Do you have a question about the MigRob 500 and is the answer not in the manual?
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Summary of Contents for ABB MigRob 500
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Product Manual Welding power source MigRob 500 3HEA 801740-001 2006 10 16 Valid for serial no. 517-xxx-xxxx, 524-xxx-xxxx, 610-xxx-xxxx, 640-xxx-xxxx...
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The document, or parts of it, may not be reproduced or copied without prior permission from ABB Auto- mation Technologies AB. It may neither be imparted to a third party nor otherwise be used without autho- rization.
ESAB AB, Welding Equipment, SE--695 81 Laxå, Sweden, gives its unreserved guarantee that weld- ing power source MigRob 500 from serial number 517 complies with standard IEC/EN 60974--1, in accordance with the requirements of directive (73/23/EEC) and addendum (93/68/EEC) and with standard IEC/EN 60974--10 in accordance with the requirements of directive (89/336/EEC) and add- endum (93/68/EEC).
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WARNING ARC WELDING AND CUTTING CAN BE INJURIOUS TO YOURSELF AND OTHERS. TAKE PRECAU- TIONS WHEN WELDING. ASK FOR YOUR EMPLOYER’S SAFETY PRACTICES WHICH SHOULD BE BASED ON MANUFACTURERS’ HAZARD DATA. ELECTRIC SHOCK - - Can kill Install and earth the welding unit in accordance with applicable standards. Do not touch live electrical parts or electrodes with bare skin, wet gloves or wet clothing.
CAN--bus. The welding data unit in the welding power source handles this communication. Equipment The MigRob 500 power source is supplied with 2 terminating resistors, a 5 m return cable and an instruction manual. Note! One terminating resistor for the internal bus and one for the external bus.
MigRob 500 Operating temperature --10 to +40˚C Constant A- -weighed sound pressure < 70 dB Dimensions lxwxh 625 x 394 x 496 mm Weight 72 kg Insulation class transformer Enclosure class IP 23 Application class Duty cycle The duty cycle refers to the time as a percentage of a ten--minute period that you can weld at a cer- tain load without overloading.
A protective earth connection must be made in accordance with regulations. Rating plate with supply connection data Recommended fuse sizes and minimum cable area MigRob 500 400 V 3μ 50 Hz Mains voltage 400 V Mains cable area mm...
OPERATION General safety regulations for the handling of the equipment can be found on page 4. Read through before you start using the equipment! Connections and control devices Connection for welding current cable (+) Fuse, 4 A Connection for terminating resistor, 42 V, Connection measurement cable, (arc Internal CAN--bus.
Fan control The power source has a time control that means that the fans continue to run for 6.5 minutes after welding has stopped, and the unit switches to energy--saving mode. The fans start again when welding restarts. The fans run at reduced speed for welding currents up to 180 A, and at full speed for higher currents.
Alternative 2B Measurement between welding wire negative polarity, workpiece positive. Connections to connector XS31. Required external Sleeve Explanation of existing connections in the connections power source Welding plus, detection Arc voltage from the welding wire in the wire feed unit. Forced welding stop, interrupted connection between C and Forced welding stop, interrupted connection between C and F entails stop.
FAULT- -TRACING Try these recommended checks and inspections before sending for an authorised service technician. Type of fault Action No arc. Check that the mains power supply switch is turned on. Check that the welding current supply and return cables are correctly connected.
Fault Description Welding data Power unit code unit Program error Lost program data Unit Power supply 1* Power supply 2* Power supply 3* Welding data unit +3 V Power unit +15 V --15 V +24 V Fault code descriptions Fault Description code Program memory error (EPROM)
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Fault Description code Low battery voltage +3 V, (welding data unit) Battery voltage too low. If the battery is not replaced, all stored data will be lost. This fault does not disable any functions. Action: Send for a service technician to replace the battery. +15 V power supply, (power unit) The power supply is too high or too low.
ORDERING SPARE PARTS MigRob 500 is designed and tested in accordance with the international and European standards IEC/EN 60974- -1 and EN 60974- -10. It is the obligation of the service unit which has carried out the service or repair work to make sure that the product still conforms to the said standard.
MigRob 500 Ordering number Ordering no. Denomination Type 3HEA801700--001 Welding power source MigRob500 3HEA801700--002 Welding power source with autotransformer MigRob500 and TUA2 - - 18 - - Edition 060529 ba39o11a...
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