f. And last, the interior
6. Close front door firmly.
bottom area of gray plastic
Blender will automatically
blending chamber.
rinse off cleaned
(Do this step last to avoid
possible spreading of drain
area material onto other
cleaned surfaces.)
9. While 2 minute sanitize
10. When sanitize cycle
cycle counts down, clean
ends, remove Sanitizing
f'REAL! Brush and hands
Cup from cup holder, and
again with dishwashing
open front door of blender
liquid to ensure they are as
clean as possible for step
11, and then thoroughly
rinse with warm water.
All manuals and user guides at
3. Put 2-3 squirts of
dishwashing liquid into
f'REAL! Sanitizing Cup
and fill cup about half way
with hot water.
5c. Then the blending
Rinse out and then fill
f'REAL! Sanitizing Cup to fill
line with room temperature
water. Add 4 -6 drops of BTF
Iodophor Sanitizer to room
temperature water cup.
Sanitizing solution is still
nearly clear when properly
Use cleaned
11 a & b.
f'REAL! Brush dipped in
Iodophor sanitizer solution
from Sanitizing Cup to
thoroughly apply sanitizing
solution to underside and
top of metal cup lid like
shown in Step 5a.
4. Open blender front door
5. Using clean f'REAL!
to access blending chamber
Brush dipped frequently in
by pulling on metal tab
Sanitizing Cup with
located under right corner
prepared dishwashing
of door.
solution, thoroughly clean
Do not turn blender power
in the following order:
off during cleaning and
5d. Then the gray plastic
5e. Then the clear plastic
blending chamber walls
flip up doors - top and
and front door liner;
bottom, taking care not to
press them fully open
without supporting them,
as this can cause their
return springs to break off;
8a. Place Sanitizing Cup
8b. Press and hold both
with properly prepared
"Less Thick" and "More
sanitizing solution in
Thick" buttons for 5
blender cup holder.
seconds to begin sanitize
12 & 13. Pour remaining
14. Rinse f'REAL! Brush
sanitizing solution down
and Sanitizing Cup
blender's internal drain
thoroughly with hot water.
located in gray plastic
Allow to dry and save for
blending chamber. Then
next day's use.
close front door firmly.
Rev k

