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Simplicity 7 HE Series Manual page 27


Vent top corner siliconed along with bar capping.
Here's how you can earn £25 and have your new greenhouse feature in
our next brochure....
We are always interested to hear how you went on assembling your simplicity greenhouse, and we are particularly interested to see photos of the
finished article.
We like to see where you've put it, how you're using it and how it looks in your garden. Often we glean ideas from this which we can pass on to
other gardeners as useful tips.
It is always nice if we can include 'real' greenhouse photos in the brochure, so if you send us a photo of your greenhouse to us and it is good
enough to get into our next brochure, we will send you a £25 reward.
Please send your photos to:
Photo competition
Simplicity Greenhouses
Blythe Park
ST11 9RD
01782 388811
Or better still, email us on
Please write on the reverse of photos your name and address and if you would like them back, please write 'please return' on them too.
We wish you all the best with your new greenhouse, and we look forward to seeing your photos in the near future!
To help waterproof the building it is a good idea to
use a transparent all-weather silicone inside and
outside of the building where there are any gaps.
Also the top of the vents can be siliconed.
Inside eave area siliconed.

