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Adjustments And Maintenance; Performance Check; Routine Maintenance - ABB CV-21 Instruction Leaflet

Frequency compensated voltage relay


I.L. 41-201.2G
in the locations shown on the outline and drilling plan
to facilitate making a good electrical connection
between the relay case, its mounting screws or
studs, and the relay panel. Ground wires should be
affixed to the mounting screws or studs as required
for poorly grounded or insulating panels. Other elec-
trical connections may be made directly to the termi-
nal by means of screws for steel panel mounting or to
the terminal stud furnished with the relay for thick
panel mounting. The terminal stud may be easily
removed or inserted by locking two nuts on the stud
and then turning the proper nut with a wrench.
For detailed information on the FT case refer to I.L.


The proper adjustments to insure correct operation of
this relay have been made at the factory. Upon
receipt of the relay, no customer adjustments, other
than those covered under "SETTINGS," should be


The following check is recommended to insure that
the relay is in proper working order.
CV Unit
1. Contact
The index mark on the movement frame will coincide
with the "0" mark on the time-dial when the stationary
contact has moved through approximately one-half of
its normal deflection. Therefore, with the stationary
contact resting against the backstop, the index mark
is offset to right of the "0" mark by approximately
.020". (For the type CV-26, CV-27 relays, the follow
on the back contact should be approximately 1/64").
The placement of the various time-dial positions in
the line with the index mark will give operating time
as shown on the respective time-current curves. For
double trip relays, the following on the stationary con-
tacts should be approximately 1/32".
2. Minimum Trip Voltage
Set the time-dial to position 6. Alternately apply tap
value voltage plus 3% and tap value voltage minus
a. CV-24 and CV-25 overvoltage relays, CV-26 and
CV-27 over-or undervoltage relays: The moving
contact should leave the backstop at tap value
voltage plus 3% and should return to the back-
stop at tap value voltage minus 3%.
b. CV-21 and CV-22 undervoltage relays: The mov-
ing contact should leave the backstop at tap
value voltage minus 3% and should return to the
backstop at tap value voltage plus 3%.
3. Instantaneous Indicating Voltage Switch (IIV)
Apply desired pickup voltage and adjust the internal
adjustable resistor until the contacts just make. The
target should drop freely.
4. Indicating Contactor Switch (ICS)
Close the main relay contacts and pass sufficient dc
current through the trip circuit to close the contacts of
the ICS. This value of current should be not greater
than the particular ICS tap setting being used. The
operation indicator target should drop freely.
For proper contact adjustment, insert a .030" feeler
gauge between the core pin and the armature. Hold
the armature closed against the core pin and gauge
and adjust the stationary contacts such that they just
make with the moving contact. Both stationary con-
tacts should make at approximately the same time.
The contact follow will be approximately 1/84" to


All relays should be inspected periodically and the
time of operation should be checked at least once
every year or at such other time intervals as may be
dictated by experience to be suitable to the particular
All contacts should be periodically cleaned. A contact
burnisher Style #182A836H01 is recommended for
this purpose. The use of abrasive material for clean-
ing contacts is not recommended, because of the
danger of embedding small particles in the face of
the soft silver and thus, impairing the contact.
Use the following for calibrating the relay if the relay
has been taken apart for repair, or the adjustments
have been disturbed. This procedure should not be
used until it is apparent that the relay is not in proper
working order. (See "Performance Check").



This manual is also suitable for:

Cv seriesCv-22Cv-24Cv-25Cv-26Cv-27