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Canon Creative Park Paper Aquarium Clown Fish Assembly Instructions page 2


Option 1
1) Cut out B1-B4 and
assemble each part.
Fold B1-B3 in half, attach the back of
each respective side together,
and cut each piece out.
As for B4, start assembly by attaching
from the sides. As a final step, put the
B 4
remaining piece on the top like a lid.
2) Attach B1-B4.
B 3
B 1
B 4
Option 2
2) Attach C1-C3.
1) Cut out C1-C3 and
C 1
assemble each part.
Insert it into the space on
C 2
Fold C1 and C2 in half,
attach the back of each respective
side together, and cut
each piece out.
C 3
A space will be created on the
top of C3.
Paper Aquarium : Clown fish
Clown fish
B 2
1) Cut out D1 and D2,
make incisions, and curve them
as indicated by the arrows.
D 1
B 2
3) Attach D1-D6.
*Do not attach this part.
D 1
Attach C1 and C2
by putting
the triangular
glue tabs
D 2
C 2
Place D6 between D1 and D2
and attach the back of each
respective side together.
4) Attach the string and D7 on the clown fish.
top of C3
and attach it
on the inside.
C 3
[Assembly Instructions]
2) Cut out D3-D7 and assemble
each part.
D 3
*Do not curve the fin part.
D 6
D 7
D 2
Insert D3 and attach
the glue tabs together.
D 3
D 6
Insert D4 and D5 in the hole,
pull out the head to hide
the front part of the hole,
and stabilize it with the glue tab.
Cut the string into
an approximately
10cm piece.
Put one end of the string
between the fin and attach
the sides together to secure it.
1) Wrap the clown fish's string
around D7 as many times
Fold D3-D5 in half and
as you wish to obtain
attach the back of each side
your desired length.
together respectively.
2) Hook the clown fish
on the hole found in the upper
Make a fold on D6.
part of the frame.
3) Arrange Option 1 and
Fold D7 in half,
Option 2, put the lid (frame A8)
attach the back of
on top, and you're done!
each side together,
and make incisions.
D 5
D 4
D 7
As for the other end
of the string, put it in
D7's incision.
Wrap it several times
around D7 so that
it doesn't come off.
*Do the same for the other fish.
Frame A8
Option 1
Option 2

