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Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for LAPLACE INSTRUMENTS AC2000A

  • Page 1 LAPLACE INSTRUMENTS LTD AC2000A USER MANUAL ISSUE 14 LAPLACE INSTRUMENTS LTD Tudor House, Grammar School Road, North Walsham, Norfolk NR28 9JH +44 (0) 16 92 40 20 70
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Voltage Variation Page Peak Inrush Current Measurement Test Control Set-up (Peak Inrush Current) Report View Report Formats Report Set-up Compliance Measurements with the AC2000A Overview of Harmonics Measurements Taking Harmonics Measurements Taking Flicker and Fluctuation Measurements HA-PC Link Plus Software Software Installation...
  • Page 3: Introduction

    Introduction High performance power analyser The AC2000A is a high speed, high accuracy AC power analyser for single phase supplies of up to 16 Amps rms. The supply to be measured is connected via a dedicated input cable independently of the supply to the instrument.
  • Page 4: Specification

    Specification MAINS ANALYSER Measurement Circuit: Single Phase with standard mains connector. Current Rating: 16A rms continuous, or national connector rating if lower. Voltage Ranges: 115V (± 200V pk) and 230V (± 400V pk). Current Ranges: ± 24mA pk to ± 400A pk in fifteen 2:1 ranges. 43 –...
  • Page 5 Storage Range: Environmental: Indoor use at altitudes up to 2000m, Pollution Degree 2. Safety & EMC: Complies with EN61010-1 & EN61326-1. Dimensions (WxHxD): AC2000A: 357 x 132 x 235mm; AC2000: 305 x 148 x 220mm. Weight: AC2000A: 4.4kg; AC2000: 4.2kg.
  • Page 6: Safety

    Safety This instrument is Safety Class I according to IEC classification and has been designed to meet the requirements of EN61010-1 (Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control and Laboratory Use). It is an Installation Category II instrument intended for operation from a normal single phase supply.
  • Page 7: Installation

    Installation Mains Operating Voltage – Instrument Power Before making connections to the AC line source ensure that the operating voltage of the instrument is correctly set. The operating voltage is indicated by the orientation of the fuseholder. When the 230V marking is upwards, the unit is set for operation over the range 220V to 240V. When the 115V marking is upwards, the unit is set for operation over the range 110V to 120V.
  • Page 8: Connections

    Connections Front Panel Connections Appliance Connector The load under test should be plugged into the front panel appliance connector. Power to the connector is supplied from the fixed cable via an internal 20A fuse and a relay LOAD POWER which is controlled by the switch.
  • Page 9: Initial Operation

    Initial Operation This section is a general introduction to the organisation of the instrument and is intended to be read before using it for the first time. It is important to recognise that compliance quality measurements cannot be taken by relying on the instrument defaults. A full understanding of the various configuration options must be gained by studying the detailed descriptions of each function which follow in the sections of this manual below, starting with Power Meter.
  • Page 10 Keyboard The keys on the front panel can be considered in the following groups: • The five keys beneath the LCD. When the green VIEW lamp is lit these are used to directly call each of the five main display views ( for Power Meter for Waveform Graph, METER...
  • Page 11: Power Meter View

    Power Meter View With the green VIEW lamp lit, press the METER key to display the Power Meter view. The Power Meter view gives a continuously updated display of the major parameters of the supply voltage and load current, together with an instantaneous summary of whether the supply and load meet the limits of the harmonics standard.
  • Page 12 The Harmonic Summary group gives a simple overview of the supply and load harmonic status. It states whether the supply passes or fails the specified requirements; compliance quality measurements can obviously only be made with a supply that meets the harmonics, voltage, frequency, crest factor and phase requirements described earlier.
  • Page 13: Power Meter Set-Up

    Power Meter Set-up With the Power Meter view displayed, pressing SET-UP shows the Power Meter set-up screen, which gives access to the Setup Range soft-key. In Flicker mode, it also gives access to the Flicker and Voltage Variations result pages. See the Flicker Meter chapter for details. Set-up Range Pressing the Setup Range soft-key (on either the Meter or Waveform Graph views) changes the display to a graphical view of the current waveform with three further soft-keys: Up, Down...
  • Page 14: Waveform Graph View

    Waveform Graph View The Waveform Graph display (which is the default display at instrument switch on) can be selected by pressing the WAVE key whenever the green VIEW lamp is lit. The default format of the display is a full-screen view of both the voltage and current waveforms. The format of the display can be changed in various ways as described in the Waveform Graph Set-up section below.
  • Page 15: Waveform Graph Set-Up

    Waveform Graph Set-up With the Waveform Graph view displayed, pressing SET-UP shows the Waveform Graph set-up screen. With the exception of the Setup Range key, the functions of the soft-keys change as the edit  zone is moved through the editable fields of the display using the keys;...
  • Page 16 Once the range is locked, the Lock Range soft-key label becomes Auto Range; pressing this key releases the lock and allows the instrument to auto-range on the present waveform. Several other soft-keys 'toggle' between alternate choices in this way; it is only necessary to remember that at any time the soft-key box shows what will happen when the key is pressed.
  • Page 17 Traces With the edit zone in the Show Traces field the soft-keys are Voltage and Current. Alternate presses of each key will turn that trace on and off; confirmation is given by a ✓ or X against the corresponding trace name in the Show Traces edit zone. The default setting for single screen is both traces selected.
  • Page 18: Harmonics View

    Harmonics View With the green VIEW lamp lit, press the HARMONICS key to display the Harmonics view. The default display is a current harmonics histogram. The horizontal scale is marked with the harmonic number. Odd harmonics & limits are shown as wide bars and even harmonics &...
  • Page 19: Harmonics View Set-Up

    Harmonics View Set-up With the Harmonics view displayed, pressing SET-UP shows the Harmonics set-up screen. The soft-key functions change as the edit zone is moved through the editable fields of the display  using the keys; each field is described below. Pressing the VIEW key returns the display to the Harmonics view.
  • Page 20 Vertical Scale With the edit zone in the Vertical Scale field the soft-key choices are Absolute or Percent Limit. With the default condition of Absolute, the initial scaling is determined by the instrument’s measurement range. However, the scaling can be changed easily using the ...
  • Page 21 When Absolute is selected for the Vertical Scale, moving the edit zone to Data Selection, changes the soft-key choices to Normal & Limit (the default), Max Hold & Limit, Normal & Max Hold and Min & Max Hold. These keys determine which parameters the inner (solid) bars and outer (open) bars of the histogram represent.
  • Page 22: Display Format - Tables

    Show With the edit zone in the Show field there are four soft-keys which permit the parameters of the chosen Data Selection mode to be turned on and off in the display. For example, for the default condition of Normal & Limit, the four soft-keys are Odd Harmonics, Even Harmonics, Normal and Limits.
  • Page 23 The format is the same for both groups; for each numbered harmonic, the measured harmonic value is shown together with the limit for that harmonic and the measured value expressed as a percentage of that limit. The harmonic value can be filtered or unfiltered depending on the selection in the Filter field (as described above);...
  • Page 24: Test Control View

    Test Control View With the green VIEW lamp lit, press the TEST key to display the Test Control view. This display sets the operating mode of the instrument to Harmonics, Voltage Variations & Flicker, or Peak Inrush Current and allows the details of all the measurements to be configured. The contents of the Test Control view change depending on which mode is selected;...
  • Page 25: Test Control Set-Up (Harmonics)

    Test Control Set-up (Harmonics) With Test Control view displayed, pressing SET-UP shows the Test Control set-up screen. This is essentially the same as the view screen but with soft-keys at the bottom of the display that  change as the edit zone is moved through the editable fields of the display with the keys.
  • Page 26 For discharge lighting equipment below 25 Watts there are two alternatives. The first uses the (power related) harmonic limits of table 3 of EN61000-3-2 (this is the table used by class D). The second alternative imposes limits (proportional to the fundamental current) on the third and fifth harmonics, together with a set of phase angle requirements on the current waveform.
  • Page 27 In general, the present edition of the standard requires the manufacturer’s declared rating to be entered as the basis of the limits, rather than using the automatic detection. Class D – A Crossover Power The use of this edit field is now unlikely, but it makes it possible to change the crossover power setting slightly and take one set of measurements in class D and a second set in class A.
  • Page 28 Measurement Method With the edit zone in the Measurement Method field, the soft-keys offer the choice of EN61000– 4–7:1993, EN61000–4–7:2002 or 4 Cycle transforms as measurement methods. This selection affects both the length of the data window for each Discrete Fourier Transform and the post-transform data processing.
  • Page 29 Untimed: This state is entered at power-up, to allow initial investigation of the equipment under test. Measurement is continuous; consequently load power is Always On. The test status is Normal (i.e. continuous measurement) unless STOP is pressed. When STOP is pressed, the measurement is interrupted and the displayed values are held;...
  • Page 30: En61000-3-3 Flicker And Fluctuations

    The standard gives the following definitions of flicker and the flicker indicators P and P measured by the AC2000A: Flicker: Impression of unsteadiness of visual sensation induced by a light stimulus whose luminance or spectral distribution fluctuates with time.
  • Page 31 This instrument is a digital implementation of the Flickermeter and the statistical analyser. The standard also allows flicker to be assessed by graphical analysis if the load variation waveform is simple and regular, but the use of a Flickermeter is the reference method and is always preferred.
  • Page 32: Test Control Set-Up (Flicker)

    Test Control Set-up (Flicker) Select Test Control view, enter set-up and, with the edit zone in the Operating Mode field, select Variations & Flicker as the operating mode. Nominal Voltage and Frequency Move the edit zone up to nominal voltage and nominal frequency and enter the correct values to describe the test supply.
  • Page 33 Flicker Observation Times The next two lines of the screen show the observation times for P and P is fixed at 10 minutes. The long-term test P is not needed for some types of equipment: if required its duration intervals, but it can be excluded by pressing the Omit soft-key. is twelve P Voltage Variation Limits The next three lines set the assessment limits for the voltage variation results d...
  • Page 34: Meter View (Flicker)

    Meter View (Flicker) The Meter View is used for displaying the Flicker and Voltage variation results. When the operating mode has been set to Variations & Flicker on the Test Control set-up screen, a Flicker and Voltage Variations summary is shown at the bottom of the Power Meter view. Two additional full pages of results also become available.
  • Page 35: Voltage Variation Page

    A peak reading display of the instantaneous flicker sensation in p.u. is shown. The peak value is held on the display for half a second to allow it to be read, and then decayed towards zero; a text annotation indicates the state. This value is not used in the assessment of any equipment under test, but the calibration of the early stages of the flickermeter is specified in EN61000-4-15 in terms of this peak p.u.
  • Page 36 Voltage Change Intervals and d and t assessments The next group starts with a count (for information only) of the number of change intervals since the start of the test. Below this is the analysis of d , the largest instantaneous voltage differences that have occurred in a change interval (each change interval is considered separately).
  • Page 37: Peak Inrush Current Measurement

    Peak Inrush Current Measurement This Peak Inrush Current mode is intended to measure the instantaneous peak inrush current characteristics of an equipment under test. Important Note: There are no standards requiring compliance tests on this value. Limits on inrush current effects are specified indirectly, in EN61000-3-3, by a requirement on the voltage variation result d during manual switching events (which makes it, in effect, a half-cycle rms measurement).
  • Page 38 The Waveform Graph view can also be used to inspect inrush current transients. A single shot facility is available: if the Trigger Source is set to Inrush then a new trace will be drawn for each transient (as detected using the mechanism described above). The horizontal scale may be set to more than one cycle to show the behaviour of the transient after the initial cycle.
  • Page 39: Test Control Set-Up (Peak Inrush Current)

    Test Control Set-up (Peak Inrush Current) When the Test Control view is displayed with the Operating Mode field set to Peak Inrush Current, pressing SET-UP introduces the edit field box and allows the settings to be changed: Current Range With the edit zone in the Range field the up and down soft-keys can be used to change the range as required.
  • Page 40: Report View

    Report View With the green VIEW lamp lit, press the REPORT key to display the Report view. Printed reports of tests can be produced either by using the HA-PC Link Plus software (described later) with the instrument under remote control, or by attaching a printer directly to the instrument. Any printer capable of accepting 7-bit ASCII can be used;...
  • Page 41: Report Formats

    Report Formats The type of report printed (Harmonics or Voltage Variations and Flicker) is determined automatically by the operating mode of the instrument. A sample of each report type is given below. At the top of the report are the date and time the test was taken, the report number and the user entered title lines.
  • Page 42 Pass 13.1 31.3 Pass 13.4 29.7 Pass 15.1 29.8 Pass 11.9 29.6 Pass 12.5 26.3 Pass 11.9 22.4 Pass 12.0 26.8 Pass 15.7 Pass 23.2 Pass Evaluated using 200% Max and 90% Average rule. Taken by: MGR AC2000A # 112443...
  • Page 43 This information is the same as that shown on the two meter view pages. Sample Flicker Report Tested on: 24-11-2015 at 15:13:54 v3.02 Report Number: AC2000A Development Reports for User Manual 120 changes per minute Flicker Supply Voltage: 229.1 to 229.5 Vrms 324.6 Vpk...
  • Page 44 112443...
  • Page 45: Report Set-Up

    Report Set-up With the Report view displayed, pressing SET-UP shows the report set-up screen. The functions of the soft-keys change as the edit zone is moved through the editable fields of the  display using the keys; each field is described below. Pressing the VIEW key returns the display to the Report view and allows reports to be printed.
  • Page 46 Report Type The report type is automatically determined by the operating mode of the instrument. Report Number With the edit zone in the Report Number field a report number can be entered directly from the keyboard and confirmed by pressing ENTER. The number is automatically incremented after each report is printed.
  • Page 47: Compliance Measurements With The Ac2000A

    National Standards Organisations worldwide (BSI in the UK). The firmware of the AC2000A is stored in FLASH memory and can be updated from a PC. This capability enables the manufacturer to implement all the changes to the standards as software updates, which can be installed by users without the need to open the instrument or return it to the factory.
  • Page 48: Taking Harmonics Measurements

    Taking Harmonics Measurements The AC2000A has a set of default conditions that permit the untrained user to quickly make useful measurements. However, compliance quality measurements require considerably more planning and care if they are to be fully valid for self-certification.
  • Page 49 • Use the ‘real-time’ capability of the AC2000A to observe dynamically the performance of the equipment under test as operating conditions are varied or as the operating cycle proceeds. For equipment not covered by Annex C, identify the operating conditions that give a representative maximum set of harmonic levels, using reasonable professional engineering judgement.
  • Page 50: Taking Flicker And Fluctuation Measurements

    Taking Flicker and Fluctuation Measurements • For compliance measurements use a laboratory grade AC power source. If the source provides the reference impedance by feedback, connect its external sense terminals at the point of connection to the load at the front panel of the instrument. If using a physical reference impedance, allowance must be made for the resistance of the connecting leads between the source, the impedance and the instrument.
  • Page 51: Ha-Pc Link Plus Software

    Insert the supplied USB memory into a computer port and find AC2000A/HA-PC Link3.04.msi Review any Read Me file that may be present, then double click the .msi file. The Windows Installer will run and suggest a directory for the program files, which can be changed if required.
  • Page 52 The first time the software is used, a message will appear reporting that there is no initialisation file; the software will then create a default one. If communication is not established, a dialog box will appear allowing selection of the correct COM port. Enter the number of the RS232 port (normally 1 or 2), or of the COM port established by the USB drivers.
  • Page 53 • That version can be saved as a text file. A standard dialog box prompts for directory and filename. The PSQ report and a configuration file (with a .HAC extension) are simultaneously saved. • The results can also be saved as a pair of .CSV (comma separated variable) files. These files can then be imported into a word processor or spreadsheet, formatted as required and incorporated into larger reports.
  • Page 54: Exporting And Formatting Reports With A Word Processor

    6. Allow sufficient time for the equipment to cool fully (particularly if it contains inrush limiting circuits) and for any energy storage components to fully discharge. This may, in some cases, take several minutes. 7. Press Start Step 2 and repeat the procedure of steps 4 to 6, taking care to perform the operations in the required order.
  • Page 55 The procedure is quite straightforward, once the location of the required menu options has been discovered for the particular version of word processor program being used. The same technique is used with the Voltage Source Qualification report. The Flicker and Voltage variations reports are a little different (it is probably best to separate them into three sections if flicker results are included) but the method is similar.
  • Page 56: Installation Of Usb Drivers

    Note that installation requires the correct INF file, to relate the Vendor ID and Product ID of the AC2000A to the general drivers, so users cannot simply download the version on the device manufacturer’s web site.
  • Page 57: Maintenance & Calibration

    The instrument uses a battery to support both a real-time clock and the settings memory. If the date reverts to 01-01-2000 then the battery needs to be replaced. In the AC2000A the battery is user replaceable; proceed as follows: 1. Disconnect (by unplugging) both the Instrument Power and the Test Power connections from all mains supplies.
  • Page 58: Firmware Updates

    Firmware Updates The AC2000A firmware is held in Flash memory and can be upgraded in the field via either its RS232 or USB interfaces. From time to time firmware updates will be available on the Laplace website ( To upgrade your instrument with the latest firmware, visit the Downloads page for the AC2000A &...
  • Page 59 LAPLACE INSTRUMENTS LTD Tudor House, Grammar School Road North Walsham, Norfolk NR28 9JH T: +44 (0) 16 92 40 20 70

Table of Contents