Peak; Cal; Avg; The Keys - Quest Technologies SafeLog 100 Operator's Manual

Single gas datalogging monitor
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2.3.9 PEAK:

This annunciator appears during the RUN mode when the peak level and,
in the case of the toxic gases, the peak STEL are shown.

2.3.10 CAL:

This annunciator appears during the SETUP mode when changing the cali-
bration level and while calibrating.

2.3.11 AVG:

This annunciator appears during the RUN mode when the average expo-
sure level is shown.

2.4 The Keys:


This key turns the unit on and off, selects a value to be changed, initiates
the printing, calibration and zero functions, and enters the RUN mode.

2.4.2 SETUP:

The setup key enters and exits the SETUP mode. Pushing the key from the
display with four dashes enters the SETUP mode. Pushing the key again
exits to the display with four dashes.
2.4.3 PRINT / ▲ ARROW:
The print key enters and exits the PRINT mode. Pushing the key from the
display with four dashes enters the PRINT mode. Pushing the key again
exits to the display with four dashes.
The ▲ arrow key moves through menu items or increases numeric set
2.4.4 ZERO / ▼ ARROW:
The zero key enters and exits the ZERO mode. Pushing the key from the
display with four dashes enters the ZERO mode. Pushing the key again
exits to the display with four dashes.
The ▼ arrow moves through menu items or decreases numeric setpoints.


Pressing any key turns the backlight on for five seconds. The backlight is
also on during all alarming conditions.


3.1 Turning the Unit ON:

Press ON/OFF. The following startup sequence will occur.
1. All of the display segments appear simultaneously on the screen and the
backlight turns on.
2. The software revision of the unit's internal program is displayed. The
LED and audio alarm activate.
3. If the sensor has been changed or if no sensor is in place, the display
will show an error code and the alarm will chirp. Press the enter key to
4. The chemical symbol for the measuring sensor is briefly shown in the
display, (i.e. CO)
5. The status of the confidence chirp is displayed. CC 1 indicates that it is
active. CC 0 indicates that it is turned off.
6. The display shows the battery's voltage. A reading of 6.5 indicates that
your battery has roughly eight hours of life remaining, and at that voltage
point the LOBAT annunciator appears on the screen. QUEST RECOM-
VOLTAGE REACHES THIS LEVEL. A reading of 6.1 will turn the
LOBAT alarm on, indicating that you should change the battery immedi-
ately in a non-hazardous area.
7. The display shows four dashes. If no keys are pushed for thirty seconds,
the unit automatically enters the run mode.

3.2 Turning the Unit OFF:

Press ON/OFF and hold the key down as the unit counts down from three.
Once it counts down to zero and the alarm turns on continuously, release
the key and the unit turns off. If the key is released prior to counting down
to zero, the unit returns to the display with four dashes.


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