Operation; Camera Working Mode; Command Mode; Timing Mode - FIFOTRACK Camera V1.1 User Manual

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5 Operation

5.1 Camera working mode

Camera supports 3 working modes for photographing as below:
Command mode: Tracker takes photo by command control
Timing mode: Tracker takes photos periodically
Alarm mode: Tracker takes photo(s) when alarm occurs
After photographing, tracker will upload data to server.

5.1.1 Command mode

In actual usage, user can send command to control tracker taking photo, SMS command format as
SMS command: 000000,D05,<resolution>
Reply: D05,OK
While resolution defines the resolution of the picture to be taken,
1: 160*128
2: 320*240
3: 640*480 (default)
After receiving the command, tracker starts camera to take photo with specified resolution. When
photographing is finished, tracker fetches data and upload it to server.

5.1.2 Timing Mode

Tracker can be set to take photos periodically, using the following SMS command:
SMS command: 000000,D07,<interval>,<resolution>
Reply: D07,OK
While interval is the time interval for photographing, unit second, 0~disable timing photographing. To
ensure camera works normally, interval should be greater than 300s.
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