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User Manual for Polybass-R
(RMC/Godin Multiac version)
V7 5.1.2001

Why do we make such an Effort?

Bass is fundamental

working as a sound engineer, playing in bands, studying the history of instrument making
and analog electronics, the feeling became stronger every year that bass is much more
important than it seems. it's unfair that the bass player is in the background, but it also fits
to his fundamental task of stability and coordination for all other musicians.
Harmonies are built from harmonics of the fundamental tone. on primitive instruments like
the fanfare its only possible to play those notes, and hearing the bass tone, we feel why
all other notes belong together and why the notes that are not directly in the scale create
an interesting tension...
more so, I feel that the vibrations resonate in our bodies and a concert or dance night is
not just a social and cultural event but also a therapy... short:

How to create the bass in a small ensemble

unfortunately not in every combo there is space for a bass player. there are probably more
duos and trios of voice, guitar and percussion or harmonica and clarinet and so on where
one of those instruments takes the musical task of the bass player, yet on an instrument
which does not have the size to create a real low bass.
we are lucky that engineers of the last decades created portable woofers that fill a big
room with solid and profound bass! so one of the band can play a bass pedal and its done.
how clumsy and synthetic! we have a better solution: we divide the lowest notes of the
guitar so that they turn into bass notes! the guitar plays as usual, maybe a bit more aware
of its function, and the bass comes out for free, low and alive, discrete and present, but
not calling attention or pretending to be another instrument: everyone can see who plays
those notes, no one cares why they sound so low, but they feel satisfied

The physics of intervals

since the scales are made of harmonics which are multiples of the bass note, the higher
climb in the scale, the more notes we get, the closer the intervals are. and also: the high-
er the frequency, the shorter the wave, the quicker we identify notes. so an interval that
sounds good on the guitar can sound wobbly one octave lower!


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for paradis Polybass-R

  • Page 1: Why Do We Make Such An Effort

    User Manual for Polybass-R (RMC/Godin Multiac version) V7 5.1.2001 Why do we make such an Effort? Bass is fundamental working as a sound engineer, playing in bands, studying the history of instrument making and analog electronics, the feeling became stronger every year that bass is much more important than it seems.
  • Page 2: What Is Different About Polybass

    What is different about Polybass there have been many approaches to create bass, but not for a clean single bass line! ba- sically, one octave generator which switches to the lowest played string would be enough. but we found that sudden switching between strings call attention. so we made an octave generator for each string, tune it to the string and then select the lowest note and fade the previous.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Contents Why do we make such an Effort? Bass is fundamental How to create the bass in a small ensemble The physics of intervals What is different about Polybass The complete high class preamp system About this Manual Installation into Godin Multiac SA/ACS Installation into Godin Multiac Spectrum / Jazz wood cover Installation into RMC Polydrive...
  • Page 4: Installation Into Godin Multiac Sa/Acs

    14pin flat cable connector from it plug the 14pin flat cable into the same position on the new Paradis board (its possible to connect off by one pin!). the red wire is pin1 which is square on the board...
  • Page 5: Installation Into Godin Multiac Spectrum / Jazz

    2,5mm. since this puts the two boards out of alignment, we extended the two left-hand screw holes in the Paradis board so that it can be secured in place. the other two screws can be left off, or if you feel that they are necessary, you can easily cut the bit between the edge of the board and the holes.
  • Page 6: Installation Into Rmc Polydrive

    Installation into RMC Polydrive basically the installation is the same as into the Godin Multiac SA/ACS. we do not provide the fixation of the battery holder like the original. but we can send you a battery holder which you can connect to the solder-less posts and tape to the Polybass board.
  • Page 7: Controls

    Controls the Polybass is designed to give you the maximum possible options for configuring mixing any pickups in any guitar. for the Multiacs only those are relevant: Adjustable Volume for each String the RMC pickup is amazingly balanced, but it can loose sensibility over time, mainly due to salt coming from sweat.
  • Page 8: Understanding And Adjustments

    Understanding and Adjustments Filter the original RMC system has a treble enhancement on the input and a compensating treble cut on the output. since we only replace the board with the input stage, this treble en- hancement is compensated on the new board. this compensation filter is switchable with a jumper which is set by default, so when you plug the board as you receive it, the sound should be similar.
  • Page 9: Resonances In Your Instrument

    Resonances in your instrument every guitar has some resonances in the neck that “eat” the energy of certain notes, so they fade away quicker than the others. usually the worst is around G...A. those irregulari- ties are better audible with the Polybass, but not related to it. so sorry, we cannot fix this, but you can improve a lot by holding the neck firmly when you play that note.
  • Page 10: Roland Guitarsynth And Compatible

    Roland GuitarSynth and compatible in case you are using the Roland GK synth volume as it was intended originally, you will probably notice that it does not work any more because it now controls the Polybass. (on boards with serial < PB-R-0068 it controls Synth+Polybass so you may go to step 2) if this does not suit you or the synth stops to sound (likely with GR55) try this: set the jumper VolGK (not available on boards with serial <...

Table of Contents