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Breedlove American Series C20/SM Owner's Manual page 13

Breedlove american series c20/sm: user guide


Adjustable Bridge
Floating Fingerboard Extension
Changing Strings on your Mandolin
When changing strings, pay close attention to the location and orientation of
bridge on the body. When strings are removed, the bridge may move. If you
remove all the strings at once, it will be unsupported and will fall off. It is a
good idea to mark the location of the bridge prior to changing strings. Place
small pieces of masking tape on the top of the mandolin at each point of the
bridge base to mark the location. Also note the orientation of the bridge, and
mark one side with tape if you are not sure you know which way it goes. To
ensure proper instrument intonation, the bridge must be in the correct location.
It is also a good idea to protect the finish of the instrument with a soft cloth
while changing strings. String ends can scratch the finish, as can any movement
of the bridge. Please call Breedlove if we may be of assistance during your first
string change.
Electronic Pickups for Mandolins
For minimum acoustic impact and a rich, naturally balanced tone, Breedlove
recommends the Schertler C-DYN-M, an electrodynamic contact microphone
co-designed by Schertler and Breedlove. This pickup is a full-bodied
electrodynamic contact microphone which can also be coupled with a
condenser microphone. It requires no phantom power.

