Chadwick-Helmuth 8500C Operator's Manual

Balancer/analyzer system
Table of Contents


This document contains technology under
The export jurisdiction of the U.S. Department
Manual No.9449-6
Of Commerce, Export Administration Act of
April 26, 2001
1979, as amended, Title 50, U.S.C., App
2401 et seq and EAR 15 CFR 730
ECCN: 9E990
U.S. Schedule B: 4906-00-0000
Operators Manual
Model 8500C/C+ Balancer/Analyzer System
Company, Inc.


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Chadwick-Helmuth 8500C

  • Page 1 Of Commerce, Export Administration Act of April 26, 2001 1979, as amended, Title 50, U.S.C., App 2401 et seq and EAR 15 CFR 730 ECCN: 9E990 U.S. Schedule B: 4906-00-0000 Model8500C/8500C+ Operators Manual Model 8500C/C+ Balancer/Analyzer System Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 2 This Manual is supplied to the User under license, subject to change without notice and/or recall by Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc., at any time. The Manual at all times remains the property o Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc. The information contained in this Manual is considered confidential.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    4.2.3 Soft Keys ........... . . 4-5 Model 8 500C/8500C+ Operators Manual iii...
  • Page 4 4.5.2 Restarting the 8500C/C+ ........
  • Page 5 Frequency Units ......... . . 7-4 Model 8 500C/8500C+ Operators Manual...
  • Page 6 8.1 Printouts With the 8500C/C+ ........
  • Page 7 Appendix C. Balance History Files ......C-1 Appendix D. Quick Reference Guide ......D-1 Model 8 500C/8500C+ Operators Manual vii...
  • Page 8 Contents viii Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 9: List Of Figures

    Figure 2-7. 8500C System Block Diagram ........
  • Page 10 Figure 8-6. Annotation Template Screen........8-8 Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 11 Figure 9-4. Status Setup Screen ......... . . 9-5 Figure 10-1. 8500C/C+ Printer Mechanism ....... . . 10-2 Figure 10-2.
  • Page 12 List of Figure Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 13: List Of Tables

    Table C-1. Balance Data File Format and Contents ......C-1 Model 8 500C/8500C+ Operators Manual xiii...
  • Page 14 List of Tables xiv Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 15: Chapter 1. Introduction

    This manual is the guide to operating t he Model8500C/C+ Balancer/Analyzer (from now on called th 8500C/C+), that is, how to use the unit and its system, as well as how to interpret the information it gives you. This document contains procedures for installing and running the 8500C/C+, as well as instructions on how to interpret the information presented while it is in operation.
  • Page 16: Document Conventions

    8500C/C+ status-related features. Chapter 10 Printer and Disk Drive - Describes the 8500C/C+ printer and disk drive, and how to use them to create printouts and to load and store data from a disk.
  • Page 17: Inserts, Changes, And Revisions

    Support” on page 1-4 for details. You may also wish to have other relevant documentation on hand, for example aircraft maintenance manuals, as needed. NOTE: For part numbers of all 8500C/C+ parts and/or other order information, see the Mode l8500C/C+ System Maintenance Manual.
  • Page 18: Technical Support

    Customer Support. Our e-mail address is Our Web site address is For more details on this or any of our other support services, please contact an 8500C/C+ technical representative at Chadwick-Helmuth’s Technical Support number. Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 19: Chapter 2. Overview And Basic Theory

    The result is a family of instruments that achieves a high level of performance and is at the same time both versatile and easy to use. The 8500C/C+ supports a broad range of functions that provide for sophisticated and detailed analyses of target rotor systems. For example, the 8500C/C+ may be used as an analyzer to •...
  • Page 20: Theory Of Operation

    Chapter 2 - Overview and Basic Theory 2.2 Theory of Operation This section gives an overview of the basic theory of the 8500C/C+’s operation. 2.2.1 Characteristics of Balancing If a perfectly balanced circular disc is mounted on a rigid center spindle and rotated, the outward centrifugal forces created are constant everywhere along the edge of the disc (see F igure2-1).
  • Page 21 With this information, we can now pinpoint the source of the imbalance and either remove the appropriate amount of weight or add a counterbalancing weight to the opposite edge of the disc. Either action can correct the out-of-balance condition. Mode l8500C/8500C+ Operators Manual...
  • Page 22: Figure 2-3. Displacement In An Imbalanced Rotor

    The plot in Figur e2-3 actually describes a simple harmonic oscillator (sine curve) with time period T and frequency f, whose displacement, y, may be described mathematically by the equation θ In this equation, r is the amplitude of vibration and θ the phase angle. Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 23: Figure 2-4. Displacement, Velocity, And Acceleration In An Imbalanced Hub

    The 8500C/C+ determines the angular position and vibrational amplitude of an unbalanced rotor with the help of a device called a velocimete . The Chadwick-Helmuth Mode l 7 310 Velocimeter is a electroni transducer that measures displacement velocity, that is, the rate of change of displacement with respect to time.
  • Page 24: Figure 2-5. Strobex Strobe Tracker

    If the interrupter or reflective target has been secured to a known point on the spinning rotor, the 8500C/C+ can compare this signal against the velocimeter output to compute the angular position of the out-of-balance element.
  • Page 25: Track Imbalances

    2.2.2 Balance Charts We have seen how the 8500C/C+ can identify the vibrational characteristics of a rotor system by providing two essential measurements, vibration amplitude and angular position. But in order to compute an actual balance solution, that is, how much weight to add or subtract, and where to apply the changes, the operator first needs to know something about the relationship between the physical balance points of the system and values for amplitude and position.
  • Page 26: Paper Balance Charts

    Each balance chart contains data that describe a single rotor element from a particular aircraft type. In the 8500C/C+, related balance charts are stored digitally in a balance chart file. They may also b represented graphically and can be found in almost any Chadwick-Helmuth paper balance chart. Paper balance charts provide a simple way to visually fix a balance measurement and calculate the weight adjustments required to balance the rotor.
  • Page 27: Theory Of Chart Creation And Correction

    For example, if the move line is too long, too much weight has been added. If it is too short, not enough weight has been used. In the 8500C/C+, this ratio becomes the correction factor for vibration amplitude. It is added to the balance chart database and thereafter applied to all calculations of weight adjustment.
  • Page 28: System Architecture

    Figure 2-7. 8500C/C+ System Block Diagram 2.3.1 Digital Subsyste The 8500C/C+ digital subsystem is made up of eight major functional blocks, as depicted in the block diagram in Figur e2-8 on pag e2-11. All components communicate over a high-speed system bus, with each block controlling its peripherals directly through dedicated interfaces.
  • Page 29 The disk controller block mediates data flow between the rest of the system and the 8500C/C+’s 3.5-in. floppy disk drive. The keyboard controller block reads keyboard input through the keyboard interface, and the display controller block directs the liquid-crystal display (LCD) output through the display interface.
  • Page 30: Analog Subsystem

    Finally, a clip detector circuit ensures that no input signal amplitudes exceed a fixed reference voltage level. For a detailed functional description of the 8500C/C+’s system architecture, see t he Model8500C/C+ System Maintenance Manual.
  • Page 31: Chapter 3. Unpacking And Installation

    Section 3.2 Signal Selector and Installation................3-2 3.1 Model 8 5 00C/C+ and Installation Figur e3-1 on page3-2 shows a top and front view of the 8500C/C+ . The Model135M-12 Strobex and 28-Vdc power/signal connectors are on the right side. The liquid-crystal display (LCD) contrast adjustment is on the left.
  • Page 32: Signal Selector And Installation

    The Mode l 8 520C Signal Selector (see Figure3- 2 on page 3-3) multiplexes vibration and pickup signals from several sources and allows a host processor (8500C/C+) to select any pair of signals fo analysis. Up to twenty Mode l7310 Velocimeter inputs and 4 Syn ch or Model11800 FasTrak Optical Tracker, Mode l3030 Magnetic Pickup, and/or Photocell inputs may be connected at a time.
  • Page 33: Figure 3-2. Model 8520C Signal Selector

    Signal Selector and Installation The Signal Selector is part of the 8500C/C+ kit. Although it is not required in order to make full use o the 8500C/C+, it may be required for those applications that read input signals from more than on velocimeter or magnetic pickup at a time.
  • Page 34                 + + + + NOTE: Information in this manual pertains to all version of 8500 Balancer/Analyzer (8500-6, 8500C/C+), as applicable, dependent of firmware version. Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 35 This chapter introduces you to the major functional aspects of the Model8500C/C+ Balancer/ Analyzer. It also introduces you to some general operating procedures, as well as the relevant terms and definitions used throughout this manual. Ch apter4 tells you how to get started with the 8500C/C+, under the following topics: Section 4.1 Display ......................4-1...
  • Page 36: Chapter 4. Getting Started

    See the Mod el8500C/C+ System Maintenance Manual for complete operating temperature range specifications. In the 8500C/C+ the LCD contrast adjustment is the topmost control knob inside the disk drive door. An adjustment knob to control backlight brightness is located just below it.
  • Page 37: Display

    Keypad 4.2 Keypad The 8500C/C+ accepts commands and data through the keypad on the unit's front panel. There ar 32 keys, and most of them support more than one function or character depending on the state of the instrument or the combination of keys pressed in concert (see Figure4- 1 on page4-2).
  • Page 38: Auto-Repeat

    X-coordinate (frequency) and Y-coordinate (amplitude) o n the X-and Y-axes. Th spectrum cursor may be moved with the Ar rowkeys, but does not wrap around when the beginning or end of the axes has been reached. Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 39: Soft Keys

    The four grey soft function keys are located just below the display (see Fig u re4-5 on pa ge4-10). They differ from the other keys in that their functions vary according to the state of the 8500C/C+. This feature provides easy access to any special functions to be used while the instrument is in a particular state or mode.
  • Page 40: Help Key

    Figure 4-2. Model 8500C/C+ With Display and Soft Keys HELP Key key enables the on-line help facility, which provides operator assistance for the 8500C/C+. HELP See the section on the Help facility below for a complete description. For help on an individual chart, press the soft key.
  • Page 41: Show/Hide Key MORE KEYS Key In some modes, the 8500C/C+ provides more soft functions than there are soft function keys. Th presence of an asterisk (*) in the bottom right corner of the LCD indicates there are soft keys available, which are not currently displayed. To enable the additional soft keys, press .
  • Page 42: Status Key

    Status Setup screen. SETUP Status information is not available while error messages are being displayed, or while the 8500C/C+ is performing certain time-critical actions, such as data acquisition or flashin g the Model135M-12 Strobex Tracker.
  • Page 43: Print Key

    The annotation data and their labels may be edited by pressing the ANNOTATE key, which puts the 8500C/C+ into its edit mode of operation. See Chapt er8 “Using Printouts” for a complete discussion of annotation editing. LOAD Key key is used to load balance charts from the 8500C/C+ disk drive to nonvolatile memory.
  • Page 44: Scrolling Help Topics And Text

    EXIT HELP soft key to quit the help facility and resume operations. 4.4 Printer and Disk Drive The 8500C/C+ contains a 3.5-in. disk drive and thermal printer within the main unit (see Fig ure3-1 on page 3-2). 4.4.1 Printer The printer is a thermal dot-matrix printer capable of creating hard-copy reproductions of the current LCD window.
  • Page 45 See Chap ter10 “Printer and Disk Drive” for more information on using the 8500C/C+ disk drive. Mode l8500C/8500C+ Operators Manual 4-11...
  • Page 46: Booting Up The 8500C/C

    Chapter 4 - Getting Started 4.5 Booting Up the 8500C/C+ This section explains how to boot up the 8500C/C+, either as from a cold start or a soft reset situation. 4.5.1 Starting the 8500C/C+ The 8500C/C+ automatically starts up when power is applied to the instrument. During this period, a suite of diagnostic programs run to verify the operational integrity of the hardware and software.
  • Page 47: Restarting The 8500C/C

    In the event of an instrument malfunction or lock-up, a manual reset can be performed by temporarily removing power to the 8500C/C+. This action resets the machine without clearing the memory. If this procedure fails, you must clear the memory by doing a cold start (hard reboot). To do this procedure, remove the power, hold down th key, and reconnect the power.
  • Page 48 Chapter 4 - Getting Started 4-14 Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 49: Chapter 5. Balance Measurement And Solutions

    WARNNG: Due to the complex interaction between vertical and lateral vibrations, it is essential that an aircraft's track be adjusted and verified before performing a lateral balance (for more information, see Chapte r6 “Blade Track Observation”). Mode l8500C/8500C+ Operators Manual...
  • Page 50: Balance Charts

    Secti on5.6.3 “Using Measurements Only” on pa ge5-19 for more details. The Measurements Only chart is permanently stored in the 8500C/C+. It is always available for use and always presented as the first chart in the balance chart menu of the Select Chart screen.
  • Page 51: Working With Balance Charts

    A Smart Chart represents a special class of balance chart designed to work with rotor systems having unique balance characteristics and requirements. As the name implies, a Smart Chart is intelligent. It is, in fact, a stand-alone software program that runs on a host 8500C/C+, using it as a platform to work the target aircraft.
  • Page 52: Loading Charts From Disk

    SCA NDISK LOAD ALL 8500C/C+’s memory or use the Arrowkeys to select a single chart file. Then press to load LOAD FILE the selected chart to memory.
  • Page 53: Storing Charts To Disk

    Figure 5-4. Balance Chart Edit Screen Storing Charts to Disk Balance charts may be stored from memory to disk through the 8500C/C+ disk drive. Call up the balance chart selection menu with th soft key and insert the appropriate disk in the disk SEL CHART drive.
  • Page 54: Displaying Chart Information

    The last information screen displays the corresponding paper chart number (if one exists) and the balance chart version number. Press EXIT to quit the display. To print the complete text with illustrations, press the soft key. PRINT ALL Figure 5-5. Chart Information Screen Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 55: Parameter Setup

    This value must be within range of the rotor system's actual vibration signal ±6 .25percent of the designated value. Otherwise, the 8500C/C+ is not able to locate the vibrational peak during balance measurement. If a balance acquisition fails, take a spectral plot before a new balance measurement is begun in order to set the balance frequency to a known actual value.
  • Page 56: Frequency Units

    The default value i s1 (one per revolution). For example, a balanc frequency of 300RPM and a balance multipl ier of2 causes the 8500C/C+ to acquire a balanc measurement at the two-per-revolution frequency (600RPM). Set the balance multiplier by entering the desired value from the numeric keypad.
  • Page 57: Vibration Units

    One mil equals 0.001in. 5.3.8 Signal Selector Pickup Input Channel If a Mode l8520C Signal Selector is attached to the 8500C/C+, this field allows you to select the Signal Selector magnetic pickup or Photocell (azimuth) channel to be analyzed. Use th soft key <CHANGE>...
  • Page 58: Figure 5-7. Strobex Activation Screen

    Figure 5-8. Strobex: No Balance Frequency Signal Error Screen If the 8500C/C+ indicates that a vibration signal has been found, press the Strobex trigger and aim it at the rotor disc. The retro-reflective target then appears frozen at some angular position or clock angle, relative to the rotor's reference azimuth.
  • Page 59: Magnetic Pickup/Photocell Measurement

    Put the 8500C/C+ into the Balance mode and make sure the balance type is set to Photocell or Mag Pickup, whichever applies. With the rotor system running at the appropriate speed, press .
  • Page 60: Solution Presentation

    This is usually due to the action of the analog clip detector and programmable gain stage, which may have been set too high when the measurement began. If the 8500C/C+ encounters these amplitude values, it automatically begins to adjust the gain until a correct amplitude signal is seen.
  • Page 61: Initiating A Test Move (Chart Correction)

    <TEST MOV> the 8500C/C+ selects only one corrective move to be carried out before the next run. See S ection5.6.2 “Chart Corrections” on pa ge5-17 for a complete description of the chart correction procedure.
  • Page 62: Additional Features

    There is no maximum limit to the number of balance runs that can be kept in a balance history, and there may be as few as one. History data are stored in 8500C/C+ static memory. As a result, histories are always available, even if power to the instrument is turned off. Each history is associated with the balance chart that was in use when the history was created.
  • Page 63: Displaying Histories

    SHOW CORR correction information. This key is described in detail in Sectio n5.6.2.3 “Clearing Chart Corrections” on pa ge5-19. Figure 5-13. Balance Run Start-up Screen, Additional Soft Keys Mode l8500C/8500C+ Operators Manual 5-15...
  • Page 64: Storing Histories To Disk

    With the Balance Run Start-up screen displayed, insert formatted, writable 3.5-in. double-sided, double-density disk in the 8500C/C+ disk drive and press . The data is written to disk and given a unique file name based on the current date and time, STORE plus the extension *.BHI.
  • Page 65: Clearing Histories Clearing Histories Balance histories are stored in 8500C/C+ static memory. As a result, they are always available, even i power to the instrument is turned off. Only one balance history can be associated with a particular balance chart. Selecting that chart always invokes its history and begins the balance procedure from the last run in the series.
  • Page 66: Performing Chart Corrections

    Charts to Disk” on page 5-5” and be sure to rename the chart before writing it to disk. Include th aircraft number in the chart name. This action provides the chart with a unique name and helps you to better identify it. 5-18 Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 67: Clearing Chart Corrections Balance Solutions With the 8500C/C+ in Balance mode, select the Measurements Only chart and begin a Strobex, magnetic pickup, or Photocell balance operation. If you choose to perform a Strobex balance, an additional soft key, [clockwise arrow] , appears on the Balance Mode Start-up screen.
  • Page 68: Paper Chart Creation

    Chapter 5 - Balance Measurement and Solutions balance frequency, the vibration amplitude, and the clock angle. Plot the amplitude and clock angle on the appropriate paper chart from Chadwick-Helmuth and follow any instructions given there for determining the correct solution.
  • Page 69: Balancing Fixed-Wing Aircraft

    HSGI low power and one while it is at high power. After the first run the 8500C/C+ displays the current HSGI measurements. After this run, advance the engine to the next power setting (see Figure5-20).
  • Page 70: Figure 5-21. Hsgi Move Line Calculation

    Chapter 5 - Balance Measurement and Solutions length is below 0. 4IPS, a full balance can be justified, and the 8500C/C+ presents the move line calculation. For values greater than 0. 4IPS, the 8500C/C+ presents a different screen, indicating that a full balance is not warranted.
  • Page 71: Chapter 6. Blade Track Observation

    (see Chapt er5 “Balance Measurement and Solutions”). Selecting the Track Mode A visual track may be started by putting the 8500C/C+ into its Track mode of operation. This is done by pressing the TRACK key (see Figur e 6 -1).
  • Page 72: Vertical Balancing

    Chapter 6 - Blade Track Observation NOTE: If the 8500C/C+ is currently performing other time-critical functions, it may be necessary to press STOP to terminate the function before Track mode can be entered. 6.2 Vertical Balancing A vertical balance attempts to analyze the vertical (that is, perpendicular to the plane of rotation) vibration amplitude caused by an out-of-track rotor blade.
  • Page 73: Number Of Blades

    The track type may be changed by selecting the type in the Track Setup screen and pressing th <CHANGE> soft key. Mode l8500C/8500C+ Operators Manual...
  • Page 74: Performing A Visual Trac

    Connect the Strobex and power/signal input cables to the 8500C/C+ and check that they are correctly secured to their connectors at the rear of the 8500C/C+. All cables must be neatly tied and dressed, and the appropriate signal input device, Photocell or magnetic pickup, correctly mounted and in good working order.
  • Page 75: Figure 6-4. Visual Track Screen

    Performing a Visual Track flight regime. With the rotor system running at the appropriate speed and the 8500C/C+ in Track mode, press START . The 8500C/C+ then activates the Strobex and displays one soft key, th (NO) SPREAD soft key (see Figu re6-4).
  • Page 76: The (No)Spread Soft Key

    This feature also provides a means by which the 8500C/C+ can save and restore blade spread amounts across different tracking operations. The ability to restore a blade spread eliminates th need to recreate the spread with the Arro wkeys when repeated track observations are performed.
  • Page 77: Blade Sweep

    Put the 8500C/C+ into the Balance mode and select the Measurements Only chart. Set the balance type to Strobex and set the balance frequency to the tail rotor's balance frequency multiplied by the number of blades.
  • Page 78 Chapter 6 - Blade Track Observation Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 79: Chapter 7. Spectrum Analysis

    As a result, be sure to select a maximum frequency that is near the spectral area of interest. Selecting the Spectrum Mode The analysis of vibration spectra requires that the 8500C/C+ be put into Spectrum mode. This is accomplished by pressing th SPECTRUM key.
  • Page 80: Data Acquisition And Storage

    Chapter 7 - Spectrum Analysis 7.2 Data Acquisition and Storage This section explains how to operate the 8500C/C+ in Spectrum mode for the purpose of collecting and storing spectral data. 7.2.1 Spectral Frequency Plots Once the spectral data set has been collected, it is immediately displayed as a fast Fourier transform...
  • Page 81: Storing Spectral Data

    (see the next Section 7.4 “Data Analysis”). 7.2.3 Storing Spectral Data The current spectral data set may be saved and stored in 8500C/C+ memory or as a data file on disk. First, press the STATUS key to be sure that th Write To field is set to the desired target device, either MEMORY or DISK.
  • Page 82: Using The Spectrum Setup Screen

    Enabling the seek peak function confines the spectral plot cursor to those points that exceed th specified vibration amplitude level. Otherwise, the cursor has free movement across the range of the plot. Use the <CHANGE> soft key to turn the seek peak function on or off. The default is seek on. Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 83: Signal Selector Velocimeter Channel(S)

    When a spectrum setup is saved you are first asked to name it (see Fi gure7- 5 on page7-6). If the name of a spectrum setup is the same as the name of a previously saved setup, the 8500C/C+ asks you to rename the current setup before writing it (se e Section7.3.2.3 Renaming Setups”...
  • Page 84: Recalling Setups

    (se e Figure7-5). Press to load all the setups to 8500C/C+ memory, or use the Arro wkeys to select a singl LOAD ALL setup file. Then press LOAD FILE to load the selected setup to memory.
  • Page 85: Deleting Setups

    CLEAR ALL soft key. Loading Setups From Disk Spectrum setups that have been stored to disk may be loaded into 8500C/C+ memory then restored. To load a Spectrum setup, invoke the SEL SETUP selection menu and insert the appropriate disk in th disk drive.
  • Page 86: Seek On/Seek Off Soft Key

    The list cursor initially highlights the entry whose position on the spectral plot is nearest that of the spectral plot cursor. Use the Arrowkeys to scroll through the list. Figure 7-8. List of Spectral Peaks Sorted by Amplitude Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 87: Setting The Balance Frequency

    (see F igure7-10). Some of the new soft key labels are initially hidden. They can be enabled by pressing MORE KEYS Figure 7-10. Spectral Plot With Scaling Mode Soft Keys Mode l8500C/8500C+ Operators Manual...
  • Page 88: Figure 7-11. Spectral Plot With Scaling Bounds

    , which SCALE MORE KEYS FULL SCALE removes all scaling and selects the entire spectral plot for viewing. Pressing FULL SCALE exits scaling mode and restores the spectral analysis soft keys. 7-10 Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 89: Harmonics Mode

    (left- most) cursor. The <HAR MOFF soft key disables the harmonics mode and removes any secondary cursors. Figure 7-13. Spectral Frequency Plot With Harmonics Cursors Mode l8500C/8500C+ Operators Manual 7-11...
  • Page 90 Chapter 7 - Spectrum Analysis 7-12 Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 91: Chapter 8. Using Printouts

    SOLVE NOW soft key to generate an interim solution. At the same time, the 8500C/C+ also displays a Solution screen, as reproduced on the printout. See Sectio n10.1 Using the Printe ” on pa ge10-1 for additional information on the 8500C/C+ printer and printouts.
  • Page 92: Reading 8500C/C+ Printouts

    Chapter 8 - Using Printout 8.2 Reading 8500C/C+ Printouts Figur e8-1 below and Fi gure8-2 o n page8-3 show a sample 8500C/C+ solution printout. Refer to this printout example with the additional explanations given later in this section. SOLUTION SCREEN...
  • Page 93: Figure 8-2. Solution Printout (Part2)

    BASIC 8500C/C+ INFORMATION Figure 8-2. Solution Printout (Part2) Your current main rotor solution printout may differ from this example in minor respects. Data varies, depending on which chart settings, options, and/or chart version you are using. Mode l8500C/8500C+ Operators Manual...
  • Page 94 Shows the azimuth frequency as measured by the magnetic pickup or Photocell. Vibration Balance ReadingsGives you all the balance measurements acquired by the 8500C/C+ up to the point when the current solution was generated. These measurements are broken down by each channel (as acquired b y each Model7310 Velocimeter) and each regime.
  • Page 95: Annotating Printouts

    Annotating Printouts 8.3 Annotating Printouts In addition to balance solution and measurement data, some 8500C/C+ printouts are further amended to include specific information pertinent to the screen being printed. Be sure to read this information. See the printout annotation example in Fi gure8-3 below.
  • Page 96: Alpha And Numeric Editing Modes

    The annotation editor can operate in one of two modes, each of which assigns different functions to the 8500C/C+ keypad keys. In alpha mode each key is mapped to the value of the character printed on the upper left corner of the key. Pressing the key displays the appropriate character at the current curso position.
  • Page 97: Moving The Curso

    The field labels are preserved. CLEAR If the entire annotation template is being edited, the soft key clears the entire screen. You may CLEAR enter a new template or press RESTORE to restore the last entered template. Mode l8500C/8500C+ Operators Manual...
  • Page 98: Editing Annotation Templates

    Edit screen and put the 8500C/C+ into the edit mode (see Figure8-7). The soft keys and procedures used here are nearly identical to those used to edit the printout annotation. The only exceptions are the use of the keys, which tab five spaces to the left and right, respectively.
  • Page 99 CLEAR RESTORE soft keys. Use as described earlier, to clear and restore the balance CANCEL CLEAR RESTORE, chart name. The soft key undoes any modifications made during this editing session and exits CANCEL the edit mode. Mode l8500C/8500C+ Operators Manual...
  • Page 100 Chapter 8 - Using Printout 8-10 Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 101: Chapter 9. Status Screen Operation

    Status information is always available, except while error messages are being displayed or while the 8500C/C+ is performing a time-critical function such as visual tracking or a balance data acquisition. To view the 8500C/C+ Status screen, press the key.
  • Page 102: Screen Data Fields And Functions

    STORE balance histories to the 8500C/C+ disk drive, or to MEMORY if the data are to be written to memory. 9.2.7 Memory Free Memory Fre indicates the percentage amount of 8500C/C+ static memory still available for storage.
  • Page 103: Disk Unit Status

    9.2.9 Disk Status Disk reports the status of the disk in the 8500C/C+ disk drive. This field cannot be modified and does not display if there is no disk in the drive. A status of READ ONLY indicates that the disk is writ protected.
  • Page 104: Selecting The Data Type

    Once the type has been <ANY> chosen, the 8500C/C+ displays the data for the first item (if one exists). For a screen example, see Figur e9-3 below. Figure 9-3. Status Review With Spectral Frequency Plot 9.3.2 Selecting a New Review Item...
  • Page 105: Clearing Review Items

    <CHANGE> or the numeric keypad to effect the desired changes. Th ENTER soft key saves the changes, quits status mode, and returns the 8500C/C+ to its previous mode of operation. Pressing the key has START the same effect. The soft key restores to all fields the values that were set by the most recent RESTORE .
  • Page 106: Setting The Time And Date

    P/U Rate data field and pressing the <CHANGE> soft key. 9.4.3 Setting the Output Storage Device The output storage device for subsequent operations may be set by moving the cursor to th STORE Store To data field and pressing <CHANGE> Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 107: Chapter 10. Printer And Disk Drive

    10.1.2 Paper Roll Replacement Turn the 8500C/C+ upside down and depress the stainless steel catch button next to the disk drive door. Lift the bottom to expose the printer assembly (see F igure10- 1 on page10-2).
  • Page 108: Figure 10-1. 8500C/C+ Printer Mechanism

    Cut the end of the paper square and feed it over the curved paper guide at the back of the unit and into the groove in the top of the printer. When the paper stops, rotate the left-most black plastic gear in a counterclockwise direction until the paper clears the back of the 8500C/C+. Be sure that the paper is feeding smoothly.
  • Page 109: Using The Disk Drive

    10.2 Using the Disk Drive To insert a 3.5-in. floppy disk in the 8500C/C+ disk drive, open the disk drive door on the front panel by pushing the metal plate upward. Hold the floppy disk with the front side facing up and the arrow pointing away from you (see Fig ure10-2).
  • Page 110: Storing Data To Disk Or Memory

    CLEA RALL CLEAR ONE selected setup. If an error occurs during a load operation, the 8500C/C+ informs you of it and attempts to explain th problem. In most cases, errors are caused by one or more of the following conditions: •...
  • Page 111: Storing Balance Charts To Disk

    Storing balance charts to disk provides a means to copy charts from one disk to another. It also provides a means to rename charts, which is important if a chart has been corrected. Corrected charts are always unique to a specific rotor. To store a particular chart, first put the 8500C/C+ in Balance mode. Press...
  • Page 112: Copying Balance Charts

    These distribution disks are write-protected and the charts may not be deleted or overwritten when in use with the 8500C/C+. Any attempt to do so results in an error. Distribution charts may, however, b copied to other disks by using the 8500C/C+’s commands.
  • Page 113: Disk Drive Care

    Disk drive heads can become dirty from extended use. Symptoms usually include an increased number of disk read-and-write errors. Commercially available 3.5-in. disk drive cleaning kits provide special diskettes that are designed to clean dirty heads. These may be inserted in the 8500C/C+ disk drive and run with the disk format routine available through and th soft key.
  • Page 114 Chapter 10 - Printer and Disk Drive 10-8 Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 115: Chapter 11. Model 8520C Signal Selector

    The Mode l 8 500C/C+ Balancer/Analyzer’s companion unit is the M odel8520C Signal Selector. The Signal Selector receives the incoming signals from the sensors and relays them to the 8500C/C+ in way the 8500C/C+ can understand. C hapter11 explains the Signal Selector and its operation, under th following topics: Section 11.1 Signal Selector: Introduction ................11-1...
  • Page 116: Signal Selector Operation

    Model11800 FasTrak Optical Tracker, or Photocell inputs. Magnetic pickup inputs can come from the Model303 Magnetic Pickup or any compatible single-interrupter magnetic pickup equipment. Communication with the 11-2 Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 117: Figure 11-2. Model 8520 System Block Diagram

    Signal Selector Operation 8500C/C+ is by a three-wire RS-232 connection (receive data, transmit data, and ground), and employs an asynchronous serial interface with the following specificat ions: 96 00baud, 8data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity. See Fi gure11-2 below for details.
  • Page 118: Channel Selection

    Balance and Spectrum Setup screens. If a Signal Selector is attached to the 8500C/C+, special channel specification fields are added to the Setup screens (see F igure11-3). To modify the contents of a field, move the screen cursor to the appropriate field and use the soft key or numeric keys as required.
  • Page 119: Appendix A. Specifications

    Input: function keys. Printer: Dot-matrix thermal printer. PC/MS-DOS version 3.X compatible, 3.5-inch double-sided, Mass storage: double-density disk drive. 8500C+ can also use 1.44 MB HD disk Dimensions: Model 8500: 7x10.5x1.5 in. (18x25x4 cm) 8.25x10.5x2.75 in. (21x25x7 cm) Model 8510: Weight:: Model 8500: 3.25 lbs.
  • Page 120 200 RPM to 600,000 RPM in Frequency Ranges: arbitrary, user-selected steps. FFT Frequency Resolution: 461 lines FFT Time Domain Weighting: Kaiser window Frequency Accuracy: Better than 0.1% without warm-up. 1 spectrum per second with 30,000 Speed: RPM maximum analysis frequency selected. A-2 Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 121 Corrective Action Presentation: System undergoing vibration reduction is displayed for reference. Multi-plane balance capabilities with Smart Chart software Track Observation Specifications Timing Resolution: +200 nanoseconds Continuous adjustment from initial Blade Spread: value of 0° to ~ 5° spread. Mode l8500C/8500C+ Operators Manual...
  • Page 122 Appendix A - Specifications A-4 Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 123: Appendix B. Spectral Data File Format

    8520 signal source 5000000 9513 base frequency (Hz 13508 sample period (base cycles 1024 points in FFT frame pickup period (base cycles) bin 0 amplitude (mIPS) bin 1 amplitude (mIPS) bin 2 amplitude (mIPS) bin 3 amplitude (mIPS) Mode l8500C/8500C+ Operators Manual...
  • Page 124 Table B-1. Spectral Data File Format and Contents (Sheet 2 of 2) Data from .SPC file Description etc. To calculate the frequency in Hertz of a specific bin, use the following formula: bin_# x 9513_base_frequency (Hertz sample_period_ x points_in_FFT_frame NOTE: FFT stands for fast Fourier transform. B-2 Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 125: Appendix C. Balance History Files

    ALTITUDE: FT annotation text, 2 RUN NO.: MFR/MODEL: annotation text, 3 ID NO.: COMMENTS: annotation text, 4 annotation text, 5 Grumman E-2C (Strobex chart title 3600 acquisition frequency (RPM) averaged measurement (mIPS) averaged phase (internal units) Mode l8500C/8500C+ Operators Manual...
  • Page 126 Table C-1. Balance Data File Format and Contents (Sheet 2 of 2) Data from .BHI file Description Add 77.0 grams solution, line 1 to D. solution, line 2 solution, line 3 Remove 240.0 grams solution, line 4 from A. solution, line 5 C-2 Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 127: Appendix D. Quick Reference Guide

    Press Accept current parameters ENTER To Select Signal Selector Channels (Model 8520C): Press SPECTRUM Press SETUP Use arrow, numeric, soft keys to edit fields INPUT PICKUP Press [Key: ENTER ] Accept current parameters Mode l8500C/8500C+ Operators Manual...
  • Page 128 Press [Key: Store] Edit Setup name Press [Key: ENTER ] Write data to disk/memory To Load Spectrum Setups from Disk Press [Key: Spectrum] Press [Key: SEL SETUP] Insert Spectrum Setup disk in disk drive Press [Key: Load] D-2 Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 129 Press [Key: Spectrum] Press [Key: SEL SETUP] Load Spectrum Setups from disk, if required Press arrow keys Select desired Spectrum Setup Read Spectrum Setup Press [Key: ENTER ] parameters To Rename a Spectrum Setup Press [Key: Spectrum] Mode l8500C/8500C+ Operators Manual...
  • Page 130 Press [Key: ENTER ] To Delete Spectrum Setup Press [Key: Spectrum] Press [Key: SEL SETUP] Press [Key: CLEAR ALL] Delete all Spectrum Setups Press arrow keys Select desired Spectrum Setup Delete the selected Spectrum Press [Key: CLEAR ONE] Setup D-4 Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 131 Press [Key: Stop] Abort spectral data acquisition To List Spectral Peaks Press [Key: Spectrum] Press [Key: LIST PEAKS] To View Spectral Harmonics Press [Key: Spectrum] Press [Key: More Keys] Press [Key: <HARM ON> / [Key: <HARM OFF>] Mode l8500C/8500C+ Operators Manual...
  • Page 132 Press [Key: Spectrum] Press [Key: More Keys] Press [Key: SCALE] Move cursor to desired Press <- and/or -> frequency Press [Key: MIN FREQ] Move cursor to desired Press <- and/or -> frequency Press [Key: MAX FREQ] D-6 Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 133 Press [up arrow] and/or [down Move cursor to desired arrow] frequency Press [Key: MAX AMP] Press [Key: ENTER ] To Remove Scaling Press [Key: Spectrum] Press [Key: More Keys] Press [Key: SCALE] Press [Key: More Keys] Press [Key: FULL SCALE] Mode l8500C/8500C+ Operators Manual...
  • Page 134 Appendix D - Quick Reference Guide To Store Spectral Data to Disk or Memory Select destination in [Key: Select disk or memory Status] Press [Key: Spectrum] Insert disk in disk drive, if required Press [Key: Store] Write data to disk/memory D-8 Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 135 Press [Key: Balance] Press [Key: SEL CHART] Load Balance Charts from disk, if required Press arrow keys Select desired Balance Chart Read the Balance Chart Press [Key: Enter ] parameters To Get Balance Chart Information Press [Key: Balance] Mode l8500C/8500C+ Operators Manual...
  • Page 136 Press arrow keys Select desired Balance Chart Press [Key: CHART INFO] To Clear Balance Chart from Memory Press [Key: Balance] Press [Key: SEL CHART] Press [Key: CLR CHARTS] Press [Key: CLR CHARTS] Delete Charts from memory D-10 Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 137 To Rename a Balance Chart Press [Key: Balance] Press [Key: SEL CHART] Load Balance Charts from disk, if required Press arrrow keys Select desired Balance Chart Press [Key: RENAME CHT] Edit Chart name Press [Key: ENTER] Mode l8500C/8500C+ Operators Manual D-11...
  • Page 138 Accept current parameters To Select Signal Selector Channels (if model 8520 Attached Press [Key: Balance] Press [Key: Setup] Use arrow, numeric, soft keys to edit *INPUT and *PICKUP fields Press [Key: ENTER ] Accept current parameters D-12 Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 139 Set Balance Type to Mag Pickup or Photocell Press [Key: START] Begin data acquisition Measurement will automatically stop when display vector stabilizes To Select Alternate Balance Solutions Perform Strobex/Mag Pickup/ Photocell balance measurement Press [Key: STOP] Terminate data acquisition Mode l8500C/8500C+ Operators Manual D-13...
  • Page 140 Balance Run Startup screen To Begin the Next Run Press [Key: Balance] Press [Key: START] Begin the next balance run To Repeat the Balance Measurement Press [Key: Balance] Redo the balance Press [Key: REDO MEAS] measurement D-14 Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 141 Select destination [Key: Status] Select disk or memory Press [Key: Balance] Press [Key: More Keys] Display 1st Balance History Press [Key: HISTOR ] measurements screen Insert disk in disk drive Write data to disk Press [Key: Store] Mode l8500C/8500C+ Operators Manual D-15...
  • Page 142 Press [Key: SHOW MEAS] Run Startup screen To Store a Correct a Balance Chart to Disk Correct the Balance Chart Press [Key: SEL CHART] Display Chart selection menu Press [Key: Store] Store Chart to disk Edit Chart Name D-16 Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 143 Press [Key: ENTER] Write Chart to disk To Clear Balance Chart Corrections Press [Key: Balance] Press [Key: More Keys] Press [Key: SHOW CORR] Edit Chart Name Press [Key: CLR CORRTN] Clear Chart correction Mode l8500C/8500C+ Operators Manual D-17...
  • Page 144 Accept current parameters To Begin Visual Tracking Press [Key: Track] Press [Key: Start] Flash Strobex at tip targets Use <- and -> or toggle [Key (No) Spread/stack blade images SPREAD] Press [Key: Stop] Terminate visual tracking D-18 Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 145 Press [Key: Load] Insert target disk in disk drive Format disk, if required Press [Key: More Keys] Press [STORE ALL] Store all Charts to disk To Format a Disk Press [Key: Status] Press [Key: FORMAT DSK ] Mode l8500C/8500C+ Operators Manual D-19...
  • Page 146 Appendix D - Quick Reference Guide Insert disk in disk drive Press [Key: FORMA ] Execute disk format D-20 Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 147 Toggle [Key: <ALPHA>] / Select Numeric editing mode [Key: <NUMERIC>] Press [Key: More Keys] Press [Key: RESTORE] To Clear the Annotation Toggle [Key: <ALPHA>] / Select Numeric editing mode [Key: <NUMERIC>] Press [Key: More Keys] Press [Key: CLEAR] Mode l8500C/8500C+ Operators Manual D-21...
  • Page 148 Toggle [Key: <ALPHA>] / Select Numeric editing mode [Key: <NUMERIC>] Press [Key: More Keys] Press [Key: TEMPLATE] Edit labels and fields To Restore the Default Template Edit the annotation template Press [Key: More Keys] Press [Key: ORIGINAL] D-22 Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 149 To Review Balance Histories or Spectral Data Plots Press [Key: Status] Press [Key: REVIEW] Press [Key: More Keys] Toggle [Key: <SPECTRA>] / [Key: <BAL HIST>] / [Key: <ANY>] Press [Key: NEXT] and [Key: Select and display an item PREVIOUS] Mode l8500C/8500C+ Operators Manual D-23...
  • Page 150 Press [Key: More Keys] Toggle [Key: <SPECTRA>] / [Key: <BAL HIST>] / [Key Select the data type <ANY>] Press [Key: STORE ALL] Store type items to disk To Restore an Item Press [Key: Status] Press [Key: REVIEW] D-24 Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 151 Restore the item To Delete an Item from Memory Press [Key: Status] Press [Key: REVIEW] Press [Key: NEXT] and/or [Key: Display the item to delete Previous] Press [Key: CLEAR ITEM] Delete the item from memory Mode l8500C/8500C+ Operators Manual D-25...
  • Page 152 Appendix D - Quick Reference Guide To Delete All Spectra and Balance Histories from Memory Press [Key: Status] Press [Key: REVIEW] Press [Key: More Keys] Press [Key: CLEAR ALL] Delete all spectra and Histories Press [Key: CLEAR ALL] memory D-26 Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.
  • Page 153 To Restart the 8500C/C+ Press [Key: Stop], [Key: Help] and [Key: More Keys] Restart the 8500C/C+ simulaneously To Restart the 8500C/C+ and Clear Memory Hold down [Key: Start], [Key: Help], and [Key: More Keys] Restart the 8500C/C+ simultaneously Release [Key: Help] and [Key:...
  • Page 154 Appendix D - Quick Reference Guide D-28 Chadwick-Helmuth Company, Inc.

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