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Congratulations on your purcha
se of a Quark Hydrog
en Alpha
"Eyepiece" solar filter. Please read this manual before using the product.
To use the filter, plug in the included power supply, then place the
Quark after your telescope's diagonal and insert an eyepiece or
camera in the rear of the filter. Turn the knob to point straight away
from the light. When the light turns green in about 5-10 minutes
your viewing experience can begin.
To prevent damage, we recommend using an Energy Rejection Filter on
telescopes of 80mm aperture or more, or when tra cking the Sun for long
periods. This can be a UV/IR cut filter mounted before the diagonal, or a
full aperture red or yellow glass ERF mounted in front of the telescope.
Do not disassemble the filter, the bl ocking element is separated from the
etalon and the complete ssembly must be used together for safe viewing.
Do n ot po wer the filter from a
computer or cell phone charger as the
Quark requires a high current power supply (> 1.5A) for operation.
For assistance:
1 (866) 680-6563
Email: servi
Visit: http://www.da


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for DayStar Filters QUARK

  • Page 1 Do n ot po wer the filter from a computer or cell phone charger as the Quark requires a high current power supply (> 1.5A) for operation. For assistance: Call: 1 (866) 680-6563 Email: servi
  • Page 2: Cautions And Warnings

    A few very important points that owners and operators must understand: • DayStar filters are rear-mounted and can be applied to a choice of telescopes if applie d p roperly. If app lication i s incorrect, the filter will not perform as specified.
  • Page 3 USAGE: The Quark is de signed for use o n F/4 to F/9 refractors. Combined with an integ rated 4.3x telecen tric b arlow, t his results i n a F/17 to F/38 final image respectively, to provide the best performance from your filter.
  • Page 4 ERF. Please note, a Herschel Wedge or whit e light filter cannot be used with the Quark. These filters pass very little light by design and so will result in an extremely dark image if used with the Quark.
  • Page 5: How It Works

    'film' will not affect visual performance. Fingerprints, smudges and smears must be cleaned off. Preferred cleaning met hod is to return the Quark to the DayStar Filters la boratory for prope r factory cleaning. Do not unscrew, open or separate your Quark filter assembly. The optical elements are held under pressure by design and will become damaged if opened.
  • Page 6 Eyepiece Selection: Daystar Recommends Tele Vue Plossl series eyepieces of 25mm, 32mm, and 40mm. Remember t hat at F/30, a high powered eyepi ece can exceed Dawes' limit. Observers will find best results with a n eyepie ce which i s 32 mm or g reater to avoid this.
  • Page 7 - A jet-stream moving overhead can also hurt seeing conditions even on a clear day. DayStar Filters are high power viewing platforms and this high resolution can b e su sceptible to seei ng issu es. Solar Ob servers usi ng high powered, hig h resolution telescopes a nd DayStar f ilters should hee d daytime seeing.
  • Page 8 This effect is a concern for both color and monochrome sensors. An optional accessory is available from DayStar (MG-0408) which can be used between the DSLR and Quark to adjust the lig ht angle and extinct the interference pattern.
  • Page 9 (9 microns and above) will enable a larger field of view. Alternatively, a focal re ducer can be em ployed between th e Quark an d th e came ra. Simple 1.2 5” screw in focal redu cers can be atta ched to the camera nosepiece to allo w a wider field of view wit h small (1/2”, 1/3”, ¼”...
  • Page 10 Features of the Sun in Hydrogen Alpha: By observin g the sun with a narro bandpass filter tun ed to 6562.8Å, we ca observe the behavior of the Sun' Chromosphere. The chromosphere is like a shell of g as aro und the Sun' s p hotosphere, always movi ng a nd changing.
  • Page 11 dominate Spicules the chromospheres in non-active re gions and h ave been studied exh austively. They are barely visible, last only about 15 minutes, and resemble a "burning prarie". Some jets can be seen shooting 10,000 km up fro m the Sun' s limb at velo cities of about 30 km/sec.
  • Page 12 Ellerman Bomb: A remarkable f eature of Emerging Flux Regions is the Ellerman bomb. Bright points with very broad H-alp ha win gs (±5Å) that are low in the atmosphere so they are not visible on H al pha cente rline. Called ' moustaches' fo r their appearance on spe ctrograph, they ap pear spectroscopically li ke wi de moustaches with a gap i n the mi ddle.
  • Page 13: Troubleshooting

    AC/DC wall adapter, as cell phone chargers and P C USB ports do not have enough current capability for the Quark. Red indi cation can also mean an electrical fault i n the Quark electronics. I f power source changes do not resolve the red indi cation,...
  • Page 14: Specifications

    Approximately 5-6 minutes after power up or change wing shift. Temperature: Ambient temperature range 0°-100°F Dimensions: 55mm diameter x 71mm x 146mm long. Includes: Quark filter, power supply, user manual. Warranty: 5 years *All dedicated solar tracking applications should employ energy rejection...
  • Page 15 Househo old u sers should d conta ct eithe r r the reta iler w here they for disposal. Copyri ght: This man nual copyright © D DayStar Filters 20 014, all rights res served.
  • Page 16: Warranty

    DayStar, or (C) serviced or repaired by someon e other than the DayStar Filters Service Center fo r a defe ct or manlfunction cove red by this warranty. This warrantee in cludes shipping to a nd from any point inside the United States.

Table of Contents