Tilling Depths
tilling, contact your
telephone or utilities
company and inquire if
underground equipment or
lines are usedon your
property. Do not till near
buried electric cables,
telephone lines, pipes or
• Avoid pushing down on the handlebarsin an attempt to force the tiller to dig deeper.Doing
sotakesthe weight off the poweredwheels,causingthem to losetraction. Without the wheels
helpingto hold the tiller back,the tines will attemptto propel the tiller- often causingthe tiller
to skip rapidly acrossthe ground. (Sometimes,slight downward pressure on the handlebars
will help getthrough a particularlytough sectionof sod or unbrokenground,but in most cases
this won't be necessary.)
• Avoidtrying to dig too deeplytoo quickly,especiallywhenbustingsod or whentilling soil that
hasn't beentilled for some time. Use shallowdepth regulatorsettings (only an inch or two
deep)for thefirst passesthrough the soil. With eachsucceedingpass,dig anotherinch or two
deeper.(Wateringthe areaa few days prior to tilling will maketilling easier,as will letting the
newlyworked soil set for a day or two beforemakinga final, deeptilling pass.)
• When cultivating (breakingup surfacesoil around plants to destroyweeds,seeFig.4-9), adjust the tines to dig only 1"to 2" deep.Using
shallowtilling depthshelps preventinjury to plantswhose roots often growclose to the surface, if needed,lift up on the handlebarsslightly
to preventthe tines from digging too deeply.(Cultivatingon a regular basis not only eliminatesweeds,it also loosensand aeratesthe soil
for better moistureabsorption andfaster plantgrowth.)
Choosing CorrectWheel & Tine Speeds
With experience,you will find the "just right" tilling depth and tilling speedcombination
that is best for your garden.
Setthe enginethrottle leverat a speedto givethe engineadequatepowerand yet allow it to operateat the slowest possiblespeed...atleast
until you haveachievedthe maximum tilling depth you desire. Fasterenginespeeds may be desirablewhen makingfinal passesthrough
the seedbedor whencultivating. Selectionof the correct enginespeed,in relationto the tilling depth, will ensurea sufficientpower levelto
do the job without causingthe engine to labor.
Let the Tiller Dothe Work
Whiletilling, relaxand letthe wheelspull the
tiller along while the tines do the digging.
Walk on the side that is not yet finished (to
avoid makingfootprints in the freshly tilled
soil) and lightly, but securelygrip the han-
dlebarwith just one hand.
AvoidMaking Footprints
Whenever possible, walk on the untilled
sideof the unit to avoid makingfootprints in
your freshly tilled or cultivated soil. Foot-
prints causesoil compaction that can ham-
per root penetration and contribute to soil
erosion. They can also "plant" unwanted
weed seeds back into the freshly tilled
AvoidTilling Soggy,Wet Soil
Tilling wet soil often results in large,hard
clumps of soil that can interfere with plant-
ing. if time permits, wait a day or two after
heavy rains to allow the soil to dry before
tilling. Testsoil by squeezingit into a ball. if
it compressestoo easily,it is too wet to till.
Preparing Seedbeds
• Whenpreparinga seedbed, g o overthe samepathtwice in thefirst row,then over-
lap one-halfthetiller width on the rest of the passes(seeFig. 6). Whenfinished in
one direction,make a second pass at a right angle,as shown in Fig.4-7. Overlap
eachpassfor best results (in very hardground, it may takethree or four passesto
thoroughly pulverizethe soil.)
• if the gardensize will not permit lengthwiseand thencrosswisetilling, then over-
lapthefirst passesby one-halfa tiller
width,followed by successive passes
at one-quarterwidth (seeFig.4-8).
Fig. 4-8
Fig. 4-6
With planning, you can ==.._Vp.
==_._ V_
allow enoughroom
between rows to cultivate _
(seeFig.4-9). Leaveroom _
for the hood width,
plus enough extra _
room for future plant
Fig. 4-9