Candy Light SLIDE User Manual

Bluetooth rgb led module




Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Candy Light SLIDE

  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    D O W N L O A D T H E A P P F I R S T C O N N E C T I O N R E S T A R T A P R O D U C T B A S I C F E A T U R E S D E V I C E M E N U G R O U P S M E N U...
  • Page 3 A D D I T I O N A L F E A T U R E S F A V O R I T E S M E N U M A N A G I N G A N D D E L E T I N G A D E V I C E M A N A G I N G A N D D E L E T I N G A G R O U P M A N A G I N G A N D D E L E T I N G A N E V E N T O P T I O N S M E N U...
  • Page 4: D O W N L O A D T H E A P P

    D O W N L O A D T H E A P P Update CANDYLIGHT BLUETOOTH is a complete system of connected devices.The application updates to accept all the new available tools. All remarks to improve the ergonomics of the latter will also be taken into account in its SEARCH: SLIDEDESIGN SEARCH: SLIDEDESIGN...
  • Page 5: F I R S T C O N N E C T I O N

    F I R S T C O N N E C T I O N When using the application for the first time, you will be redirected to Once the button «pair an object» is selected, your Bluetoo- the page allowing you to connect your phone or tablet to your Bluetooth th device should briefly flash green and the pairing process devices.
  • Page 6: R E S T A R T A P R O D U C T

    Please refer to the color Reset additional functions for this procedure). rolling white colori Reset CANDY LIGHT LP RGB100 a rotazione Input: 5V 3A 300 lumen IP44 Made in PRC bianco RGB multicolor LED Once the process is complete, your device should flash according
  • Page 7 In addition to the «Color» tab, the ‘Mood’ and ‘White’ tabs can Note adjust the shade of hot/cold white according to various prede- fined brightness levels or moods such as Zen, Romantic, Rainbow. The zone opposite, located above the color palette allows you to turn off the device, switch to candle mode or access an overview of the pre-defined color on the palette.
  • Page 8: G R O U P S M E N U

    B A S I C F E A T U R E S G R O U P S M E N U The menu «Groups» enables product control as a group. The list It is of course possible to create custom groups as required. For has a default group «All», enabling the management of all Bluetooth example, you can create groups corresponding to areas of the products added to the network via the user’s smartphone.
  • Page 9 B A S I C F E A T U R E S To create a custom group, simply press the «Create a group» button to first choose a name for this new group. Once the group has been created and named you just add Bluetooth products to the group by simply pressing the button corresponding to the product in the module selection list.
  • Page 10: M O O D S M E N U

    B A S I C F E A T U R E S M O O D S M E N U It has previously been described that a single module or group containing several modules could receive commands according to colors or moods.
  • Page 11: P R O G R A M M I N G M E N U

    B A S I C F E A T U R E S P R O G R A M M I N G M E N U The programming menu enables the creation of events managing actions of turning on and off Bluetooth modules over time. For example, you can program an event to automate the switching on and off of lamps for a certain period of time during waking, or a night based program.
  • Page 12 B A S I C F E A T U R E S P R O G R A M M I N G M E N U After having determined all options related to the days of the week, time slots, as well as potential repetitions it is now necessary to access the bottom of the settings page and press the menu button «Groups/devices».
  • Page 13: A D D I T I O N A L F E A T U R E S

    Bluetooth device address. Certainly, in addition to updates of your SLIDE application Once the button is pressed, the «Star» symbol normally switches to a available directly on the download portal corresponding to your darkest intensity (by default the symbol has no color fill).
  • Page 14 If selected, your device will no longer react to the pressure of physical buttons (on the Candy light) but only to the SLIDE app. A user could no longer change the ignition routine chosen in the app by pressing the buttons on your device.
  • Page 15 A D D I T I O N A L F E A T U R E S Note To remove a device in the best possible condition it is important to ensure that it and your smartphone are currently connected to your network, and therefore the device in question is now controlled via your smartphone application.
  • Page 16 This involves the removal of the device from your smartphone application list. Be aware that the device will no longer appear in your SLIDE application list, however the product itself will remain locked, with only the old connection information in its memory.
  • Page 17 A D D I T I O N A L F E A T U R E S D E L E T I N G A G R O U P To delete a group, you must first access the management menu of the group to be deleted.
  • Page 18 After making all these changes simply press the «Save» button to validate the changes and return to the screen listing the events stored in your SLIDE application.
  • Page 19 A D D I T I O N A L F E A T U R E S D E L E T I N G A N E V E N T When you are in the «Programming» menu, you have the option of pressing the area corresponding to the name of the event in order to access the settings of the event.
  • Page 20: O P T I O N S M E N U

    Thanks to the App settings menu you can access the version number that in the same way as for a «Local» deletion of your of your SLIDE application or change the language of the interface. module, it will be necessary to follow the restart procedure...
  • Page 21 You can press the «Settings» button located at the top left and symbolized by three black horizontal bars to access the «User Preferences» menu and then press the «Configuration» button.In this way you can share your configuration of your SLIDE application or change the language of the interface. Warning Remember to also share the chosen password.
  • Page 22: A N D R O I D / I O S A P P N O T I F I C A T I O N S

    In short, when you move too far away from your network, your smartphone via the application SLIDE, will not be able to connect, and you will receive a notification to say you are no longer in the network.
  • Page 23: U S E O F A C C E S S O R I E S

    To start using your KEY product, you must first connect it to the MESH network. For this, a click of 3s on the button «pairing» makes the remote visible by the mobile application SLIDE. Then press the «add an object» button and wait for the pairing to take place.
  • Page 24 Remember that you can control your devices normally from the the same time (or the group you have defined) SLIDE app at any time. > Refer to the user guide of these products. Color: allows you to change the color of your devices...
  • Page 25 U S E O F A C C E S S O R I E S G R O U P M A N A G E M E N T Your KEY remote control can control an entire group of devices at a time.
  • Page 26 U S E O F A C C E S S O R I E S R E M O V E T H E R E M O T E C O N T R O L If you no longer want to use the KEY remote control, you can simply remove it from your device list following the usual procedure (see page 35).
  • Page 27 S L I D E s r l V i a l a z i o 1 4 , 2 0 0 9 0 B u c c i n a s c o ( M i l a n o ) , I t a l y i n f o @ s l i d e d e s i g n .

Table of Contents