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Sealey LFT03.V2 Instructions

Sealey LFT03.V2 Instructions

Aluminium loft ladder


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thank you for purchasing a sealey product. Manufactured to a high standard this product will, if used according to these instructions
and properly maintained, give you years of trouble free performance.
IMPORTANT: PleaSe read THeSe inSTruCTiOnS CareFullY. nOTe THe SaFe OPeraTiOnal reQuiremenTS, WarninGS & CauTiOnS.
uSe THe PrOduCT COrreCTlY and WiTH Care FOr THe PurPOSe FOr WHiCH iT iS inTended. Failure TO dO SO maY CauSe damaGe
and/Or PerSOnal inJurY and Will inValidaTe THe WarranTY. PleaSe KeeP inSTruCTiOnS SaFe FOr FuTure uSe.
1. SaFeTY inSTruCTiOnS
WarninG! the loft ladder must not be used until it has been fully
dO nOT install or use the loft ladder until you have read all of the
Keep children and unauthorised persons away from the working
area during installation.
A separate suitable ladder is needed to access the loft during
two persons are needed to safely complete the installation, one
person working in the loft and the other on the floor below.
the side locking catches are not load bearing and the loft ladder
must not be used unless the pivot bar stops have been correctly
and fully installed.
Ensure that there is a good flat access area at the base of the
ladder to allow safe dismounting. A minimum area of one square
metre is recommended.
dO nOT use the loft ladder for any purpose other than that for
which it was designed.
dO nOT install the loft ladder if parts are missing or damaged.
check and ensure that there is enough clear internal loft space for
the ladder to be stowed before attempting installation.
In some cases it may be necessary to install additional wooden
braces or noggins to be able to fix the pivot and retaining bar in
their correct positions.
During installation ensure the work area is kept clean and free
from obstructions and is well lit.
Keep children, animals and unauthorised persons away from the
working area.
Maintain the loft ladder in good condition.
replace or repair damaged parts. use genuine parts only.
non-authorised parts may be dangerous and will invalidate the
● Important: read and follow all of the safety information on the side
of the ladder.
dO nOT use if parts are missing or damaged.
dO nOT allow children to climb the ladder.
dO nOT use when tired, under the influence of alcohol, drugs or
intoxicating medication.
Wear non-slip footwear and if necessary clean the soles before
using the ladder.
WarninG! rest the base of the ladder on a level and solid floor.
Ensure the ladder rungs are horizontal and both ladder feet are on
the ground.
Always ensure the locking catches are fully engaged before
mounting the ladder.
Always face the ladder when ascending and descending.
only carry light materials (up to 10kg) up the ladder. never
exceed the total static load of 150kg.
WarninG! only to be used by one person at a time.
WarninG! never overeach when on the ladder.
When not in use, stow the ladder securely.
2. inTrOduCTiOn
Aluminium loft ladder manufactured to Bs 14975:2006. supplied with
hand rail and all fixing components for quick and easy installation.
three section design enables ladder to fit in smaller areas than stand-
ard two-section ladders.
3. SPeCiFiCaTiOn
Model no: ............................................................Lft03
Loft opening (W x L): .............................. 432 x 508mm
Maximum Height: .................................................... 3mtr
Loft clearance: ................................................ 1050mm
Maximum capacity: ............................................. 150kg
InstructIons for:
aluminium lOFT ladder
Model no:
4. COnTenTS
Original Language Version
Issue: 1 - 04/08/11


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Summary of Contents for Sealey LFT03.V2

  • Page 1 Model no: thank you for purchasing a sealey product. Manufactured to a high standard this product will, if used according to these instructions and properly maintained, give you years of trouble free performance. IMPORTANT: PleaSe read THeSe inSTruCTiOnS CareFullY. nOTe THe SaFe OPeraTiOnal reQuiremenTS, WarninGS & CauTiOnS.
  • Page 2: Installation And Use

    5.3.3 install the trapdoor: Position the fitted hinges against the hatch frame and mark the fixing hole positions. Drill 2mm pilot holes and screw the hinges to the hatch surround using 4 x 18mm screws as shown in fig.3. Original Language Version Lft03.V2 Issue: 1 - 04/08/11...
  • Page 3 3 pivot bar stops in each track including one pre-fitted at the top of each track. 5.4.4 replace the previously removed end caps. Original Language Version Lft03.V2 Issue: 1 - 04/08/11...
  • Page 4 Make sure the pivot bar brackets are pushed up against the sides of the ladder. 5.7.3 Mark the fixing holes onto the hatch frame, drill 3mm pilot holes and fix using 6 x 35mm screws. Original Language Version Lft03.V2 Issue: 1 - 04/08/11...
  • Page 5 Parts support is available for this product. To obtain a parts listing and/or diagram, please log on to, email or phone 01284 757500. NOTE: It is our policy to continually improve products and as such we reserve the right to alter data, specifications and component parts without prior notice.