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Osd Timeout - Pyle PTVDLED16 Manual


Source Label Create labels for the devices connected to your TV. Press ENTER /
Closed Caption Adjust Closed Captioning settings.Only available under TV and AV source.
CC MODE Turn Closed Captioning on/off. Press button to select (Of/On/CC On Mute).
Basic Selection Set Closed Captioning for standard(analog) program.
Press button to select (CC1 / CC2 / CC3 / CC4 / TEXT1 / TEXT2 / TEXT3 / TEXT4).
Advanced Set Closed Captioning for digital program. Press button to select (Of / Service1 / Service2 /
Service3 / Service4 / Service5 / Service6).
OPTION Adjust the digital Closed Captioning setting. Press button to enter.
MODE Set the look of digital Closed Captioning. Automatic uses broadcaster's style. Press button to select
(Default / Custom).
FONT STYLE Select from 8 font styles. Press button to select (Default / Font 0 / Font 1 / Font 2 / Font 3 /
Font 4 / Font 5 / Font 6 / Font 7).
FONT SIZE Adjust the size of the digital Closed Captioning font. Press button to select (Default /NormalI
Large / Small).
FONT EDGE STYLE Adjust the edge of the digital Closed Captioning box. Press button to select (Default /
None / Raised / Depressed / Uniform / Left Shadow / Right Shadow).
FONT EDGE COLOR Adjust the color of the digital Closed Captioning box. Press button to select (Default /
Black / White / Red / Green / Blue / Yellow / Magenta / Cyan).
FG COLOR Adjust the color of the digital Closed Captioning font. Press button to select (Default / White /
Red / Green / Blue / Yellow / Magenta / Cyan).
BG COLOR Adjust the digital Closed Captioning background color. Press button to select (Default / Black /
Red / Green / Blue / Yellow / Magenta / Cyan).
FG OPACITY Adjust the transparency of the digital Closed Captioning font. Press button to select (Default /
Solid / Flashing / Translucent / Transparency).
BG OPACITY Adjust the digital Closed Captioning background transparency. Press button to select
(Default / Solid / Flashing / Translucent / Transparency).
DLC Automatically adjust picture detail and brightness. Press
Setup Wizard
Set the first time installation.
button to select (On/Off ).
It is only available to enter 1080i/720p/1080p in DTV/Component/HDMI. Default is On. It fixed set to be On in
ATV/AV. It fixed set to be Off in PC.
HDMI CEC Press the
Restore Default Change power on options or reset TV to factory default. Press ENTER
Adjust the duration of the OSD (on screen display) menu.
button to select (5 Sec.1, 5Sec.,30Sec.,45Sec.,60Sec.)
Auto Sleep
Adjust the time for automatic standby without signal display.
Select the ON mode: When there is no signal input, the TV will automatically enter the standby state after
about 15 minutes.
Select O mode: the TV will not automatically stand by when there is no signal input.
button to highlight CEC, then press the ENTER
button to enter.
button to select (Off/On).
button to enter.
button to enter.

