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E-A-R Auditory Systems E-A-RTONE 5A Instructions For The Use page 3

Insert earphones


still available with that impedance. Your distributor or E-A-R Auditory Systems
can help you determine which version is appropriate for your equipment.
5A Insert Earphones were designed to mimic the frequency
response of the TDH-type earphone. It is strongly recommended, however,
that the (RETSPL) values and procedure cited in the ANSI S3.6 - 1996
Standard be used in recalibration of your equipment, before initial use, unless
your audiometer was purchased with an E-A-RTONE
transducer. Subsequent calibrations should be performed at least annually
thereafter. Measured correction factors can be applied in those cases where
it is necessary to alternate between an insert earphone and a supra-aural
This instruction booklet is intended to provide information to allow you to
perform hearing testing with your audiometer and E-A-RTONE
Earphones with the confidence that test results will be comparable to, or
in certain instances more reliable than, measurements performed with
supra-aural headphones. Most questions regarding the use and calibration of
5A Insert Earphones can be answered by reviewing this booklet
and the American National Standard Specification for Audiometers (ANSI
S3.6-1996). For information regarding replacement items, please contact
your distributor or E-A-R Auditory Systems Customer Service at 317/656-
5713. Requests for technical assistance, or comments regarding
5A Insert Earphones should be directed to E-A-R Auditory
Systems 5457 W. 79th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46268.
5A as the standard
5A Insert

