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Yes, you still have to
dress yourself.
English pg 1-22
Français pg 23-25
Español pg 26-28
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Purchased: __________________



Summary of Contents for Zanzini Dresser

  • Page 1 Yes, you still have to dress yourself. Dresser NOTE: THIS INSTRUCTION BOOKLET CONTAINS IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION. PLEASE READ AND KEEP FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. English pg 1-22 Français pg 23-25 Español pg 26-28 Share your journey! Lot # Purchased: __________________...
  • Page 2 Table of Contents Assembly Tools Required Part Identifi cation No. 2 Phillips Screwdriver Tip Shown Actual Size Hardware Identifi cation Assembly Steps 5-22 Hammer Not actual size Français 23-25 Español 26-28 Skip the power trip. Safety 29-30 This time. Part Identifi cation å...
  • Page 3 Part Identifi cation D212 D166 D975 D213 D167 D166 D212 D975 D975 D213 D167 D975 Page 3...
  • Page 4 Hardware Identifi cation å Screws are shown actual size. You may receive extra hardware with your unit. 40DA UNIVERSAL CABINET RAIL - 12 40DC DRAWER RIGHT - 6 40DD DRAWER LEFT - 6 ® TWIST-LOCK 5E CORNER CAP - 1 6E FOOT BRACKET - 1 HIDDEN CAM - 12 CAM SCREW - 12...
  • Page 5 Step 1 Assemble your unit on a carpeted fl oor or on the empty å carton to avoid scratching your unit or the fl oor. To begin assembly, push a TWIST-LOCK® FASTENER å (10F) into the large holes in the ENDS (A2 and B2) and UPRIGHT (C2).
  • Page 6 Step Step 2 Push twelve HIDDEN CAMS (1F) into the ENDS (A2 and B2) å and DRAWER BRACES (M65). Just think. The sooner you do this, the sooner you do something else. Arrow Arrow Arrow Arrow Hole (12 used) The arrow in the HIDDEN CAM must point toward the hole in the edge of the board.
  • Page 7 Step Step 3 Turn twelve CAM SCREWS (8F) into the FRONT LEGS (H) å and DRAWER FRONTS (J, K, L, and M). (12 used) Page 7...
  • Page 8 Step 4 Insert two WOOD DOWELS (15F) into the indicated holes å in the FRONT LEGS (H). Fasten the FRONT LEGS (H) to the ENDS (A2 and B2). å Tighten six HIDDEN CAMS. NOTE: Be sure the WOOD DOWELS in the LEGS insert å...
  • Page 9 Step 5 Fasten the BACK LEGS (I) to the ENDS (A2 and B2). Use å six BLACK 2-1/4" FLAT HEAD SCREWS (26S). These surfaces should be even. These surfaces should be even. BLACK 2-1/4" FLAT HEAD SCREW (6 used in this step) Page 9...
  • Page 10 Step 6 VIEW THE DRAWER GLIDE VIDEO Fasten six UNIVERSAL CABINET RAILS* (40DA) to the å ENDS (A2 and B2). Use twelve GOLD 5/16" FLAT HEAD SCREWS (3S) through holes #1 and #4. *patent pending glide system å GOLD 5/16" FLAT HEAD SCREW (12 used in this step) Glide end Glide end...
  • Page 11 Step 7 VIEW THE DRAWER GLIDE VIDEO Fasten six UNIVERSAL CABINET RAILS* (40DA) to the å UPRIGHT (C2). Use twelve GOLD 5/16" FLAT HEAD SCREWS (3S) through holes #1 and #4. *patent pending glide system å GOLD 5/16" FLAT HEAD SCREW (12 used in this step) Glide end Page 11...
  • Page 12 Step 8 Fasten the LEFT END (B2) to the TOP (D2). Tighten å Caution two TWIST-LOCK® FASTENERS. Do not stand the unit upright without the BACK fastened. The unit may collapse. Finished edge i t h ® f a c S u r - L O I S T...
  • Page 13 Step 9 Fasten the UPRIGHT (C2) to the TOP (D2). Tighten two å TWIST-LOCK® FASTENERS. Don't worry. It isn't Rome. This can be built in a day. i t h ® f a c S u r - L O I S T E R S T E N...
  • Page 14 Step 10 Fasten the BOTTOM (E2) to the LEFT END (B2). Tighten å two TWIST-LOCK® FASTENERS. Fasten the BOTTOM (E2) to the UPRIGHT (C2). Use two å BLACK 1-15/16" FLAT HEAD SCREWS (113S). Slide the BOTTOM MOLDING* (O) onto the notched edge å...
  • Page 15 Step 11 Fasten the RIGHT END (A2) to the TOP (D2) and BOTTOM (E2). å Tighten four TWIST-LOCK® FASTENERS. Fasten the METAL BRACKETS (4G) to the ENDS (A2 and B2) and å UPRIGHT (C2). Use three BLACK 9/16" LARGE HEAD SCREWS (1S). Fasten the FRONT MOLDING (N) to the ENDS (A2 and B2) and å...
  • Page 16 Step 12 Carefully turn your unit over onto its front edges. Unfold å Caution the BACK (F) and lay it over your unit. Do not stand the unit upright without the Make equal margins along all four edges of the BACK (F). å...
  • Page 17 Step 13 Fasten the FOOT BRACKET (6E) to the BOTTOM (E2). å Use three BLACK 9/16" LARGE HEAD SCREWS (1S). Slide the FEET (P) onto the FOOT BRACKET (6E). å Slide the CORNER CAP (5E) onto the FEET (P). å Turn two BLACK 9/16"...
  • Page 18 Step 14 Fasten the LOWER DRAWER SIDES (D50 and D51) to the å LOWER DRAWER BACK (D167). Use four BLACK 1-9/16" FLAT HEAD SCREWS (30S). Slide the DRAWER BOTTOM (D975) into the grooves in å the LOWER DRAWER SIDES and LOWER DRAWER BACK. Repeat this step for the other drawers.
  • Page 19 Step 15 Pull the LARGE DRAWER FRONT BRACKETS (9G) apart and slide them into å the grooves in the LOWER DRAWER SIDES (D50 and D51). You may need to gently tap them in with a hammer. NOTE: The DRAWER FRONT BRACKETS are marked "RH" and "LH" for å...
  • Page 20 Step 16 Flip the drawer over and fasten the DRAWER å BRACE (M65) to the LOWER RIGHT DRAWER FRONT (L). Tighten the HIDDEN CAM. Fasten the DRAWER BRACE (M65) to the LOWER å DRAWER BACK (D167). Use one BLACK 1-9/16" FLAT HEAD SCREW (30S).
  • Page 21 Step 17 Fasten a DRAWER RIGHT (40DC) to the LOWER DRAWER RIGHT å SIDE (D50) and a DRAWER LEFT (40DD) to the LOWER DRAWER If you're doing this to LEFT SIDE (D51). Use four GOLD 5/16" FLAT HEAD SCREWS (3S) help a friend, don't through holes #1 and #2.
  • Page 22 Step 18 Carefully stand your unit upright. å To insert the drawers into your unit, tip the front of the drawer down and drop the glides on the drawer behind the å glides on the unit. Lift the front of the drawer up and slide it into the unit as shown in the upper views. To make adjustments to the drawers, loosen the SCREWS in the DRAWER FRONT BRACKETS, make needed å...
  • Page 23 Commode Utilisez les instructions d’ a ssemblage en français avec les NOUS SOMMES LA POUR VOUS AIDER! schémas étape par étape du manuel d’instruction en anglais. Chaque étape en français correspond à la même étape en anglais. La pièce devant être attachée à l’élément est représentée en gris sur les schémas de chaque étape pour plus de précision.
  • Page 24 ÉTAPE 1 ÉTAPE 7 Ne pas serrer les FIXATIONS TWIST-LOCK® à cette étape. Fixer six GLISSIÈRES D'ÉLÉMENT UNIVERSELLES* (40DA) au MONTANT (C2). Utiliser douze VIS TÊTE PLATE 8 mm DORÉES (3S) à Assembler l'élément sur un sol à moquette ou sur le carton vide travers les trous nº...
  • Page 25 ÉTAPE 12 ÉTAPE 16 Attention: Ne pas relever l'élément dans sa position verticale Retourner le tiroir et fi xer l’ENTRETOISE DE TIROIR (M65) au avant d'avoir fi xé l’ARRIÈRE. L'élément risque de s'eff ondrer. DEVANT DE TIROIR DROIT INFÉRIEUR (L). Serrer l’EXCENTRIQUE ESCAMOTABLE.
  • Page 26 Cómoda Use estas instrucciones de ensamblaje en español junto con las ESTAMOS AQUI PARA AYUDAR! fi guras paso-a-paso provistas en el folleto inglés. Cada paso en español corresponde al mismo paso en inglés. Se destacan las fi guras de cada paso con una tonalidad oscura para mostrar precisamente cual parte se debe montar a la unidad.
  • Page 27 PASO 1 PASO 7 No apriete los SUJETADORES TWIST-LOCK® en este paso. Fije seis RIELES UNIVERSALES DE GABINETE* (40DA) al PARAL (C2). Utilice doce TORNILLOS DORADOS DE CABEZA PERDIDA de Ensamble la unidad sobre un piso alfombrado o sobre el cartón 8 mm (3S) a través de los agujeros No.
  • Page 28 PASO 12 PASO 16 Precaución: No coloque la unidad en posición vertical hasta que se Da vuelta al cajón y apriete la RIOSTRA DE CAJÓN (M65) a la CARA fi je el DORSO. La unidad podría caerse. DERECHA DE CAJÓN INFERIOR (L). Apriete el EXCÉNTRICO ESCONDIDO. Cuidadosamente voltee la unidad para que repose sobre los Fije la RIOSTRA DE CAJÓN (M65) al DORSO DE CAJÓN bordes delanteros.
  • Page 29 Carefully read the following chart. Look out for: What can happen: How to avoid the problem: • Overloaded dresser drawers and • Risk of injury. • Never exceed the weight limits shown shelves.
  • Page 30 ADVERTENCIA Por favor use el mobiliario correcta y seguramente. El mal uso puede causar riesgos de seguridad o daño a las unidades o artículos domésticos. Cuidadosamente lea la tabla a continuación. Esté alerto de: Puede ocurrir: Evitar el problema: • Cajones y estantes de cómoda •...
  • Page 31 So, how did it go? Set a world record for speed? Feeling good about yourself? Nice. Get social with it on any of these quality share sites.