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Sealey EH2001 Instructions page 2

Industrial, 2kw


dO nOt place the heater close to a bath, wash basin, shower, swimming pool or any other water-filled area or wet surface.
dO nOt get the heater wet or use in areas of high condensation.
dO nOt place the heater up against any surface such as a wall, door or furniture etc.
dO nOt place the heater immediately below any electrical outlet.
dO nOt allow the power lead to touch the radiator surface.
dO nOt attempt to repair a damaged heater, contact an authorised service agent.
dO nOt stand on the heater.
dO nOt connect the heater to a timer device or other equipment than can automatically switch the heater on or off.
only use the heater in an upright position.
ensure that the heater is correctly turned off when not in use and store in a safe, dry, childproof location.
nOte: children of less than 3 years should be kept away unless supervised continuously.
children aged from 3 years and less than 8 years shall only switch on/off the appliance provided that it has been placed or installed
in its intended normal operating position and they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe
way and understand the hazards involved. children aged from 3 years and less than 8 years shall not plug in, regulate and clean the
appliance or perform user maintenance.
CautiOn: some parts of this product can become very hot and cause burns. Particular attention has to be given where children and
vulnerable people are present.
2. intrOduCtiOn
electric fan heater for industrial applications. one heat setting with thermostat control, plus fan only setting. A totally dry heat with no
condensation, no gas, no fumes, so no smell. ideal for workshops, garages etc.
3. sPeCifiCatiOn
model no: .....................................................................eH2001
Voltage: ............................................................................ 230V
Power rating: ................................................................ 2000W
Heat setting: .................................................................. 2000W
dimensions (W x d x H): ............... 215mm x 230mm x 280mm
fuse rating: ....................................................................... 13A
iMPOrtant! this unit is designed to raise the ambient temperature of an entire room, the temperature of the air coming out
of the front of the heater will be warmer than the general temperature of the room, but there may not be a significant increase due
to the large volume of air passing over the element. for the same reason, the element is hot during operation, but does not visibly
glow. the room temperature depends on room size, insulation and the ambient temperature, which will increase as the room gets
4. OPeratiOn
Position heater in an upright position on a firm surface and at a safe distance from any obstructions, flammable substances etc. Keep
to a minimum of 0.5mtr clearance at the rear and sides, and 2mtr clearance at the front.
connect the heater to a suitable mains supply.
set the thermostat dial to its maximum setting (fully clockwise).
the heater will switch on when the power setting dial is set to the heater setting.
nOte: it will take up to three minutes for the heater to reach optimum temperature.
once the room reaches the required temperature, turn the thermostat dial slowly counter-clockwise until the thermostat clicks, leave
the dial in this position to maintain the room temperature at this setting. the heater will continue to operate until the power switch is
turned to the off position.
for fan only operation, turn the power/fan selector to the fan only setting, and set the thermostat to its minimum setting.
When not in use, disconnect the heater from the mains supply. store it in a safe, dry, childproof location.
Power / fan
© Jack sealey limited
fan only setting
Power setting (2000w)
Original Language Version
eH2001 | issue 5 22/02/17

