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Preparing The Device For Operation With Image Stabilization; Preparing The Device For Operation From On- Board Source; Storage And Maintenance Instructions - Laser Optronix GyroView 3 Manual

The 16x40 gyro binocular with active image stabilization


Page 6
GyroView 3 Manual
5.2. Preparing the Device for Operation with Image
S t a b i l i z a t i o n
1. Put the lens caps on the objective lenses. Take the power supply unit in your left hand.
2. Pull out pin (3) on the power supply unit (fig. 2) and disconnect the power supply unit from
the device with an easy movement towards you.
3. Insert six AA batteries into the cartridge (1) (fig. 2) observing correct polarity.
4. Mount the cartridge with batteries into the power supply unit (2) (fig. 1) and secure it by cramp (4) (fig. 2).
5. ATTENTION! To avoid damage of the cramp, while mounting the cartridge into the power supply
unit, particular attention must be drawn to its position respecting to the body of the power supply
unit. While the cartridge is being mounted into the power supply unit, the cramp should be
placed above the cartridge.
6. In order to connect the power supply unit to the device, pull out pin (3) with an easy movement
in the direction away from you and then release the locator to bring the power supply unit against
the delimiter. Turn on the device by setting supply voltage switch (4) (fig. 1) to ON position and
check the power supply unit for proper operation (indicator (3) must glow brightly).
7. In no less than a minute, press lever 5 (fig. 1) in the arrow indicated direction in order to
engage the stabilizing mode and hold it in this position while observing.
ATTENTION! It is not allowed to engage the stabilizing mode
of the device when the power supply control indicator is not glowing, or in less than a minute
after device has been turned ON.
When finishing the observation
release lever 5 (fig. 1). The lever should return to the initialposition. Now the stabilizing mode
has been switched off.Switch OFF the power supply unit.

5.3. Preparing the Device for Operation from On- board Source

1. Replace the cartridge with batteries 1 (fig. 2) with a voltage transformer available in the
complete set of the device.
2. Connect the cable, supplied in the complete set, to the power supply unit connector 2 (fig. 2).
3. Connect the device to the on- board power source.
4. Then prepare the device for operation as outlined in the paragraph 5.2.


Warning ! After transportation or keeping the device at temperature lower than –25 °C (– 13 °F), the device
must be warmed up to ambient temperature for at least 6 hours before operating .
Precautions: SIB 16x40 GR is a sophisticated precision optical instrument equipped with
electronics. Therefore, it should be handled with due care.
•Keep your device away from direct sunlight, impacts, dust, moisture, and sudden changes of
•Do not keep the device at temperatures higher than 50 o C (122 o F).
•Do not touch the optical surfaces with fingers. Doing so may damage the anti- reflection coating.
•Avoid shocks and sharp jolts.
•Cleaning of optical surfaces is only allowed with professional camera lens cleaning supplies.
•To clean the exterior of the device, use a soft clean cloth.
•Do not take the cover off the lens if not necessary.
•Keep away from heating appliances and central heating.
•Make sure to switch off the unit during periods of non- operation.
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187 40 Täby

