Accurex DOAS v6.2 Reference Manual

Microprocessor controller


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Reference Guide for Microprocessor Controller
Please read and save these instructions for future reference. Read carefully before attempting to assemble, install,
operate or maintain the product described. Protect yourself and others by observing all safety information. Failure
to comply with these instructions will result in voiding of the product warranty and may result in personal injury
and/or property damage.
DOAS v6.2
Version date 7/21
Program Features
The microprocessor controller offers control through
easy monitoring and adjustment of unit parameters by
way of a lighted graphical display and an integral push-
button keypad.
Pre-Programmed Operating Sequences
The controller has been pre-programmed to offer
multiple control sequences to provide tempered air.
Factory default settings allow for easy setup and
commissioning. The sequence parameters are fully
adjustable. Refer to the Sequence of Operation for
BMS Communication
The user can remotely adjust set points, view unit
status points and alarms. The microprocessor
controller is capable of communicating over several
• BACnet® MSTP
• BACnet® IP
Reference Points List for a complete list of BMS points.
Built-In Occupancy Schedule
The controller has an internal programmable time clock,
allowing the user to set occupancy schedules for each
day of the week. The controller option also has morning
warm-up and cool down capability for improved
comfort at the time of occupancy.
Alarm Management
The microprocessor controller will monitor the unit's
status for alarm conditions. Upon detecting an alarm,
the controller will record the alarm description, time,
date, and input/output status points for user review.
Alarms are also communicated via BMS (if equipped).
• Modbus RTU
• Modbus TCP
Microprocessor Controller for
Dedicated Outdoor Air System
Technical Support
Call 1-866-478-2574
Occupancy Modes
The microprocessor controller offers three modes of
determining occupancy: a digital input, occupancy
schedule or the BMS. If in the unoccupied mode, the
unit will either be shut down, continue normal operation
utilizing adjustable unoccupied set points, recirculate
with unoccupied set points or will cycle on to maintain
adjustable unoccupied space temperature and humidity
set points (space temperature and humidity sensor is
Remote Unit Access (if equipped)
The WebUI and Remote Display are two ways to gain
access to the unit controller allowing monitoring of the
unit and parameter adjustment without being at the
The WebUI can be accessed via a building network
and is included with every unit controller. The Remote
Display is an LCD to be panel mounted in a remote
location and is an option available for purchase.
Electrical shock hazard. Can cause personal injury or
equipment damage. Service must be performed only
by personnel that are knowledgeable in the operation
of the equipment being controlled.
Mechanical high static protection cutoffs must
be installed by others to protect the system and
equipment from over-pressurization when using
factory provided control sensors. The manufacturer
does not assume responsibility for this.
Microprocessor Controller for DOAS
Document 485177


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Accurex DOAS v6.2

  • Page 1 Protect yourself and others by observing all safety information. Failure to comply with these instructions will result in voiding of the product warranty and may result in personal injury and/or property damage. DOAS v6.2 Technical Support Version date 7/21...
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents Sequence of Operation ....3 Furnace Overview ....9 Display Use .
  • Page 3: Sequence Of Operation

    Sequence of Operation The microprocessor controller can be configured for UNIT/SYSTEM DISABLED COMMAND: air handler, energy recovery, and dedicated outdoor air The unit becomes disabled due to the following: systems. Each application utilizes similar technologies • The unit was disabled from the controller’s Unit for heating and cooling: chilled water, hot water, indirect Enable screen.
  • Page 4 Sequence of Operation Sequence of Operation Night Setback: Unoccupied mode when there • Morning Warm-Up/Cool Down: At the request to occupy the space, the unit will run using the warm- is space temperature and/or humidity sensor(s) up or cool down sequence until the occupied set connected to the controller.
  • Page 5 Sequence of Operation Sequence of Operation setpoint. When a modulating compressor is installed increase to maintain head pressure. When below (Digital or Inverter Scroll), the compressor modulates setpoint, the fan speed will decrease. to maintain the supply air setpoint. Mechanical cooling is available in the following configurations: Sliding Head Pressure Control Packaged DX: Unit with compressors and...
  • Page 6 Sequence of Operation Sequence of Operation Economizer Initiation: One of the following must be true for a defrost cycle to initiate: If the application requires cooling, and the OA The saturated suction temperature is less than conditions are suitable for free cooling, the controller -15ºF;...
  • Page 7 Sequence of Operation Sequence of Operation communications, the user can also directly command VDC signal is responsible for modulating the supply the supply fan speed. The following sequences are fan’s speed. selectable for supply fan control. The fan speed in •...
  • Page 8 Sequence of Operation Energy Wheel Control Frost Control (Aluminum): The microprocessor controller will activate the frost control based on the Economizer: If the unit is equipped with an energy following methods. recovery wheel, the economizer will modulate/stop the • Electric Preheater: When the outdoor air energy wheel to achieve free cooling.
  • Page 9: Furnace Overview

    pCOe - 4:1 Furnace Overview High Speed Pressure Switch 24 VAC to Controller Ignition Controller 24 VAC Main Gas Valve Ignition Controller Alarm High Speed Fan Low Speed Pressure Switch 24 VAC 24 VAC for Analog Outputs Modulating Gas Valve Modbus Connection Modbus Address Switches pCOe - High Turndown Furnace...
  • Page 10: Display Use

    Display Use The microprocessor controller is located in the unit control center. The face of the controller has six buttons, allowing the user to view unit conditions and alter parameters. The microprocessor controller is pre-programmed with easy to use menus. A remote display is also available, which connects via the J10 port with six wire patch. Keypad Description Button Description...
  • Page 11: Web User Interface

    Web User Interface The Web User Interface allows access to the unit controller through the building network. Reference Ctrl Variables/ Advanced/Network Settings to set the IP network protocol. Once proper communication is established, the user can click on the follow tabs: Overview –...
  • Page 12: Main Menu

    Main Menu Navigation Unit Enable Main Status Ctrl Variables Alarm Menu Temp Control Unit Status Alarm History Dehumidification Input Output Status Active Alarms Note: Compressor Control Reset History Additional status screens are displayed depending Pressure Control Refrigeration Clear History on unit configuration. Screens may include, but Heat Pump Control Export History...
  • Page 13: Unit Status Overview

    Unit Status Overview The microprocessor controller will revert to a default main menu loop. This loop includes several screens to view the operating conditions of the unit. Scroll through the menu screens by using the buttons. he iniTial menu screen displays The job name uniT Tag uniT sTaTus ouTside...
  • Page 14 Unit Status Overview xhausT TaTus This screen displays the fan enable command, fan proving status, and the exhaust fan ramp being sent from the controller to the VFD. The min and max speeds are set in the VFD (Reference unit Installation and Operation Manual for VFD programming).
  • Page 15 Unit Status Overview eFrosT uTpuT This screen only appears if the unit has an energy recovery wheel and a frost control method was provided on the unit. Upon sensing a high differential pressure across the energy wheel, the unit will go into defrost if the outside air temperature is below the defrost temperature set point.
  • Page 16 eFrigeranT ircuiT TaTus The refrigerant circuit status screen is active when the unit is equipped with active head pressure control. This screen provides temperatures and pressures for suction, discharge, and liquid line sensors when installed. Superheat is also displayed when suction temperature and pressure sensors are installed. eaTing This screen displays the active set point, supply air temperature, status of the heating control ramp, and heating ramp being sent from the controller.
  • Page 17: Unit Enable

    Menu The controller is equipped with several menus to help guide users with altering program parameters. The following menus can be accessed by pressing the button. To enter the desired menu, press the button. The Unit Enable menu allows the user to enable and disable the unit through the Unit Enable controller.
  • Page 18 Menu emperaTure oinT This screen only appears if supply temp control, space reset, or return reset is selected as the reset control mode. Set Point Selections: Local – The space set point will be constant; set from screen (e.g. 72°F). BMS –...
  • Page 19 Menu ooling ockouT This screen displays the cooling lockout temperature. Cooling will be disabled when outside air is below the cooling lockout temperature (55ºF). eaTing ockouT This screen displays the heating lockout temperature. Heating will be disabled when outside air is above the lockout temperature (80ºF). pace oinTs during noccupied...
  • Page 20: Dehumidification

    Menu Control Variables The Dehumidification menu allows the user to view and adjust dehumidification control parameters. Dehumidification ehumidiFicaTion ccupied Possible Modes: • Outside Air Temp is greater than cold coil set point plus offset (10ºF) • Inside RH* • Inside dew point* •...
  • Page 21 ehumidiFicaTion rioriTy The following priorities are used to determine what is more important in the unit: temperature over dehumidification or heating over dehumidification. Both priority selections determine when the unit is allowed to dehumidify. 1. Temperature over Dehumidification Determines when the unit is allowed to dehumidify based on the space/return air temperatures.
  • Page 22: Refrigeration

    Menu Control Variables The Refrigeration menu allows the user to view and adjust compressor and condenser settings, if equipped. Refrigeration ompressor onTrol Control Variables Consult factory prior to adjusting parameters in the compressor control menu. Refrigeration Compressor Control ressure onTrol Control Variables Consult factory prior to adjusting parameters in the pressure control menu.
  • Page 23 Menu Maximum Position – Each sequence that can adjust the OA damper set point contains a max position to prevent excess OA. The active set point will be determined based on the greatest demand of the configured sequences. For example, if a unit is equipped with a DCV CO and an economizer sequence, the OA damper set point will react to an economizer demand even if the CO point is satisfied.
  • Page 24: Energy Recovery

    Menu conomizer eTTings There is a built-in hysteresis that disables economizer above the economizer set point. (Example: If economizer outside dry bulb = 65°F, economizer operation is disabled above 67°F). nergy educTion onTrol If enabled, the OA damper and recirculation damper will not modulate during economizer.
  • Page 25: Fan Control

    Menu Control Variables The Supply Fan Control menu allows the user to adjust exhaust control set points Fan Control Supply Fan Control upply elay The supply fan delay will begin once the damper sequence is complete. This delay can be used to offset starting times between the supply fan and exhaust fan. upply peed This screen displays min and max supply fan speed percentages.
  • Page 26 Menu Control Variables The Exhaust Fan Control menu allows the user to adjust exhaust control set points. Fan Control Exhaust Fan Control xhausT elay and nable This screen displays min and max exhaust fan speed percentages. This screen displays the exhaust fan delay and enable based on OA damper position. The exhaust fan delay will begin once the damper sequence is complete.
  • Page 27: Occupancy

    Menu Control Variables The Occupancy menu allows the user to adjust occupancy control parameters which includes occupancy control mode and schedule. Occupancy ccupancy onTrol This screen displays the current mode of operation for occupancy control. Status of the other mode option can also be found on this screen. This screen allows the user to select the source of determining occupancy.
  • Page 28: Advanced

    Menu Control Variables The Advanced menu allows the user to access several submenus regarding controller information, controller overrides, network settings, I/O configuration, Advanced and unit configuration. Submenu options are read only and will require the user to input proper login criteria. The service password (9998) is required to change service access menus.
  • Page 29 Menu vFd s verride xhausT peed This screen only appears if the unit is equipped with a exhaust fan VFD controlled by the microprocessor. The speed is the proportional percentage of the analog output from the controller to the VFD. 0% Speed = Min speed (determined by VFD) 100% Speed = Max speed (determined by VFD) (Reference unit Installation and Operation Manual for VFD programming).
  • Page 30 Menu verride eaTing When the heating control is in the manual mode, use the arrow buttons to vary the heating output. verride eaTing This screen will be available when the unit is configured as a heat pump. When in manual mode, change the demand to control the position of the reversing valve and the amount of compressor request.
  • Page 31 Menu iew and hange The noccupied peraTion Possible unoccupied unit operation methods include: • Unit Off • Night Setback Cycle • Recirculation with Unoccupied Set Points • Normal Operation with Unoccupied Set Points nable orning p and The user can enable morning warm up, morning cool down, and set the duration for the sequence.
  • Page 32 Menu rTu p odbus arameTers This screen only appears if the selected BMS protocol is set to Modbus. Factory settings are shown in the screen to the left. To change Modbus RTU parameters: 1. Go to Network Settings menu and view Modbus RTU Config screen. 2.
  • Page 33 Menu reaTing a ackup Important: • At first startup or commissioning, or prior to communicating with Technical Support about performance issues, we recommend creating a backup file for each controller. • Name each file with the unit sales order–line number found on the silver nameplate attached to the electrical access door.
  • Page 34 Menu Control Variables The IO Configuration Menu allows the user to view and modify controller input and output points. Advanced I/O Configuration i/o c onFiguraTion This screen is read only and will require the factory password to make changes. Screen to the left is an example of an analog input configuration screen. Similar screens appear for remaining I/O when selected.
  • Page 35: Alarms

    Menu The Alarms menu allows the user to view active alarms, reset active alarm (if Alarms possible), and alarm history. cTive larms If an alarm occurs, the button will glow red on the controller and the remote display (if installed). To view alarm, press the Alarm button once.
  • Page 36: Appendix A: Remote Display

    Appendix A: Remote Display (pGD1) The pGD1 is an optional remote display for use with manufacturer’s microprocessor controllers. The remote display allows for remote monitoring and adjustment of parameters of the unit mounted controller. The remote display allows identical access to menus and screens as the unit mounted controller display. Specifications Carel Model PGD1000W00...
  • Page 37: B: I/O Expansion Board Quick Start

    Appendix B: I/O Expansion Board (c.pCOe) Quick Start The expansion board is an I/O module than can be used to monitor additional statuses or provide commands from large board controller. It allows the user to view and control: • 6 Universal Inputs (Digital Input*, 24 VAC NTC, 0/1VDC, 0/10VDC, 0/20mA, Power...
  • Page 38: C: Space Thermostat Quick Start

    Appendix C: Space Thermostat Quick Start The space thermostat gives users the ability to view the space temperature and relative humidity (optional) and control the active space set points from the adjustable display. The space thermostat also has the ability to send the unit into temporary occupied mode.
  • Page 39 Appendix C: Space Thermostat Quick Start Status LED Green indicates that the unit is operating properly. Red indicates that there is a problem with the unit. Terminal Description Power Supply Ground (common to the controller) Net B RS485 network connection (Data - ) Net A RS485 network connection (Data +) Power...
  • Page 40: D: Greentrol ® Airflow Monitoring Quick Start

    Appendix D: GreenTrol ® Airflow Monitoring Quick Start The GreenTrol ® airflow monitoring station measures airflow using advanced thermal dispersion technology. An integral LCD display provides a local indication of airflow measurement and device configuration. The airflow monitor also features Modbus communication allowing the main unit microprocessor to monitor the airflow as well.
  • Page 41: E: Points List

    Appendix E: Points List BACnet Modbus Description Object Register Analog Inputs - Read COV/No Write - Modbus Input Registers (Size) AI-3 30199(2) Circuit A Suction Temperature AI-4 30201(2) Circuit B Discharge Temperature AI-6 30205(2) Circuit B Suction Temperature AI-25 30243(2) Cold Coil 1 Temperature AI-30 30253(2)
  • Page 42 Appendix E: Points List AV-7 40013(2) Indoor Dewpoint Dehumidification Trigger Setpoint AV-9 40017(2) Unoccupied Indoor Dewpoint Dehumidification Trigger Setpoint AV-10 40019(2) Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint AV-11 40021(2) Unoccupied Dehumidification %RH Setpoint AV-12 40023(2) Unoccupied Heating Setpoint Economizer Ambient Temp Enable Setpoint AV-16 40031(2) Allow Econ when OAT<Spt...
  • Page 43 Appendix E: Points List Analog Values - Read COV/No Write - Modbus Input Registers (Size) 13: Remote Off Unit Status 14: Shutdown Alarm 0: Off/Standby 19: Fans Only 1: Unoccupied Start 20: Economizing 2: Occupied Start 21: Cooling 3: Opening Dampers 22: Heating 4: End Switch 23: Dehumidifying...
  • Page 44 Appendix E: Points List AV-132 30179(2) Active Temperature Setpoint AV-201 30473(2) Chilled Water 1 Valve Position % AV-205 30481(2) Condenser Ramp 1 % AV-206 30483(2) Condenser Ramp 2 % AV-221 30513(2) Electric Heater Output % AV-229 30517(2) Energy Recovery Output % AV-231 30521(2) Exhaust Fan Speed %...
  • Page 45 Appendix E: Points List BV-8 Return Temp Source Selection (1=BMS; 0=Local) (AV-24 Analog Value) BV-9 Space 1 CO2 Source Selection (1=BMS; 0=Local) (AV-25 Analog Value) BV-11 Return CO2 Source Selection (1=BMS; 0=Local) (AV-27 Analog Value) BV-12 Space RH Source Selection (1=BMS; 0=Local) (AV-28 Analog Value) BV-13 Space Static Source Selection (1=BMS;...
  • Page 46 Appendix E: Points List BV-112 10165 Compressor 2 Enable (1=Active; 0=Inactive) BV-113 10166 Compressor 3 Enable (1=Active; 0=Inactive) BV-114 10167 Compressor 4 Enable (1=Active; 0=Inactive) BV-119 10172 Condenser Ramp 1 Stage 1 Start (1=Active; 0=Inactive) BV-120 10173 Condenser Ramp 1 Stage 2 Start (1=Active; 0=Inactive) BV-121 10174 Condenser Ramp 1 Stage 3 Start (1=Active;...
  • Page 47 Appendix E: Points List BV-506 10456 OAD CFM Transducer Alarm (1=Alarm; 0=Normal) BV-507 10457 Outside Air Temperature Sensor Alarm (1=Alarm; 0=Normal) BV-508 10458 Filter Alarm (1=Alarm; 0=Normal) BV-509 10459 Outside RH Sensor Alarm (1=Alarm; 0=Normal) BV-520 10470 Return CO2 Sensor Alarm (1=Alarm; 0=Normal) BV-521 10471 Return Duct Static Pressure Transducer Alarm (1=Alarm;...
  • Page 48 Appendix E: Points List BV-610 10560 Low Suction Refrigerant Temperature (1=Alarm; 0=Normal) BV-612 10562 EVD Max Operating Pressure Alarm (1=Alarm; 0=Normal) BV-614 10564 EVD-S1 Suction Pressure Sensor Alarm (1=Alarm; 0=Normal) BV-615 10565 EVD-S2 Suction Temperature Sensor Alarm (1=Alarm; 0=Normal) BV-617 10567 EVD-S4 Discharge Temperature Sensor Alarm (1=Alarm;...
  • Page 49: F: Modbus Connections

  • Page 50: G: Fault Detection And Diagnostics

    Appendix G: Fault Detection and Diagnostics The Fault Detection and Diagnostics (FDD) will send a • Economizing when it should not will generate when feedback signal from the outdoor air (OA) damper to FDD is enabled, the outdoor damper status is NOT the controller on the OA damper user interface.
  • Page 51 Appendix G: Fault Detection and Diagnostics Below is the BACnet Point if the Fault Detection and Diagnostic Alarms are to be read through BACnet: Points List • BACnet® Type Instance Name Read Write Binary OAD_Feedback_Error_Not_Economizing.Active ReadCOV_NoWrite Binary OAD_Feedback_Error_Economizing.Active ReadCOV_NoWrite Binary OAD_Feedback_Error_OAD_Not_Modulating.Active ReadCOV_NoWrite Binary...
  • Page 52: Our Commitment

    As a result of our commitment to continuous improvement, Accurex reserves the right to change specifications without notice. Product warranties can be found online at, either on the specific product page or in the Warranty section of the website at

Table of Contents