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Operation; Schematic Diagram - Radio Shack Science Fair Goofy-Lite 28-130 Instruction Manual

Electronic project


Note: Clip all extra wires at the soldered points.
You have completed all connections, both wiring and
soldering. Carefully double check the work against
the pictorial diagram.


Insert four "AA" batteries (Radio Shack No. 23-468
or equivalent) into the battery holder, observing plus (+)
and minus (-). Connect the red lead of the battery
holder to the plus (+) terminal, and the black lead of the
battery holder to the minus (-) terminal. The lights will
begin to blink.
The sequential lights will change


direction if you disconnect and connect the battery. The
lights have other interesting effects. They seem to blink
faster in the absence of light. They seem to blink faster
of they are touched on the side with your finger. It is
possible to extend the leads of the neon lamps so that
they can be mounted through any type of cover you
might wish to construct. This unit will give you many
hours of entertainment and fun showing it to your friends
and family or just simply watching its random blinking as
people enjoy watching the random flickering of a fire.

