Nippon Genetics FastGene NanoView Photometer User Manual

Microvolume spectrophotometer


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Microvolume Spectrophotometer
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Summary of Contents for Nippon Genetics FastGene NanoView Photometer

  • Page 1 Microvolume Spectrophotometer ® FastGene NanoView Photometer User Guide Basic operation guide
  • Page 3 ® FastGene NanoView User Guide 2021 Nippon Genetics Europe GmbH ® FastGene NanoView User Guide...
  • Page 4 This page is intentionally left blank.
  • Page 5 Please keep this user guide with the product. Please read the safety instructions before using the equipment, to operate the equipment safely and smoothly. If you need to calibrate or install the product again, please contact the Nippon Genetics Europe customer center.
  • Page 6 Safety instructions Please read the safety instructions carefully before using the equipment, to operate the equipment safely · Comply with all warnings and cautions described in the user guide. This user guide uses the following rules to describe warnings and cautions: This mark indicates a potentially risky situation, and failure to follow the Warning instruction may lead to serious injury or even death.
  • Page 7 Precautions Precautions about the installation site Warning Make sure to install a ventilation system at the installation site when using flammable and toxic samples. Caution ® · FastGene NanoView weighs about 1.4 kg. This should be considered when installing. · The laboratory table on which the equipment is installed should be able to support the total weight of this device.
  • Page 8 Precautions Installation precaution Warning · Take actions to prevent equipment from falling in case of an earthquake or disaster. · Make sure to check the power supply voltage, power consumption, and frequency of the equipment before supplying power. · Grounding is essential to prevent electric shock and ensure reliable operation in case of a sudden accident or discharge.
  • Page 9 Product warranty We provide a warranty on the product as specified below. 1. Product warranty period For more information about the warranty period and range, please contact the Nippon Genetics Europe service center. 2. Product warranty description If malfunction occurs during the warranty period due to a defect in the equipment (software, hardware), the part will be replaced or repaired, free of charge.
  • Page 10: Table Of Contents

    Contents Ch. 1 Introduction 1-1 Introduction 1-1-1 Product introduction 1-1-2 Measurement principle 1-2 Screen description 1-2-1 Favorites screen 1-2-2 Adding/Removing favorites 1-3 Menu description 1-3-1 Measurement menu composition Ch. 2 Basic Measurements 2-1 Pedestal Basic Use 2-2 Cuvette Basic Use 2-3 Baseline ON / OFF Ch.
  • Page 11 Ch. 5 OD600 measurement method 5-1 Measurement description 5-1-1 Menu description 5-2 Usage Ch. 6 Other 6-1 Data (View/Delete data) 6-2 Settings 6-3 Product management FastGene ® NanoView User Guide Book...
  • Page 12 This page is intentionally left blank. FastGene ® NanoView User Guide Book...
  • Page 13: Introduction

    Ch. 1 Ch.1 Introduction 1-1 Introduction 1-1-1 Product introduction 1-1-2 Measurement principle 1-2 Screen description 1-2-1 Favorites screen 1-2-2 Adding/Removing favorites 1-3 Menu description 1-3-1 Measurement menu composition ® FastGene NanoView User Guide Book...
  • Page 14: Product Introduction

    1-1 Introduction Ch.1 1-1-1 Product introduction ® FastGene NanoView is a compact, ultra-small sample analyzer with a simple yet refined design and easy and convenient user interface (UI). This product can measure a wide range of absorbance, as it uses a slope algorithm, an optical path optimization technology.
  • Page 15 ③ Low Sample Volume & High Sample Concentration Range Ch.1 Performs quantitative analysis using up to 2 µl sample volume. Performs quantitative analysis up to 10,000 ng/µl dsDNA. Accurate values can be automatically measured regardless of the volume error even though path length is not separately adjusted, using the Slope Algorithm.
  • Page 16: Screen Description

    1-2 Screen description Ch.1 Fig. 1.1 1-2-1 Favorites screen Preferred measurement modes can be added or deleted in Favorites for convenient use. Up to 6 favorites can be added. * See 1-2-2 Adding/Removing favorites Note [Favorites]: A measurement mode added by the user can be selected. [Menu]: Any measurement modes supported by the equipment can be selected.
  • Page 17 Ch.1 Fig. 1.2 Fig. 1.3 1-2-2 Add/Remove favorite 1. [Fig. 1.2] Press ① [Menu] on the screen. 2. Select a measurement mode to add to Favorites. 3. [Fig. 1.3] Press ② Click [Favorites] on the upper left of the measurement screen to add to Favorites. 4.
  • Page 18: Menu Description

    1-3 Menu description Ch.1 Fig. 1.2 1-3-3 Measurement menu composition Menu Factor ds DNA ss DNA Nucleic Acid Other Input Protein 1.49 Protein 0.72 Lysozyme 0.37 Other Input OD600 OD600 The factor designated for each mode is set as the default value. The input mode is additionally provided so that the user can designate a factor value.
  • Page 19: 2 Basic Measurements

    Ch. 2 Basic Measurements Ch.2 2-1 Pedestal Basic Use 2-2 Cuvette Basic Use 2-3 Baseline ON / OFF ® FastGene NanoView User Guide Book...
  • Page 20: Pedestal Basic Use

    2-1 Pedestal Basic Use Take a 1-2 µl (minimum volume - 0.5 µl) sample using a pipette. Place the pipette used to take the sample on the sampling pedestal and carefully drop the sample, keeping the shape so that the drop does not burst.
  • Page 21: Cuvette Basic Use

    2-2 Cuvette Basic Use FastGene ® NanoView provides OD600 mode that measures the OD value at 600 nm using a 10 mm Cuvette. The height of the optical path is 8.5 mm from the bottom, and Cuvette selection and sample size selection require confirmation.
  • Page 22: Baseline On / Off

    2-3 Baseline ON / OFF A baseline can be applied to the measured value using the Baseline Correction ON/OFF function in the case of nucleic acid and protein. As it is measured by absorbing ultraviolet rays below 320 nm, a baseline value measured at the wavelength of 320 nm or higher can be used as a baseline value.
  • Page 23 Ch. 3 Nucleic acid measurement method 3-1 Measurement description Ch.3 3-2 A260/A280 ratio 3-2-1 Menu description 3-3 Usage ® FastGene NanoView User Guide Book...
  • Page 24: Measurement Description

    3-1 Measurement description As nucleic acid has maximum values at an absorbance of 260 nm, the concentration value of dsDNA, ssDNA, and RNA can be obtained by multiplying the value measured at 260 nm when DNA or RNA is measured with unique values such as 50, 33, or 40. Factor Ch.3 ds DNA...
  • Page 25: A260/A280 Ratio

    3-2 A260 / A280 ratio The A260/A280 ratio is used when measuring the purity of DNA or RNA using absorbance measurement. Purity can be calculated by checking the ratio of impurities such as protein and phenol that shows high absorbance near 280 nm. Purity increases as A260/A280 is close to 1.8 (for DNA) or 2.0 (for RNA).
  • Page 26: Usage

    3-3 Usage ① Ch.3 Fig. 3.2 ② ③ ④ Fig. 3.3 1. [Fig. 3.2] Press ① [dsDNA] on the Favorites screen. 2. Drop a 1-2 µl sample to measure on the sampling pedestal after checking the measurement screen. Check whether the sample is dropped normally, and close the cell cover and press the [Measure] button. 3.
  • Page 27 Note For ssDNA, RNA, and Other Nucleic acid, select the corresponding menu on the menu screen and proceed in the same way as dsDNA. Measure Other Nucleic acid by entering the factor to apply to the formula using the up/down arrow icon. Ch.3 How to apply a Factor to Other Nucleic acid ①...
  • Page 28 Ch.3 This page is intentionally left blank. ® FastGene NanoView User Guide Book...
  • Page 29: 4 Protein Measurement Method

    Ch. 4 Protein measurement method 4-1 Measurement description 4-1-1 Menu description 4-2 Usage Ch.4 ® FastGene NanoView User Guide Book...
  • Page 30 4-1 MeasureDescription The quantitative analysis of protein is a quantitative analysis method using the UV absorption and wavelength of aromatic amino acid, and is proportional to absorbance at 280 nm. There are, of course, exceptions, but in general protein has a concentration of 1.0 at 280 nm when protein density is 1mg/ ml and the path of ultraviolet rays is 1 cm.
  • Page 31 4-1-1 Menu description ② ① ③ ⑨ ⑩ ④ Ch.4 ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ Fig. 4.1 Name Description Additional Description ① Favorites * See 1-2-2 Adding/Removing favorites ② 10 mm ABS value ③ Measurement concentration value ④ Message location ⑤ Auto Zero ⑥...
  • Page 32: Usage

    4-2 Usage ① Ch.4 Fig. 4.2 ② ③ ④ Fig. 4.3 1. [Fig. 4.2] Press ① [Protein] on the Favorites screen. 2. Drop a 1-2 µl sample to measure on the sampling pedestal after checking the measurement screen. Check whether the sample is dropped normally, and close the cell cover and press the [Measure] button. 3.
  • Page 33 Note For BSA, IgG, Lysozyme, and Other Protein, select the corresponding menu on the menu screen and proceed in the same way as Protein. Measure Other Nucleic acid by entering the factor to apply to the formula using the up/down arrow icon. How to apply a Factor to Other Nucleic acid Ch.4 ①...
  • Page 34 This page is intentionally left blank. FastGene ® NanoView User Guide Book...
  • Page 35 Ch. 5 OD600 measurement method 5-1 Measurement description 5-1-1 Menu description 5-2 Usage Ch.5 ® FastGene NanoView User Guide Book...
  • Page 36 5-1 MeasureDescription Refers to the measurement of optical density at 600 nm. It is generally used as a test method to ® describe the value of bacteria or other cells. FastGene NanoView provides OD600 mode that measures the OD value at 600 nm using a 10 mm Cuvette. The height of the optical path is 8.5 mm from the bottom, and Cuvette selection and sample size selection require confirmation.
  • Page 37 5-2 Usage ① Fig. 5.2 Ch.5 ② ③ ④ ⑤ Fig. 5.3 1. [Figure 5.2] Press the ① [OD600] icon after selecting an additional menu on the screen. 2. Insert a blank sample into a 10 mm Standard Cuvette. Insert the Cuvette into the square cell holder. When inserting the Cuvette, check whether the Cuvette area where light passes is not contaminated.
  • Page 38 This page is intentionally left blank. FastGene ® NanoView User Guide Book...
  • Page 39 Ch. 6 Other 6-1 Data (View/Delete data) 6-2 Settings 6-3 Product management Ch.6 ® FastGene NanoView User Guide Book...
  • Page 40 6-1 Data (View/Delete data) Fig. 6.1 Press the [Data] button to check or delete the saved data. Select a file and click the [ ] button to check the data or press the [ ] button to delete. Ch.6 ® FastGene NanoView User Guide Book...
  • Page 41 6-2 Settings Fig. 6.2 Press the [Setting] button to check the settings menu. (Language selection/Time selection/System/PC connection) Ch.6 Fig. 6.3 Select the language of the product. Fig. 6.4 Set the date and time of the product using the +/- buttons. ®...
  • Page 42 Fig. 6.5 The system information of the equipment can be checked. * [Device Check] is a function that can check for product malfunction by checking the basic condition of the equipment. If you find something wrong during data measurement and want to apply for inspection Ch.6 or repair, please include the device check results displayed on the system page and information on the equipment firmware version to receive a quick response.
  • Page 43 6-3 Product management Keep the sampling pedestal and cover quartz window clean by cleaning the product using distilled water each time a sample is measured. Fig. 6.7 Fig. 6.8 Ch.6 If all measurements have been completed or a sample of high concentration has been measured, drop 2 µl distilled water on the sampling pedestal and cover quartz window.
  • Page 44 Nippon Genetics Europe GmbH Address Mariaweilerstraße 28-30 52349 Dueren Germany Phone / Fax +49 2421 554960 / +492421 5549611 Contact FastGene ® NanoView © Nippon Genetics Europe GmbH, 2021...

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