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Texas A/S Smart Spreder 100 User Manual page 7


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6. Follow fertilizer manufacturer's recommended coverage rate for each product.
7. To maintain the same coverage when walking at a different speed, adjust the flow rate. Reduce
the flow setting for slower speeds and increase the flow setting for higher speeds.
8. Keep spreader horizontal when operating. Tilting the spreader will result in uneven coverage.
9. Always start walking prior to opening the flow control rate.
10. Always close the flow control before turning or stopping the spreader.
11. If spreading material is accidentally deposited too heavily in a small area, soak the area
thoroughly with a garden hose or sprinkler to prevent burning of the lawn.
12. Apply two header strips at each end of area to be treated and then proceed lengthwise
between the header strips.
13. To insure consistent coverage, make sure each drop pattern slightly overlaps the previous drop
14. Do not over apply spreading material. Follow the recommended coverage rate for each
product. Over application will lead to lawn damage and contamination.

