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Christie MicroTiles
Serial Commands


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Christie RS232

  • Page 1 Te c h n i c a l R e f e re n c e 020-101547-01 Christie MicroTiles Serial Commands...
  • Page 2 The warranty does not apply to any product where the serial number has been removed or obliterated. The warranty also does not apply to any product sold by a reseller to an end user outside of the country where the reseller is located unless (i) Christie has an office in the country where the end user is located or (ii) the required international warranty fee has been paid.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Introduction ..........4 RS232 Communication Parameters ........4 Connect to the RS232 Port .
  • Page 4: Introduction

    You can use an RS232 connection to remotely access display controls and image setups, issue commands or queries, and receive replies. 1. Connect one end of a null standard 9-pin female to female modem cable to the projector RS232 port.
  • Page 5: Hyperterm

    File->Properties->ASCII setup-> Echo typed characters locally: checked You can also use TeraTerm to connect to the TCP port of Microtiles ECU. File->New connection->TCP->Host: ECU IP address File->New connection->TCP->Telnet: unchecked File->New connection->TCP->TCP port#: 3002 Christie MicroTiles Serial Commands Technical Reference 020-101547-01 Rev. 1 (03-2015)
  • Page 6: Serial Commands

    Sets the automatic array reconfiguration 0 = Off mode. 1 = On AGN–Alignment Sets the image alignment of the MicroTiles. Commands Command Description AGN? Retrieves the image alignment adjustment of the selected MicroTiles. Christie MicroTiles Serial Commands Technical Reference 020-101547-01 Rev. 1 (03-2015)
  • Page 7: Ccm-Color And Brightness

    MAX = Maximum Gamut Returns the color temperature for the CCM+CLRT? array. Sets the color temperature. CCM+CLRT <Color Temperature> Returns the weak tile threshold. CCM+DPPC? Sets the weak tile threshold. CCM+DPPC <percentage> Christie MicroTiles Serial Commands Technical Reference 020-101547-01 Rev. 1 (03-2015)
  • Page 8: Cng-Configure Array

    Set the display window of the global video source. <width> <height> All parameters are from 0 to 1 decimal points. EDD–EDID Sets Extended Display Identification Data (EDID) timing for DVI inputs. Christie MicroTiles Serial Commands Technical Reference 020-101547-01 Rev. 1 (03-2015)
  • Page 9: Itp-Internal Test Pattern

    Draws a test pattern on the selected MicroTiles. The MicroTiles must be set to OSD video mode to display test patterns. Puts a test on the screen or queries the test pattern currently displayed. Parameters • Control Group: Unsaved • Subclass: Power Up • Access Level: Operator Christie MicroTiles Serial Commands Technical Reference 020-101547-01 Rev. 1 (03-2015)
  • Page 10 Square Grid or Diagonal Grid test patterns. 1 = White-on-black ITP+GRDM <0 | 1> Enables moving or static grid for the Square Grid or 0 = Static (Default) Diagonal Grid test patterns. 1 = Moving Christie MicroTiles Serial Commands Technical Reference 020-101547-01 Rev. 1 (03-2015)
  • Page 11: Lnq-Link Quality

    This is used to indicate the quality of the communication link (High Speed Serial Link) between MicroTiles. Commands Command Description Values LNQ? Requests the link quality of the selected MicroTiles. Christie MicroTiles Serial Commands Technical Reference 020-101547-01 Rev. 1 (03-2015)
  • Page 12: Lst-List Displays

    Returns a list of all MicroTiles. LST+TILS? Returns a list of all ECUs. LST+ECUS? Returns a list of all components in the array. LST+ARRY? Returns a list of all neighbors. LST+NGBR? Examples Christie MicroTiles Serial Commands Technical Reference 020-101547-01 Rev. 1 (03-2015)
  • Page 13: Mlr-Mullion Reduction

    Sets the mullion gain to 16 and width to 4 on all MicroTiles. Examples Get the mullion gain and width. (MLR?) The following results are displayed: Index Serial Gain Width 0x0023ecf8 MMP–Manual Mapping Configures manually mapped tiles. Commands Christie MicroTiles Serial Commands Technical Reference 020-101547-01 Rev. 1 (03-2015)
  • Page 14: Net-Network Setup

    Modifies the network settings of a display. Modifies the network setup for this device. Sets or requests the network setup for this device. Parameters • Control Group: Configuration/Preference • Subclass: Power Down • Access Level: Admin Christie MicroTiles Serial Commands Technical Reference 020-101547-01 Rev. 1 (03-2015)
  • Page 15 Returns the TCP port used for the 1024 to 49151 Christie Serial Protocol over Ethernet. (with some exceptions) (Read-only) 3003 = Reserved on the projector and cannot be used for the Christie Serial Protocol NET+SUB0? Returns the projector netmask. (Read-only) Christie MicroTiles Serial Commands Technical Reference...
  • Page 16 Get IP address from first controller. (NET+ETH0! ""). (NET+ETH0 ?) Get IP address from second controller. (NET+ETH1! ""). (NET+ETH1 ?) Get MAC address from first controller. (NET+MAC0! "00:12:3F:7B:76:B4"). (NET+MAC0 ?) Christie MicroTiles Serial Commands Technical Reference 020-101547-01 Rev. 1 (03-2015)
  • Page 17: Pri-Priority

    Turns the display on or off. Turns the projector power on and off. Changes the power state of the projector. Parameters • Control Group: Unsaved • Subclass: Power Down • Access Level: Operator Christie MicroTiles Serial Commands Technical Reference 020-101547-01 Rev. 1 (03-2015)
  • Page 18 1 = Enables electronics override PWR? Returns the current power state of the projector: 000 = Power Off 011 = Warming Up 001 = On 010 = Cooling Down Christie MicroTiles Serial Commands Technical Reference 020-101547-01 Rev. 1 (03-2015)
  • Page 19: Rst-Reset

    Resets all selected tiles and ECUs. Resets all selected ECUs. RST+ECUS The prefix has no effect on the command. RST+ECUS Resets all selected MicroTiles. RST+TILS SAR–Subarray Configures settings for the subarrays. Commands Christie MicroTiles Serial Commands Technical Reference 020-101547-01 Rev. 1 (03-2015)
  • Page 20 • 3 = either local or global video source Examples Get a list of subarrays. (SAR+LIST?) The following results are displayed: Index array y width height input enable xoffset yoffset width height 0.00000 0.00000 1.0000 1.0000 Christie MicroTiles Serial Commands Technical Reference 020-101547-01 Rev. 1 (03-2015)
  • Page 21: Sel-Select

    Returns the current sharpness of the selected MicroTiles. SHP 50 Sets the sharpness to 50 on all MicroTile. Examples Get the sharpness. (SHP?) The following results are displayed: Index Serial Sharpness 0x0023ecf8 Christie MicroTiles Serial Commands Technical Reference 020-101547-01 Rev. 1 (03-2015)
  • Page 22: Tmd-Time And Date

    ECU. TMD+DATE yy/mm/dd Sets the date with the format yyyy/ mm/dd. Examples Set the time to 3pm. (TMD+TIME "15:00:00") Set the date to September 17 , 2014. (TMD+DATE "2014/09/17") Christie MicroTiles Serial Commands Technical Reference 020-101547-01 Rev. 1 (03-2015)
  • Page 23: Ucr-Uniformity Correction

    Changes the uniformity correction settings for the display. 0 = Off 1 = On Examples Get the uniformity correction. (UCR?) The following results are displayed: Index Serial Uniformity Correction 0x0023ecf8 VDM–Video Mode Sets the video mode. Christie MicroTiles Serial Commands Technical Reference 020-101547-01 Rev. 1 (03-2015)
  • Page 24: Ver-Version

    Returns a list of all the displays in the current array, providing more information than the (LST+TILS?) command. Commands Command Description Values XLS+TILS? Returns a list of all the tiles in the current array, and the status of the tiles. Christie MicroTiles Serial Commands Technical Reference 020-101547-01 Rev. 1 (03-2015)
  • Page 25 Corporate offi ces Worldwide offi ces USA – Cypress Australia Eastern Europe and India Singapore ph: 714-236-8610 ph: +61 (0) 7 3624 4888 Russian Federation ph: +91 (080) 6708 9999 ph: +65 6877-8737 ph: +36 (0) 1 47 48 100 Canada –...

Table of Contents