Carbest 81410 User Instruction page 21

Lifepo4-bluetooth-battery 12 v
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Safety Data Sheet according to Directive 1907/2006/EC, Article 31, Annex II, and TRGS 220 (Germany)
Product name: LiFePO4 Battery 12V/100Ah
Date of issue: 30 March, 2020
Date of last revision:
9.2 Relevant data for Safety and Health for the product:
Data which should be mentioned in this SECTION are not relevant for the product. Refer to SECTIONS
2, 6, 7, and 10 for safety-related information.
Nominal Voltage:
Loading capacity:
SECTION 10: Stability and Reactivity
Thermal decomposition:
Conditions to be avoided:
Substances to be avoided:
Dangerous reactions:
Hazardous decomposition products:
Dangerous polymerisations:
SECTION 11: Toxicological Information
11.1 Product
As long as the housing of the battery is tight and no ingredients are set free, no harmful effects on
human health are to be expected.
The following information is valid for all ingredients:
Reproductive toxicity:
Toxic effects after repeated exposure (subacute to chronic toxicity):
Refer to SECTION 11.2
Practical experience: There are no reports of symptoms of poisoning after handling the ingredients.
11.2 Toxicological information on the pure ingredients:
Phosphoric acid, iron(2+) lithium salt (1:1:1)
The toxicology of this substance is yet hardly investigated. There are no experimental animal data
Carbest Bluetooth Batterie | Battery 81410
12 V
100 Ah
Danger of explosion above 130ÅC.
Heating above 70ÅC. Short circuit. Damage of the housing. Long-
time storage under humid conditions.
Strong oxidizing agents (halogenes, nitriles, hydrogen peroxide,
perchloric acid, aqua regia, etc.), strong acids, strong lyes.
Ingredients may form very toxic fluorides and hydrofluoric acid
with strong acids.
Very toxic fluorides and hydrofluoric acid, hydrocarbons,
carbon monoxide and phosphorous oxides.
Intense and repeated skin contact with nickel metall or nickel plated
sheet steel may result in sensitization.
No mutagenic effects are known.
No carcinogenic effects are known. All ingredients are not mentioned
as carcinogenic in the lists of ACGIH, NIOSH, IARC or TRGS 905.
No toxic effects on reproduction are known.
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