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Varia Brew Different User Manual page 16


We have designed our basecap and
jug with approximate volumetric
guidelines, or as we like to call them
'brewlines'. These are designed to
help you brew without the need
for a scale if you want to be more
precise with your coffee and brew
water ratio.
The basecap and jug feature small
indentations at the half fill measure
and the top of the stainless steel
wall in the jug marks the maximum
fill line and the top of the stainless
steel cup in the basecap marks the
maximum fill line.
When brewing, you can choose
between a half measure or a full
The half measure ratio is 15 grams
of coffee (basecap)
and 250 grams/ml of water (jug).
The full measure ratio is 30 grams of coffee (basecap)
and 500 grams/ml of water (jug).
A selection of décor bands (coloured) are supplied with Varia which are intended
for personal customisation. The décor bands do not require replacement.
When changing out a décor band ensure you refit with the 'flat side' facing
downwards on either the base cap or boiler.
Décor bands
Ensure flat
surface of décor
band faces
The décor band must be
fitted (to either base cap or
boiler) with the flat surface
facing downwards
Stretch décor band over
threads, once fitted, use your
finger to firmly press seal into
place all around collar

