Table of Contents


User manual


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Xovis PC Series

  • Page 1 PC-Series User manual...
  • Page 2 Printed and published in Switzerland. While Xovis AG believes the information included in this publication is correct as of the date of publication, it is subject to change without notice.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Setting up a sensor ....................9 3.2.1 Introduction ......................... 9 3.2.2 Setting up the sensor in the network ................9 3.2.3 Xovis Sensor Explorer ....................10 3.2.4 Access the web interface ................... 14 3.2.5 Login to the sensor ....................15 3.2.6 Navigation ........................
  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    Placement of dwell zones ..................93 Time synchronization mechanism ............... 95 Technical data ..................97 Certificates / Tests ................... 98 Custom Integration ................. 99 API ......................... 99 Plugin Architecture ....................99...
  • Page 5: Overview

    Xovis website at PC-Series hardware concept The housing of a PC-Series sensor is designed to be mounted directly on the ceiling. Xovis offers several accessories allowing different installation alternatives. Please refer to the accessory overview and the mounting instruction showing all versions.
  • Page 6: Installation Fundamentals

    The LED indicates the following states: Green: Device is powered by PoE Orange/Green blinking: Device is up and running The LED state can be useful during installation. When using the optional housing, the LED will be covered after successful mounting. 6 / 99
  • Page 7: Configuration & Usage

    Configuration & Usage Person tracking The Xovis PC-Series sensor tracks persons. A few things have to be taken into account to understand how the detection and tracking of persons works: 3.1.1 Person generation The PC-Series sensor generates a person first when the person is completely within the visible scene (see Figure 3).
  • Page 8: Person Position / Coordinate Mode

    / to the head of the person. The following situation demonstrates this fact: Figure 6: Different tracking areas depending on the coordinate mode 8 / 99
  • Page 9: Setting Up A Sensor

    If no DHCP server is present, a static IP setting needs to be applied to the sensor. For this purpose, a Windows PC attached to the same physical subnet as the sensor is required. The static network settings can then be applied with the Xovis Sensor Explorer tool, which is described in the next chapter.
  • Page 10: Xovis Sensor Explorer

    3.2.3 Xovis Sensor Explorer The Xovis Sensor Explorer tool offers a simple way to install and manage Xovis sensors in the network. Discover sensor on the network The Xovis Sensor Explorer can be run without installation directly by double-clicking the XovisSensorExplorer.exe file.
  • Page 11 Xovis Sensor Explorer list or not, just by specifying the sensors serial number and the desired network configuration. The menu located directly beneath the Xovis lettering in the top left of the screen contains the menu item “Set fix IP…” (see Figure 10).
  • Page 12 20 seconds. After this time, the sensor should have come up with the new IP settings. If the PC running the Xovis Sensor Explorer is located in the same IP range or allows routing to the IP range of the previously configured sensor, the Xovis Sensor Explorer is now able to discover the sensor when specifying the proper IP range and clicking again on the “Scan”...
  • Page 13 3 minutes. When refreshing the list of sensors in the network by clicking again on the “Scan” button of the Xovis Sensor Explorer after these 3 minutes, the upgraded sensor will appear with updated software version.
  • Page 14: Access The Web Interface

    An upgrade can also be applied to multiple sensors at the same time by selecting all or a part of the sensor in the list of the Xovis Sensor Explorer with [Ctrl] + [A] or pressed [Ctrl] and left mouse click on the desired sensors. A right click on the selection opens a popup menu with the only item “Multi Upgrade”...
  • Page 15: Login To The Sensor

    The menu buttons allow the user to switch between the four main views “Live”, “Analytics”, “Config” and “Status”. The purpose of these views is described in their respective chapters 3.2.8 to 3.2.11. These buttons are disabled when logged out and in the setup wizard mode (see next chapter). 15 / 99
  • Page 16 3.2.13. The “Expert Mode” is not documented in this manual as it is reserved for expert use only. Xovis strongly recommends to NOT USE the expert mode at all as changes made with the expert mode can cause the sensor to become unresponsive.
  • Page 17: Setup Wizard

    GUI language. The wizard can be started by clicking “Start”. At any step of the wizard, it can be ended by clicking “Cancel”. The setup wizard can be re-started anytime in the config view (see chapter Network settings & Identification 17 / 99
  • Page 18 DHCP or a fix IP address. If not using DHCP and the IP settings have been applied already by using the Xovis Sensor Explorer (see chapter, it is recommended to double check the network settings here. Optionally, a name and group can be specified for the sensor.
  • Page 19 In the succeeding screen, the scene image can be rotated by 180 degrees if desired. This can be of use if the user’s sense of the scene view differs from the orientation of the mounted sensor. The orientation is applied by clicking “Next”. 19 / 99
  • Page 20 “Floor” tool or by pressing [Esc] on the keyboard. After finishing a floor area, one is asked to name it (see Figure 20). A default name is proposed. 20 / 99
  • Page 21 The whole polygon can be moved by clicking and holding the mouse within the floor mask area and moving it to the desired location (drag-and-drop). 21 / 99
  • Page 22 This step can be skipped for standard PC2 devices being installed below 4 meters height and not in use in a multisensor. 22 / 99
  • Page 23 If the average person size or the sizes printed on the bubbles within the scene seem to be unrealistic, a correction can be applied. For this, the toggle switch in the “Correct person 23 / 99
  • Page 24 The average person size uses the maximum height of each person detected within the scene, so it is more representative. After verifying the person sizes, any correction is applied to the sensor after clicking “Next”. Setup the counting items 24 / 99
  • Page 25 Scene view controls The scene view offers several controls which can be helpful when setting up the counting elements. The first control, the video checkbox, allows to activate or de-activate the live video. 25 / 99
  • Page 26 This path map can be of great use while drawing the counting elements properly as the displayed paths help the user to identify the areas where tracking actually occurs: Figure 25: Pathmap helps to identify the actual tracking while setting up the counting elements 26 / 99
  • Page 27 Whenever using the maps for proper analytics, and especially with low bandwidth, it is highly recommended to use the “visualization maps” instead, as they are based on persisted, sensor-stored data. See chapter for more details. 27 / 99
  • Page 28 A line is finished with a second click on the last corner, by a double click to create the last corner, by disabling the drawing tool “Line” or by pressing [Esc] on the keyboard. After finishing a line, the user is asked to name it. 28 / 99
  • Page 29 “Zone” tool or by pressing [Esc] on the keyboard. As with the count lines, after finishing, the user is asked to name the count zone before it gets automatically added to the scene element list. 29 / 99
  • Page 30 (e.g. count line behind a count zone). Clicking again on the element or selecting another element will unmark it again. The vice-versa procedure is also supprted, i.e. hovering and selecting the scene elements within the scene view. Figure 31 shows an example: 30 / 99
  • Page 31 Figure 33: Delete a scene element When clicking on the trash bin icon, the user is asked to confirm the deletion of the specific scene element: 31 / 99
  • Page 32 Figure 34: Switch count line orientation When clicking on this icon, the specific count line switches its orientation. Thereby the arrow indicating the lines forward direction will appear on the other side of the line, indicating that the counting direction changed: 32 / 99
  • Page 33 These parameters are explained in the following two chapters, Count line configuration and Count zone configuration. Count line configuration The count line configuration displays the following dialog: Figure 36: Count line configuration 33 / 99
  • Page 34 Deactivation zone The deactivation zone toggle allows to enable the use of any zone as a deactivation zone for this count line: 34 / 99
  • Page 35 In the following, several examples demonstrate the difference between the two count modes and the effect of an associated activation/deactivation zone: Counts In/out Late Forward Backward 0 Figure 37: Count mode example 1 Counts In/out Late Forward Backward 1 Figure 38: Count mode example 2 35 / 99
  • Page 36 All persons showing a height smaller than this defined minimum height will not lead to a count on this count line. This can for example be of use for excluding children to be counted. 36 / 99
  • Page 37 Therefore the counting can fist be done when a person gets deleted. Count zone configuration The count zone configuration displays the following dialog: 37 / 99
  • Page 38 When set to “On”, a minimum and a maximum dwell time have to be specified. Persons dwelling for a shorter time than the minimum dwell time set here are not considered for dwell time statistics. Same with the maximum dwell time. 38 / 99
  • Page 39 No restrictions. Live video of the scene as well as tracking is shown without any restrictions. Only a still image of the scene is shown, no video stream. This still image can be refreshed on request. Tracking is shown without restrictions. 39 / 99
  • Page 40 No image information is shown at all. The scene background is just displayed as a white area. Tracking is shown without restrictions. No image information and no tracking information is shown. Only the counting values are updated. 40 / 99
  • Page 41 Sensor Master Key (SMK) has to be specified: The Sensor Master Key is unique for every sensor and is provided together with the corresponding order invoice. Alternatively send a request to Finishing the wizard When the privacy mode is set, the wizard will be finished by clicking on “Finish”.
  • Page 42: Live View

    3.2.8 Live View The live view is the default landing page after logging in to the sensor or after finishing the setup wizard. Figure 42: Live view 42 / 99
  • Page 43 15 minutes is shown. The displayed values are updated every 3 seconds. If no valid dwell times of a zone have been measured in the past 15 minutes, the dwell time of a count zone will be displayed as “n/a” (not available). 43 / 99
  • Page 44 For count zones, in case the data persistence feature has been activated (see, the occupancy as well as dwell times are available. The individual charts for occupancy, dwell time statistics and dwell time distribution are accessible by selecting the respective tab: 44 / 99
  • Page 45 Xovis provides the “Xovis Validation Viewer” tool to analyze validation recordings offline. The recordings are split into several sequences of 5MB. Use the Xovis Validation Viewer to visualize the sequences belonging together (it can be downloaded from the Xovis Customer Portal).
  • Page 46 A configuration change of any count line will not stop a pre-scheduled validation recording, even though it is already ongoing. By saving a new configuration the sensor stops a currently running recording and starts a new one immediately after completion of the saving process. 46 / 99
  • Page 47 A single sequence file can be downloaded by clicking on it. To analyze a complete recording, all sequence files should be downloaded in one directory. The Xovis Validation Viewer can then interpret all these single sequence files as one recording and display the recording accordingly.
  • Page 48: Analytics View

    All participating singlesensor slaves need to also have data push configured if common provisioning of these files is desired on the remote side. Please see the Xovis Validation Viewer manual to learn how to evaluate validation recordings offline. 3.2.9 Analytics View The analytics view contains two boxes named “Persisted count data”...
  • Page 49 When choosing a granularity and period which would lead to more than 400 data points, a warning message will be displayed and the granularity will automatically be reduced to the next coarse value that will lead to 400 values at maximum (see Figure 43). 49 / 99
  • Page 50 All settings are also applied to the CSV export, e.g. the chosen granularity and period. Count zone charts When displaying the persisted data of a count zone, a tab navigation offers three types of charts: 50 / 99
  • Page 51 For example, when selecting a “5 minutes” granularity, the bin from 9:00 to 9:05 will contain the occupancy level of the persisted value from 9:04 to 9:05. 51 / 99
  • Page 52 “1 minute” the data from the stored 1 minute values are combined. For correct statistical combination of these dwell times, the sensor internally stores the number of persons for each 1-minute value and uses a weighted average. 52 / 99
  • Page 53 Compared to the "live maps" from the Live view and Config view, the visualization maps shown here are not influenced by network connectivity and therefore hold a complete and accurate representation of the tracking situation. 53 / 99
  • Page 54 Based on this it is now possible to see how the start / stop points have been generated over the time. The sensor holds the past 10’000 points and will replace the oldest point with a new one when the limit is reached. 54 / 99
  • Page 55 The averaged map will then show a clear slope. It also helps to validate a proper calibration of the sensor (heights differ too much from excepted value). The colors are explained in the legend on the side. 55 / 99
  • Page 56 Multisensor visualization maps After configuring a multisensor according chapter “ Multisensor” a third analytics bar appears: There are the same features accessible like for a single sensor: Start / Stop points 56 / 99
  • Page 57: Config View

    The config view allows the complete configuration of the sensor. However, it is usually recommended to configure the sensor using the setup wizard (explained in chapter 3.2.7). The config view is divided into four parts: Control buttons 57 / 99
  • Page 58 The “start setup wizard” button allows to re-start the setup wizard at any time. When clicking this button, the user gets asked to choose to either start the wizard with the currently applied settings or by first resetting the sensor to the factory-default configuration: 58 / 99
  • Page 59 After pressing this button, the user is asked to confirm the requested reboot. When clicking “OK”, the sensor will reboot which usually takes about 2 minutes. The following dialog will be displayed: 59 / 99
  • Page 60 Clicking on “Export” leads to a download of the sensor configuration file. Depending on the browser settings, the file is automatically downloaded to a default folder or the user gets asked where to save the file. 60 / 99
  • Page 61 Please be aware, that the configuration currently applied to the sensor will be completely overwritten by the imported configuration. If the file trying to import is not a valid Xovis PC-sensor configuration file or the configuration is not applicable to the sensor, the user gets notified by a respective message dialog: 61 / 99
  • Page 62 “counts” list. The blinking small green dot displayed in the upper left corner of the “Scene” box indicates an intact connection to the sensor. 62 / 99
  • Page 63 Other than during the setup wizard, the floor masks can now be deleted also. Please refer to the mentioned chapter to learn more about the “Scene elements” box. 63 / 99
  • Page 64 This section allows to manage the data push capability of the sensor. Using data push, the sensor can automatically inform a remote point about count data, person coordinates, sensor status or validation recordings. These data can be pushed using HTTP(S) and (S)FTP. 64 / 99
  • Page 65 When pushing using HTTP(S), only the URL needs to be specified. The URL requires to declare the protocol which can be http:// or https://. Please refer to the RFC 3986 declaration to learn more about URL format. Figure 47 shows an example of count data push configuration using HTTP(S): 65 / 99
  • Page 66 Figure 47: Example configuration for pushing count data to remote destination This setup will push count data of 1 minute granularity every hour to with a custom URL parameter “auth”. The “test” button allows to instantaneously test the connectivity to the remote destination.
  • Page 67 The sensor supports up to 8 data push agents. A configured data push agent can be removed by clicking on the “remove” button on the right side of every agent. As with the whole config section, changes to the data push configuration are first applied when pressing the “Save” button. 67 / 99
  • Page 68 Using the “manual data push” functionality now, the count data of these past two weeks can now be pushed to the remote side manually. Manually pushing count data allows the user to specify the desired period to push: 68 / 99
  • Page 69 0.5 s 2.5 s Person coordinates do not support manual push as these data are not persisted on the sensor. Please refer to the API documentation to learn how to receive and parse person push data. 69 / 99
  • Page 70 Additional plugins can be added by clicking on the “Add Plugin” button. In the subsequently dialog, the plugin identifier can be entered. After adding the plugin, the sensor will reboot. Please contact Xovis to learn more about all available plugins and the respective plugin identifier, if you are interested in evaluation.
  • Page 71 For the case that both accounts, the Administrator and the User, use the same password, the Administrator user will be logged in. 71 / 99
  • Page 72 When logged in as Administrator and the User account is enabled, the “Users” section presents a “Disable account” button to disable the User account again (see Figure 50). Clicking on it will instantaneously disable the user Account. Figure 50: User account enabled 72 / 99
  • Page 73 The sensor reset requires the Sensor Master Key (SMK) to be entered: Please refer to chapter to learn more about the Sensor Master Key (SMK). Attention: Resetting the sensor will erase any configuration and data and set back the sensor to the factory default state. 73 / 99
  • Page 74 To allow the communication with the Remote Management Server just enter its URL/IP and the polling interval. For any further details about the Remote Management Server please refer to the dedicated documentation. 74 / 99
  • Page 75 Add a sensor by clicking “Add slave” and specify its IP. When leaving the IP field, the wizard will try to connect to the slave sensor and check, if the slave is ready to become part of a multisensor. 75 / 99
  • Page 76 Privacy Mode is set to 0 or 1 If one of those conditions is not met, an error message will inform the user about the reason. In this example the IP was wrong and after retrying the sensor availability was confirmed. 76 / 99
  • Page 77 When all slaves are added, clicking “Next” will bring up the stitching page. The automated stitching is based on tags which have to be placed underneath the involved sensors with a distance between each other of minimum 1 meter. Xovis provides a PDF-file (Xovis_multisensor_stitching_tags_v2.pdf) containing a set of 30 predefined tags, each one to be printed on an A3-sized paper sheet.
  • Page 78 After clicking on the button “Next” the master sensor performs the stitching and confirms it with the following popup: After clicking “OK”, the GUI is reloaded. The “Live” and the “Config” tab now contain a “Multi- Sensor” and a “Single-Sensor”-View. 78 / 99
  • Page 79 Counts The section “Counts” will show the counts of the count lines and zones of the multisensor. 24h activity The section “24h activity” will show the activities of the last 24 hours with 15 minute granularity. 79 / 99
  • Page 80 Likewise when configuring a Single-Sensor, a multisensor allows to draw up to 8 count lines and zones by using the same drawing method. The drawn multisensor element will be shown in the section “Scene Elements”. 80 / 99
  • Page 81 The sections “Settings”  “Multisensor” contains a list of all involved sensors with their IP address. Furthermore, the multisensor stitching wizard can be restarted here and the multisensor can be deleted permanently. 81 / 99
  • Page 82: Status View

    The configured level of privacy (Level 0 – Level 3) Sensor temperature The sensors temperature in degrees Celsius The illumination status of the scene in which the sensor is Scene illumination operating, can be “ok” or “insufficient” Sensor tilt The current tilt of the sensor 82 / 99
  • Page 83 122 days. When using 2 count lines, both line values are stored for 61 days and so The date stated after “since” represents the oldest data available on the sensor for this count item. Version The “Version” box holds a series of version information of the sensor: 83 / 99
  • Page 84: Firmware Upgrade

    The sensor allows to easily upgrade its software / firmware. The installation of firmware upgrades can be done by clicking on the “Software Upgrade” menu entry in the context menu (see chapter 3.2.6): The following dialog appears: 84 / 99
  • Page 85 “Upgrade” button will get enabled. Clicking on it will start the upgrade / installation procedure. The following dialog will be displayed: By clicking “Reconnect”, the web GUI will automatically poll the sensor to observe when it is back online and then automatically reconnect the web GUI. 85 / 99
  • Page 86: Extended Analytics

    The “Stereo image” box shows the actually processed depths image of the sensor. This can help to verify the scene-calibration: If the floor is not colored blueish or shows a slope in coloring, this indicates a false calibration. 86 / 99
  • Page 87: Configuration Changes From Another Client

    It is recommended to reload the new configuration to be up to date with the latest sensor configuration. This can be done by just clicking on “Reload new configuration” in the dialog. 87 / 99
  • Page 88: Connection Warning

    UI will not be updated at all. However, switching between the tabs (Live, Statistics, Config, Status) and changes to the configuration can still be made. However, saving the configuration changes will not succeed until the connection is established again. 88 / 99
  • Page 89: Troubleshooting

    Figure 53 shows an example for both of these situations. The left image (a) shows a scene with a big mirroring wall on the left and an information column on the right bottom. The right image (b) shows the same scene with exclusion masks applied. 89 / 99
  • Page 90: Taboo Masks

    Such influences can for example be caused by: Signboards or monitors mounted within the sensors view  Unstructured or mirroring walls  Dark regions in strongly inhomogeneous illumination situations  90 / 99
  • Page 91 Note that, other than with floor masks, taboo masks usually cover slightly more than necessary. This is important due to the fact, that disturbing artefacts which are masked out by taboo masks show inexact dimensions and can slightly slop over their actual region. 91 / 99
  • Page 92: Example For Mask Differentiation

    When using a blue mask, the complete area covered by this mask is cleared, i.e. shows no information anymore. The sensor is blind in this area. This leads to the fact, that not only the 92 / 99
  • Page 93: Placement Of Dwell Zones

    Tracks that are created or deleted within the zone are not considered by the dwell time analysis. The below image shows three tracks A, B and C: 93 / 99
  • Page 94 As shown in the figures below, the activation of start/stop points can be useful in order to optimize the dwell zone placement. 94 / 99
  • Page 95: Time Synchronization Mechanism

    For optimal dwell time analysis, the dwell zone has to be placed inside the sensor’s tracking area. Time synchronization mechanism The below flow diagram describes the time synchronization behavior depending on power or internet connection loss. 95 / 99
  • Page 96 Are you setting the time manually now? Was the power break only short, e.g. a power cut only? NTP time sync => Quite valid time, Invalid time, time is valid synchronization synchronization recommended required 96 / 99
  • Page 97: Technical Data

    Data retention of 122 days in total, divided by the amount of count lines in use Plugin architecture The sensors functionality can be extended by various plugins which run directly on the sensor. Xovis offers a list of all available plugins. 97 / 99
  • Page 98: Certificates / Tests

    Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. 98 / 99
  • Page 99: Custom Integration

    Custom Integration Xovis offers the possibility to access raw sensor data directly by a platform independent API and thereby provides an easy way to integrate Xovis sensors into third-party applications. Detailed information on the sensor interface and custom integration can be found in the API documentation.

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