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REIZEN 704014 Instruction Sheet page 3

Analog radio-controlled talking watch


Prepare to locate and position your watch as described in "Picking up the
radio signal" below.
Press S3 and hold it until the second hand starts moving quickly. This will
take about six seconds. No spoken message will be issued by the watch.
The second hand will slow to normal speed again momentarily.
Leave the watch in the recommended location and position for 3 minutes from
the time you pressed S3. If the radio signal is strong enough when you do
this, your watch will be updated.
Then pick up the watch. If the hands are moving quickly, wait until they slow
to normal speed.
Then press S4 momentarily to activate the "Hear update status" function. The
watch will then say whether it succeeded in updating itself.
You may repeat this process as many times as you wish.
Picking Up the Radio Signal
The radio signal that controls the time, day of the week, and date in your watch is
broadcast by radio station WWVB in Fort Collins, Colorado on a frequency of
60 kilohertz. This station is operated by the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST), which is the U.S. Government agency that provides the
nation's official time. Your watch will attempt to receive the signal at night
because the signal is strongest then. Your watch will listen for this signal at 3 a.m.,
4 a.m., 5 a.m., and 6 a.m., until the signal is received successfully.
The ability of your watch to receive the signal and to update itself is affected by
motion, location, and position. So do the following each night, or whenever you
use the "Force update" function.
Take your watch off, since motion can interrupt signal reception.
The ideal location for your watch is on a non-metallic window sill of a
window facing Colorado. There the signal will be strongest. But first try the
location most convenient for you, such as a bedside table or dresser with a
non-metallic surface, such as wood. If your watch updates itself there,
continue to use that location.
equipment, such as a computer or a monitor, because it may interfere with
At the chosen location, position your watch face down. Your watch will not
update itself when on its side. If your watch has a metal band, elevate the
band above the back of your watch with a non-metallic object, such as a small
cardboard box. The metal band can interfere with signal reception.
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But avoid any location near electronic
While your watch is on its face, rotate the watch so that the "12" is pointing
to Colorado. If you do not know the direction to Colorado, try any position
initially. If the watch fails to update itself overnight, try again the next night.
Place the watch on its face again at the same location, but this time rotate the
watch one-quarter turn, either way, from its position the previous night.
In the morning, press S4 momentarily to activate the "Hear update status" function
to learn if your watch updated itself. If it did, you will know that the location and
position that you have chosen are good ones. Even if so, you may wish to press S4
from time to time thereafter to assure that your watch continues to update itself in
that location and position. If not, you may need to try another location.
You can compare the time on your watch to NIST time directly through the Internet
by accessing this web site:
Daylight Saving Time in Arizona
Daylight saving time is not employed in most of Arizona.
radio-controlled adjustment for daylight saving time cannot be defeated in your
watch, but Arizona residents can complement that adjustment with a manual
procedure. When daylight saving time begins in the spring, use the "Set global
signal selection" function, described above, to change the time zone from "U.S.A.
Mountain" to "U.S.A. Central". When daylight saving time ends in the fall, use the
same function to change the time zone back to "U.S.A. Mountain".
Battery Lifetime and Replacement
Battery lifetime depends on the number of requests made
per day for the watch to talk. Turning on the chime is
equivalent to 24 requests per day for the watch to state
the time, so use the chime judiciously.
Battery replacement by the owner is not recommended.
So when the battery is exhausted, please return the watch
to the address on page 8 with a check for $15.00. That
includes $10.00 to replace the battery plus $5.00 to cover
the return shipping. Or take the watch to a qualified
jeweler. The jeweler may wish to read the following:
The watch requires one CR2025 3-volt battery.
After carefully removing the bottom of the watch, observe the waterproof
o-ring seal that must be reinstalled when the back is replaced.
To remove the batteries, unhook the one hook holding down the main arm of
the battery spring clip.
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per Day
2 years
1 year
8 months
6 months
5 months
4 months

