Definitive Techno l ogy
BP-3000 TL Sp e aker Syste m
These speakers are definitely macho enough
for you. Are you macho enough for them?
by Jeff Cherun
Much as we like to think we buy
products for their performance,
practicality, and price, the real dri-
ving force behind product develop-
ment in American industry usually
boils down to machismo. And the
defining concept of machismo is,
of course, "bigger is better." Guys
want big cars with 400-horsepower
V-8s, big watches with heavy metal
bands and silver-dollar-sized faces,
and big .44 Mag-
nums that
nearly tear
your hand off
when you fire
them. The
A .
If you don't have
the real estate for the
behemoth BP-3000s,
the BP-2004 will work
just fine in front.
Sorry, apartment
dwellers, but at 55
inches high, the
BP-3000 probably
won't even fit through
your door!
The C/L/R-3000
center's powered
sub gave it that
extra oomph.
Home Theater / December 199 8
same goes for speakers. Nothing
can stir the Neanderthal soul like
a hunkering tower speaker,
coupled with bestial subwoofers
capable of snuffing out a candle
poised 10 feet away.
offering exactly this type of prod-
uct for years, although they've
injected a cognizance of interior
design by taking steps to make the
loudspeakers seem less mammoth
in size. The company has recently
upped the ante with their newest
flagship speaker, the BP-3000 TL.
Featuring a massive 1,000-watt
internal subwoofer in each speaker,
the BP-3000 is, at least on paper, a
speaker to be reckoned with. At 55
inches in height, it's meant to be
placed in a larger home theater
room, so apartment dwellers in all
probability need not apply. In
addition to the BP-3000, Definitive
sent us a pair of BP-2004s—a
smaller speaker with a built-in
subwoofer—for the rears. Also,
"My universe was shaken...
these speakers are amazing..."
Definitive Technology has been
this review marks the debut of a
great idea: the world's first center
speaker with a built-in powered
subwoofer. It's a natural; all five
speakers in the system have their
own powered bass portion, making
for 360 degrees of full-range sound.
The BP-3000 is a bipolar d e s i g n ,
with four 6.5-inch cast-magnesium
basket bass/
m i d r a n g e
drivers com-
plemented b y
two 1-inch
a l u m i n u m -dome