Nist Calibration / Nrc Certification And Why It's Important - Images SI DTG-01 Manual And User Manual

Desktop geiger counter
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NIST Ca l ibra tion
We perform calibration of our digital Geiger counters with a Cs-137 source chart against a calibration
standard using an NIST traceable Cs-137 source.
A Factory Calibration Certificate is provided with each unit.
Source number available upon request.
NR C Ce rtifi ca tion and W hy It i s Im port an t
While many Geiger counter manufacturers claim high accuracy for their Geiger counter, it simply is not
true. It is not enough to say an instrument is calibrated, nor is it enough to say the Geiger counter has an
accuracy of 1%, 5%, 10%, or 20% because anyone can say that! Why? Without a legitimate reference to
compare "claimed" accuracy too, a claim of accuracy is meaningless.
Fortunately, the United States Government has a license standard for Geiger counter accuracy. This is a
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) certification for accuracy. NRC certification can only be per-
formed by a nuclear laboratory licensed by the United States Government to perform such certifications.
Without this certification, you cannot be sure of any claim that a Geiger counter accuracy is valid. Below is
a picture of an NRC certification label for one of our Digital Geiger Counters. After NRC certification, a
certification label is attached to the Geiger counter and this certification is valid for one full year.
If a manufacturer states their Geiger counter is accurate, ask, "Is your Geiger Counter NRC certified?" If
not, their Geiger counter probably cannot pass NRC certification. But many times a representative will
hedge their answer and state that the NRC certification is expensive and is not "currently" offered as an op-
tion. Ask, "If I purchase your model and send the unit out for NRC certification will it pass? And if it fails
NRC, can I return the Geiger counter for a refund?" Their answer will tell you what you need to know to
make a sound purchasing decision.
Images SI, Inc. entire line of Digital Geiger counters are capable of receiving an NRC certification. This
certification is available to our customers at an additional cost.
Please contact us at 1-800-230-4535 for more information.
Images SI, Inc.


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