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Setup Instructions; How To Pack Up A Sibley Tent - canvascamp SIBLEY 300 DELUXE Setup Instructions




Zip the door shut and fit the plastic rain cap to the A frame
spike. Using the large pegs attach the first guy rope above the
door. Then do the guy ropes around the whole tent without
putting any of them under too much tension as you don't
want the tent leaning.
• All the guy ropes need to follow the lines of
the seams in the roof.
• Adjust the guy rope slider so you have approx 50cm
of loop to the peg - this allows adjustment in both
• It is important to make sure the tent stays
symmetrical and that the tension is evenly spread.
Once all the pegs are in then go round adjusting the guy
ropes to create the desired tension. By doing it this way and
following the seam lines your Sibley tent will look like this:
perfect and without creases.
If the door seems too tight move the two guy ropes ei-
ther side of the door in towards the middle of the door
to relieve some tension.
There you go. Job done!

How to pack up a Sibley tent

and get it back into its bag!
Here are some tips on packing up your tent after use.
As stated all over the set up instructions, it is VITAL that your
tent is stored bone dry otherwise it will get attacked by mould.
Its fine taking it down damp, however you MUST ensure you
hang it up to dry within 24 hours.
You don't have to set the tent up again, just hang it on a wash-
ing line, over a car or over some chairs. Basically, it just needs
some air.
This is how to get your tent
back in the bag without hassle;
Take all the poles and pegs out of the tent whilst keeping
the canvas off the grass - this helps keep your tent clean and
grass stain free.
Without standing on the canvas, fold half of the tent over so
you have a half moon with the groundsheet facing up.
Let that half of the groundsheet dry out and you might
want to wipe off any mud or worm casks. If it's not a dry day
you'll need to dry the tent out when you get home. The idea is
that you always have canvas touching canvas and groundsheet
touching groundsheet so even if the tent is wet you avoid
stains. Once the condensation has dried off you need to flip
the half moon over so the other half of the groundsheet can
also dry out.
Once the whole tent is dry you now need to fold the half
moon over on itself again and again so you end up with a strip
the width of the tent bag. The best way to do this is to put the
bag at the top of the tent and use it as a template to get the
right width.
Now fold the strip in half and place the pole bag and peg
bag at one end. Roll the whole thing into a tight bundle using
the ties to secure the tent as a roll. Last but not least, lift one
end and slip the bag over the tent.
Enjoy your tent, and remember: please only store it bone dry.
Many thanks, and feel free to call us if you get stuck.

